Chapter 160 Asuka VS Excess Card!!

The curve was not so easy, Asuka directly overturned, the person fell to the ground, and the D wheel skated several meters.

You Ran immediately stopped: “Are you alright?” ”

Asuka got up from the ground and patted the dust on her body: “It’s okay, it’s good to be wearing a duel suit, otherwise you may really be injured.” ”

“It’s okay if it’s okay~, can you continue?”

“Of course.”

Asuka knew that she couldn’t rest, and speeding up the harmony was not an easy move to master, so she had to hurry.

Knowing that there might be others with excess cards, then Asuka needs the power of this Stardust warrior even more, otherwise it will be a shame if she can’t make it to the final.

An hour after Yuran taught Asuka to practice, a man came over in a D wheel.

This person is one of the people who got the excess card last night, his name is Akira Kato.

“Beauty, it’s not interesting to just take a ride, or duel with me.”

Asuka felt that the atmosphere was quite good, and suddenly someone came to disturb it, which made people not very comfortable.

You Ran felt that it was ineffective to practice all the time, and it was okay to take a break occasionally: “Asuka, since someone came to you, don’t want the puzzle cards sent to your door.” ”


Asuka replied with a smile, then looked at Akira Kato, “Then how do you want to come?”

I only have six puzzle cards now. ”

“Then I want all six of your puzzle cards.” In addition, we bet on two rare cards, what do you think? ”

Kato Akira spoke very confidently.

Can’t compare to Asuka?

“Yes, I agree.”

“Then come on, duel.”

“Ladies first, I’ll let you attack first.”

“Then I’m welcome.”

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counters on both sides become one.

“I usually summon a 2-star scrap crusher, and then when I have a scrap monster on the field, I can specially summon this 4-star scrap slave in my hand to the field.”

“I use the 2-star scrap crusher and the 4-star scrap follower to tune the stars, summon in the same tune, come out, stardust charged warrior.”

“When this card is summoned successfully, I can draw a card from the deck and draw cards. Then I cover two cards and end the round. ”

“My turn, draw cards.”

Looking at his hand, Kato smiled triumphantly.

“I activate the magic card, the angel’s almsgiving, draw three cards from the deck, and discard two more cards.”

“Then I activate the effect of the backing dragon in the graveyard, and when this card exists in the graveyard and there is no card on my field, I can specially summon this card and the dragon monsters below four stars in my hand. This effect specially summons this card from the field when it leaves the game excludes. ”

“I revive the Backdragon and the Special Summoned Dragon in the cemetery.”

“The two four-star monsters don’t have star adjusters, can it be said…”

Asuka immediately understood something.

“It’s too late to react. I use the four-star backing dragon and the four-star Lan dragon stack, build a stacking network with two monsters, oversummon, come out, NO82 Heart Garden Little Dragon. ”

“It’s NO card again, how can these guys get NO cards so easily.”

“You Ran thinks it’s strange.”

“I unleash the permanent magic card, the pain of the strong. This card allows you to multiply the monster level by 100 points when the monster attack power on the field decreases. Your Stardust Charged Warrior is six stars, so attack power drops by 600 points. ”

Asuka’s Stardust Charged Warrior Attack Power suddenly became 1400 points.

“Then I launch a quick attack magic card, double tornado, discard one hand, and only launch it against up to two magic trap cards on the field, I destroy your two cover cards.”

“At this moment, I launched the covered trap card, the roar of fear, this turn, you can’t launch an attack declaration.”

“Count you lucky.”

Kato knew that this round of attacks was hopeless, but at least he didn’t waste excess material.

“I can also summon normally this turn. So I usually summon DMZ dragons. Activate the effect of the DMZ dragon, once a turn, with a dragon monster under 4 stars in your graveyard and a dragon monster on the field as the object to launch, the card of the graveyard as the object as an equipment to increase 500 attack power equipped on the monster on the field, I chose the backing dragon in the graveyard to equip on NO82 Heart Garden Little Dragon, so the attack power of the Heart Garden Little Dragon becomes 2500 points. ”

“Then I cover a card and end the round.”

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counters on both sides became 3.

“The pain of that strong man is really troublesome.”

Asuka has a headache, so all her monsters have to drop their attack power level the higher the more they fall, which is not a good sign.

Originally, if a satellite warrior could be summoned, Asuka could destroy the suffering of this strong man according to the effect of the satellite warrior.

But Asuka does not have a four-star star contender monster in her hands and cannot be summoned.

“I activate the magic card, the Force. Choose the Heart Garden Dragon on your field to reduce its attack power by half. ”

The Heart Garden Dragon has changed from 2500 attack power to 1250 points.

“Then the falling attack power value rises to my Stardust Charged Warrior, so the Stardust Charged Warrior’s attack power changes from 1400 to 2650 points”

“Fight, I use the Stardust Charged Warrior to attack your Heart Garden Little Dragon.”

However, at this time, Asuka found the problem: “I can’t actually choose your Heart Garden Little Dragon Attack?” ”

“Of course.”

Kato kindly explained, “The effect of the Heart Garden Dragon, when there is a magic card on the field of this card to indicate the existence, you can’t use this card as an attack target. ”

“Then I’ll attack you DMZ Dragon with Stardust Charged Warriors. The attack power of the DMZ dragon is, so you have to take more health damage. ”

“I won’t let you succeed, I’ll launch the covered card, the Fairy Wheel.”

“When there are two monsters on your field that indicate the existence of more than one monster, you can’t choose the monster with the lowest attack power as the target to attack.”

“I can’t choose the DMZ dragon as the target of attack, nor can I use the Xinyuan dragon as the target of attack, that is…”

“That’s right, you can’t attack.”

Kato Akira smiled triumphantly, in this way, Asuka only had to be beaten passively.

“It’s actually a combination like this.”

Asuka knew she couldn’t attack.

Since you can’t attack, you can only give up.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

When Asuka announces the end of the round, the attack power of the Stardust Charged Warrior becomes 1400 points, and the attack power of the Heart Garden Dragon changes back to 2500 points

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counters for two people became 4.

“I activate the high-speed magic card, and the harmony is removed. When I have more than two high-speed counters on the field, I can get control of your consistent monster until the end of the round. ”

“You only have one Stardust Charged Warrior on the field, so I don’t seem to have a choice.”

Kato Akira said this with a strange yin and yang, which makes people uncomfortable when they hear it.

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