The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.


After the white light of the air, Luo Bai seemed to have his soul taken away, his whole body was weak and shaky.

Seeing this, Felina rushed over to catch him.

"It's okay..."

The moment she felt the body temperature in her arms, she breathed a sigh of relief, but when she saw that [Bai] was poisoned, her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

"Big idiot..."

"Let's go home."

Felina slowly carried [Bai] on her back, took out two thick ropes from her waist, and tied him up firmly. Their small base had sufficient medical equipment, and they could still save lives by sprinting!

[Don't leave]

Just as she took a step, a robot blocked her way and said in a cold tone.

[According to the Alliance Law]

[All people must clear their memory of the lines]

The Alliance believes that all people who have seen the lines may remember the patterns instantly with strong memory, and everyone is suspected of [illegally spreading the lines].

Only believe in AI.

Everyone firmly believes that AI has no self-awareness, one program and one action, mechanical and rigid.

"Get out of here!" Felina roared at the robot.

Her muscle fibers grew instantly, her pupils became dilated like a beast, emitting a cold and sharp gaze, and tough bronze scales began to grow on her body.

[Please cooperate with the work]

The armed robot raised its gun and warned that they had no [fear] emotions and were not intimidated by the breath of dinosaurs, unless the leader of the mechanical race came in person.

Felina remained silent, looking around, thinking about the best retreat route.

[Please cooperate with the work]

[Please cooperate with the work]

[Please cooperate with the work...]

It seems that [Violators] have been detected, and robots began to gather around Filina.


[Forced Arrest]

"Pah! Pah!" Several electric beams sprayed.

Filina's pupils dilated instantly, and she blocked her face with the sickle as if in a stress reaction.


The imagined electric shock paralysis did not happen, and a ball of blue phantom wrapped her.

Several sword lights flashed, and the muzzles of all armed robots were cut off. Then the dragon roared, and the golden dragon soul roamed in the void, and the robots surrounding them were shaken away.

"Let's go first." The sword girl said to Filina in a deep voice.

Brother Tianwei also laughed heartily: "Thank my little brother for me, hahaha!"

Filina nodded, said nothing more, and ran towards her own small base.

The captain of the alliance army noticed something strange, turned around and looked at the two people's clothes, his eyes were unfriendly: "You two, your master should have told you that you can't interfere with the affairs of the world."

"Captain..." He Chengnan wanted to say something.

"Don't talk." The army captain interrupted, and then pressed a few times on the supercomputing ring.

A new batch of armed robots with stronger firepower rushed forward, and some ran to chase Felina.

"The master has warned." The face of the sword girl was pale, her voice was weak, but she burst out with a firm look, "The master also said..."

"Walking in the world."

"You must be moral!"

"Resonance!" The sword girl and Tianwei brother shouted in unison.

[Sword Master. Moye]

[Tianwei Dragon. Forgive Panlong]

Two fighting spirits appeared, and the unique deterrence of the Phantom Dragon Clan burst out with amazing momentum.

"Are you two overestimating your combat power?" The captain of the alliance army said coldly.

Countless forces were pressing forward, including the magic card master formation of the [Company], the intelligent war police of the [Center], the mercenary group of the [Organization], and the special elites of the [Frontline Army].

In addition, there was the giant robot [Judgment] built with billions of dollars of heavy investment by the [World Exchange].

Three thousand to two, the combat power of both sides was not at the same level at all.

"I never thought I could come out alive!"

The girl in white stepped forward with her sword, fighting with her back to the water.

"You are just bullying the few with your numbers." Yimi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

There was no trace of tension in her voice, and it was very leisurely.

She looked down at her hands, sometimes clenched her fists, sometimes let go, as if she was confirming the [strength].

In addition to suppressing the [resonance] of the magic card master, the ruins light curtain will also suppress some more terrifying forces that may affect the [rules].

"We are just bullying you because we are numerous." The leader of the alliance army waved his hand and said coldly, "Arrest them all!"

"Those who disobey will be executed on the spot!"

With an uproar, all the troops marched forward in unison, with great momentum.

Yimi seemed not to hear it, staring at his palm, and suddenly his expression relaxed, a little silly: "

Oh, I'm back."


One hundred thousand purple shadows emerged from the palm of his hand, connecting the dead.

The corpses of humans and wild beasts all over the ground slowly stood up, making hoarse and dull roars. Mummies that had died for many years broke out of the ground, including dragons, hedgehogs, wild beasts, lizards, witches...

"What is this..."

The alliance army retreated in fear and huddled together.

Yimi rode on the dragon's back, flew high into the sky, opened his arms, as if hugging something.

"Game on! "

The world suddenly became strange and terrifying, with dark clouds, lightning flashing across the sky, thunder roaring and deafening, the originally peaceful earth began to tremble, mountains collapsed, rivers flowed backwards, and the sea boiled.

A white-faced puppet as tall as a mountain fell from the sky.


A deep red halo descended, the earth rumbled, and millions of [Shadow] armies were hanging in the sky.

