Chapter 165: Zach Appears!!

Half a month passed quickly.

You Ran found that no one was really looking for him.

During this time, during the time that You Ran accompanied Asuka to practice accelerated harmony, Asuka had four or five people coming to her every day to duel, but You Ran had no one to look for.

Asuka now has 180 puzzle cards, and Yuran is still the same as the previous 36 puzzle cards.

Now there are not fewer and fewer duelists on the viaduct, but more and more, because duelists from all over the world have come to sign up.

That night, Yuran was still as usual, and at ten o’clock he and Asuka ended today’s trip.

When Asuka returned to the hotel, she went to the snack bar opposite the hotel for a late-night snack.

John, Ryo Maruto and the others came back at this time and came over for a late-night snack together.

You Ran is very leisurely every day, but several people have a lot of duels every day, so they are used to eating something at night to fill their stomachs, and by the way, everyone can talk about the harvest of the day ~ comes.

After a few people ate skewers for half an hour, Jiren and Jianshan returned.

Logically speaking, everyone is used to eating late-night snacks in the past half a month, and basically they will come back at ten o’clock.

Jiren and Jianshan have a large amount of rice, and they rarely arrive late, and it is very rare to be late today.

Seeing that the two of them had finally returned, Shidai shouted happily: “You two hurry up, don’t come and eat something, we’re all leaving.” ”

For the greeting of the ten generations, the two people did not have any attitude and sat down…

Usually the two people are quite cheerful and optimistic, every night when they eat supper, they eat and drink the sea, but now after the two people sit down, they have no intention of eating, and at a glance, they know that there must be a problem, Xiang asked: “Jiren, Jian Shan, what’s wrong with you, why don’t you look particularly good, did you lose in today’s duel?” ”

“Don’t mention, I met a duelist today, the strength is very strong, and half of the puzzle cards that I finally won during this time were won.”

“Isn’t it, Jiren, you were won half of the puzzle cards? The other party must be very powerful to propose such a duel, you are not such an easy person to take risks, how can you agree to such a duel. ”

Xiang was taken aback.

Several people know that the jiren has not won puzzle cards during this time, although not every duel can be won, but each time the stakes are not too large, at most four or five puzzle cards will be won or lost each time.

After a lot of hard work, I finally managed to get one hundred and fifty sheets, but I lost so much today, don’t you feel sorry?

“I was also won by half.”

Jian Shan also said with a bitter face.

“You lost half too? Could it be that after Jiren lost, Jian Shan did you want to avenge him? Then you are too impulsive. ”

Junko thought so unconsciously.

Because under normal circumstances, one person loses half of the puzzle cards, and the other person must be much more cautious, so it must be Jian Shan who challenged the other party again in order to avenge his partner.

“No, it was the two of us against one and then the two of us lost.”

“What, you two fight against one and then lose the duel?”

This time, the ten generations, Ryo Marutō, and John were all very surprised.

Jiren, Jian Shan is not a very weak duelist, and among the people participating in this duelist, it is considered a duelist of intermediate or higher level.

After those previous duels, they won some rare cards, and their strength improved a lot, in this case, how can they lose two against one.

Even You Ran was curious.

So far, You Ran has not played a two-on-one duel because You Ran feels that the risk of two-on-one is too high.

Two against one, the opening game is six cards against twelve cards, and ordinary people dare not play like this.

You Ran estimated that a strong deck like Seahorse would not dare to play like this.

Duelists who dare to challenge such a challenge are really very daring.


Jian Shan sighed: “This person’s strength is really super strong. ”

“What’s his name?”

John asked curiously.

“We don’t know what it’s called.”

“Then what monster is he using?”

“He’s using a homological monster, as if… By the way, it’s a chapter called Phantom Wing Homological Dragon Card, Sword Mountain, I’m not mistaken, right? ”

“Yes, the power of this Phantom Wing Homological Dragon is too strong, terrifying.”

“Phantom Wing Homological Dragon, does the International Illusion Society issue this card?”

John Maruto Ryo and the others looked at each other.

Because there is a duel, the cards issued by the International Illusion Society need attention.

This phantom wing homology dragon has never heard of it at all.

However, when several people were puzzled, You Ran looked at the two people in surprise: “Are you two sure?” Is it really a phantom wing homology dragon? ”

You Ran’s surprised expression made everyone present very strange.

“The two of us are sure, You Ran, do you know this card?”

“Yes, You Ran, is this card very powerful?”

Several people saw You Ran so moved for the first time.

The reason for your emotion is certainly not because of this card.

This card is very strong, it is indeed very strong, but it is not remarkable.

The real problem lies with the owner of this card.

At this point in time, You Ran feels that there should be no You Wu, then the owner of this card is Zack who has not yet been blackened.

Of course, You Ran couldn’t show that he knew a lot: “This card is very powerful, I have heard of this card before, it is a legendary homological card, the same as the three polar gods of the astral realm.” The duelists who can get this card are quite good. ”

You Ran put it another way.

If it was really Zach, You Ran felt that this Duel King match was getting more and more dangerous.

“Have you seen that duelist?”

“Didn’t see clearly because he was wearing a helmet. But his card is indeed this card, really super powerful, that card can be activated when our monster effect of more than five stars, invalid and destroyed, and increase the attack power of our monster destroyed to the attack power of the Phantom Wing Homological Dragon, if you encounter it, you must be careful. ”

The collector immediately reminded several people.

“Not only that, if the five-star monster targets this Phantom Wing Homological Dragon, this Phantom Wing Homological Dragon can also launch another invalid destruction effect. If you destroy a monster, you can also increase the attack power of our monster. ”

“Invalidating the effect of monsters, you can also increase the attack power to your own monsters, and you can activate this effect twice, no wonder you say that this is a legendary homological card. It’s truly powerful. ”

Such a strong effect is indeed not to be underestimated, and the people present firmly remember that if you encounter this duelist, you really have to be careful.

“Forget it, anyway, at least you still have half of the puzzle cards, and you haven’t been disqualified because of this, so don’t care too much, if you meet again next time, just have a chance to win back, eat something first.”

Shidai opened his mouth to comfort the two people, hoping that the two would not be lost because of this.

Suddenly lost so many puzzle cards, two people are not lost.

The two people knew that it was useless to continue to lose now, so they turned their grief and anger into appetite and began to eat.

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