The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

"One less man..."

Luo Bai opened the card deck and made a table and made some adjustments.

"One less Siren..."


"Four empty card slots."

Two [Planet Transformation], one [Stupid Burial], and one [Stupid Sub-Burial], done.

It's like there's no limit.


[You received an administrator message]

A message popped up in the upper right corner of the client.

"Administrator?" Luo Bai was slightly stunned, "People from the Alliance?"

The other party had a gentleman's avatar in a suit.

【Hello, I am the Vice President of the World Trade Fair】

"What's the matter?"

【I believe you should have seen the restriction list】

"Why, do you want me to thank you?"

【We have no ill intentions】

【The lines will be more reasonably regulated if they are handed over to the alliance】

【Of course】

【The reward we give will definitely not disappoint you】

"Oh——" Luo Bai suddenly realized, "I understand."

First suppress through the restriction list and the exchange, and then throw out an olive branch.

Beat a stick and give a candy, the technique is quite skillful.

"Not for sale."

【Don't you want to hear the price? 】

"Do you have a wife?" Luo Bai suddenly asked.

The other party was stunned for a moment and replied: [Yes]

"Then what price would you offer for selling your wife?"

"Ten million? Or one hundred million?"

After this, the other party was silent for a long time.

[This is your best chance]

[The restriction list has been released, the value of the Pearl Tear Elegy Clan will only continue to decline]

"Do you think these three strikes can kill the Pearl Tear?"

[Will it not?]

"My suggestion is to hit it with twelve more strikes."

"Too healthy, I'm not used to playing it."

When Luo Bai said this, the opponent was obviously stunned and didn't respond for a long time.

The Alliance Headquarters Forum is about to be destroyed by the release of this restriction list. Under great risks and pressure, we must suppress the KC champion and then take the opportunity to acquire the [Pearl Tear] pattern.

But the opponent seems to think that the restrictions are not strong enough?

[Are you really not selling?]

After a while, the vice president finally reacted.

[If Siren is reluctant to part with it, we will also take Gray Liuli]

"Wow..." Luo Bai was a little surprised by this, "You actually took a fancy to [Gray Liuli]..."

In fact, he only used it once in the entire KC, when he played [Electronic Dragon] and was a little blue, silently preventing a world-destroying disaster.

"Good vision."

[Cooperation is pleasant...]

"But I refuse."

The atmosphere was silent again.

At this moment, a loud mechanical voice sounded.

[The written examination of Bian Yuelong Senior College is about to begin, please enter on time]

"I have something to do, bye."

After saying that, Luo Bai did not wait for the other party to reply, and directly closed the online duel client and opened the magic card exchange.

Sold all the water attribute mechanical element beads in his hand, cashed in more than 3 million, and then withdrew the cash to the supercomputing ring.

The whole process took less than a minute.

No need to go through any intermediary agency.

"It's really convenient." Luo Bai couldn't help but sigh.

Supercomputing ring, the greatest invention of Biantan, a mechanical bracelet embedded in the skin, looks similar to an electronic tattoo.

His thoughts could not help but go back to the time when he first crossed over.

He fled in the underground city, fainted due to exhaustion, and when he woke up, he had this bracelet on his hand. There seemed to be a silver-haired girl squatting in front of him, and three skewers of grilled chicken wings...

"I don't know why she wants to save..."

"Forget it, I'll ask you if I meet you again."

Luo Bai gave up thinking and pushed the door open.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Melonika dancing in the corridor, black ballet, with a smile on her face that could be seen with the naked eye.

"One million, one million..."


Halfway through the black ballet, she met Luo Bai's sight.

Suddenly embarrassed, her smile froze, half of her face was red, and she was smoking.

"Morning, morning..." She said nervously in a mosquito voice, "Old, teacher..."

"Hehe, so happy?" Luo Bai raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Your KC score is pretty good, right?"

"Hehe." Melonika said happily, "I'll treat you to dinner after the exam!"

"I'll tell you a secret..."

She glanced around, approached stealthily, and said in a low voice.


She still remembered the favor of the high-purity blood pack worth 50,000 yuan.

"Okay, okay." Luo Bai said casually, "Great."

"I wish you a smooth test."

In fact, the KC scores of both of them have been

I have been recommended.

It's just an assessment process to facilitate the division of classes in the college.


The two clapped their hands and walked out of the card shop together.

The morning sun was particularly pure, not blocked by dust or pollution, and passed through the gaps in the leaves, casting mottled shadows.

For the past three days, Luo Bai has been going between the college's affiliated card shop and the Wangsheng Store.


The scene of the crowds in front of him made him feel as if he was in another world.

At the entrance of the college, candidates in neat clothes gathered in line. Some checked their memos on their mobile phones, some kept flipping through their notebooks, and some were still chatting about KC, with low laughter and anxious breathing intertwined.

[Please show your rare card]

When it was Luo Bai's turn, the smart guard spoke.

The ticket to participate in [Social Recruitment] is a rare card.

Luo Bai nodded, took a [Crystal Machine. Amethyst Dragon] and put it at the designated inspection port.

As soon as the card was taken out, there was a burst of exclamations behind him.

"Fuck, it's so quick to get it!"

"The KC champion deck was only announced half an hour ago, and someone has created it..."

"I have one too, but mine is an R card."

"The price of the finished card of [Amethyst Dragon] has risen to more than 400,000."

[Crystal Artificer] has patterns in Biantana just like [Electronic Dragon], but it is more incomplete.

The main card does not have [Crystal Artificer Impact] and [Crystal Artificer Impact].

As for the extra, it is not that any one is missing, but only [Matrix Amethyst].


[This is your written test classroom]

The AI ​​guard took a thermometer-like thing and dripped it on Luo Bai's supercomputing ring.

The display projection soon showed a line of red words:

[Third Teaching Area C Building 512]

"Third Teaching Area...C Building..." After Luo Bai entered the academy, he looked up and looked around, trying to find the relevant words.

At first glance, he couldn't find it.

He wanted to ask someone, but most of the pedestrians around him were also looking around blankly. They seemed to be candidates, so he was not very familiar with them.

As he walked, he saw the back of a woman who was leisurely and at ease.

She was wearing a white coat, with her hands in her pockets, and walked slowly, almost like she was looking at the scenery.

"She should be a student."

Luo Bai thought for a while, walked up to her and patted her shoulder, and asked politely: "Hello, classmate, may I ask..."

Just when she turned around.

Their eyes met, and they were both stunned.

Chaotic and trivial memories flooded into his mind.

Snake cave... poisonous fog... shouts... trapped people...

"The witch... a blow..."

Luo Bai frowned and shook his dizzy head.

"Hello, classmate."

Yimi smiled meaningfully and stretched out his palm.

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