God Shadow. Nephilim

"Evil God...Evil God!"

The people on the ground were facing doomsday, fleeing in panic like ants, their eyes full of fear, and their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

"Evil God! "

The faces of several frontline soldiers turned grim, and they fired wildly into the air. The bullets fired strangely became single shots, and the magic card master was shocked to find that he could only sense one magic card.

The wound cannot be healed.

The mecha cannot be assembled/created.


The faces of the allied soldiers turned gray and their eyes were filled with doubt as they looked at the wound that could not be healed.

"What the hell is going on..."


The wailing and roaring sounded throughout the night.

One million versus three thousand, the combat power of both sides is not at the same level at all.

[God Shadow. Midrash]

Reincarnation: Yimi (proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and is determined to blow up the [tree])

[World Destruction-Shadow]: [Midrash] gains control of the bodies of all the dead.

[World Destruction-Derivative Prohibition]: When [Midrash] is present, the halo covers the range , prohibiting all [derivatives], including [healing], [creation], [fertility], [combination]...

[World Destruction-Effect Breaking Resistance]: [Midrash] will not be destroyed by various [effects].

World Destruction Level [Deterrent Aura] (lost): Not affected by effects below the level of Earthquake, will not be released by them, will not be forced to leave the field, and the combat damage received is reduced by 99%.

Mage Clan Leader (lost): Controlling the Magic Clan Card Spirit does not require crushing magic cards, nor does it require consuming Ena, immune to the damage of the Magic Clan Card Spirit, and can limit and interrupt the [Sensing Qi], [Spiritual Communication], and [Resonance] of the current magic card master.

"Will we meet again..."

Yimi stood on the back of the dragon, looking at the direction where [Bai] was going away, thinking.


New Spirit Calendar 568, the [Ritual] of the Ruins Guard made public.

In the same year, [Mysterious Man] published the duel disk structure model and the source code of the intelligent referee online.

In the 571st year of the new spiritual calendar, the first batch of duel disks were put into civilian use.

In the 573rd year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists in Bian Tana exceeded 10 million.

In the 580th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists worldwide exceeded 50 million, and the [Dueler Network] created by the Alliance came into being.

In the 585th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of [Celebrities] holding epic cards exceeded 100.

In the 602nd year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists worldwide exceeded 100 million. In the same year, the first batch of [Profane Cards] flowed into the public, and the number of duelists saw explosive growth.

In the 612th year of the new spiritual calendar, the world-destroying disaster [Abyss] descended.

In the 668th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists worldwide exceeded 500 million. In the same year, [Alliance] The first [Dueler League] was held, and social resources were redistributed according to the performance of each fortress league.

In the 706th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists in the world exceeded 1 billion. In the same year, humans recovered 30 first-level fortresses occupied by wild beasts and launched a counterattack.

In the 717th year of the new spiritual calendar, the world-destroying disaster [AI Awakening] came.

In the 815th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists in the world exceeded 2 billion. In the same year, humans no longer found [relics], and distorted patterns no longer had [reproductions]. The [Alliance] further controlled the pattern management.

All [blasphemers] were surrounded and eliminated.

In the 835th year of the new spiritual calendar, the world-destroying disaster [Star Relics] came.

Wild beasts led by the insect tribe invaded in large numbers. Human magic card masters were too careful about magic cards because the patterns were no longer reproduced. This disaster caused a total of 520 million casualties.

In the 922nd year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists worldwide exceeded 2.5 billion...

Magic card resources continued to be scarce, wild beasts counterattacked, and humans began to focus on the research of soul machines.

In the 944th year of the new spiritual calendar, the world-destroying disaster [Electronic Revolution] came, and the duelist network collapsed for a whole year. The disaster swept 3.5 billion people and caused

170 trillion economic losses.

The number of epic cards stopped growing, and the annual increase and consumption were almost equal.

[Active] Number of epic cards: 148

In the 1015th year of the new spiritual calendar, the number of certified duelists worldwide exceeded 3 billion...

Two hundred years have passed since the last discovery of the ruins, and the distortion of the lines has become extremely serious. The average price of extraordinary-level [stock cards] has exceeded 3 million.

The alliance has further tightened control over [lines].

The [job-hopping price] of epic cards has reached the billion level.

In the 1048th year of the new spiritual calendar, Luo Bai traveled through Bian Tana with the [blasphemous card], holding a total of 12,456 [evil god lines] with [story value].


Luo Bai slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

"It's really a dream, and it's quite real..."

He muttered to himself, stuffing the card [Bonds of Compatriots] in his hand back into the [Sideboard Box], and suddenly glanced at the time on the supercomputer ring, and he was stunned.


"Just a nap, half an hour is gone?!"

When I woke up, I found that KC still had half an hour left, and the ranking was still 6th, but TOP had gained a point. Now the difference between the two was more than 3,000 points. If there was no doubles, it would take half an hour to win four games in a row.



Unbound Realm-Rebirth Shop, the world-destroying card [Reversal of the Present World and the Underworld] is charged 2/3.

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