The game was a long one, but the game was a long one.

Years later, Yilan still couldn't sleep when she recalled that game.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

She punched the person next to her!

"My turn..." Luo Bai pressed his hand on the deck.

His breathing was rapid and his fingers were trembling slightly.

The current four cards in his hand were two black crystals, one lemon crystal, and one [Test of Courage Race], which were basically useless cards and could not bring victory.

Can I draw that card?

"Can I draw it..." Luo Bai muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a firmness flashed across his eyes and his fingers stopped trembling.

"Our [story] has just begun!"

"Draw a card!"

Luo Bai glanced at the newly drawn card, his pupils constricted, and entered the main stage.

"Summon [Crystal Artificer - Nexus Black Crystal]."

"I will sync the level 3 [Nexus Black Crystal] with the level 6 [Armored Skeleton]!"

"War Trampling!"

"Synchronize Summon!"

"Level 9, [Scorching Silver Machine Dragon]!"

(Extra used: 9)

"Exclude the Black Crystal in the graveyard, activate the effect of [Scorching Silver Machine Dragon], and destroy [True Light]!"

When [True Light] is sent to the graveyard, it will have a mandatory effect, destroying all monsters on the field of Yilan.

"Too naive!"

Yilan waved his hand and shouted: "Chain C2 to activate [True Light], special summon [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] in the graveyard, C3 releases [Blue-Eyes Elf Dragon] to activate, special summon a Dragon-Type Light Synchro Monster other than itself from the Extra Deck."

"Special Summon!"

"Ten Thousand Dragons Command!"

"[Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon]!"

The giant wings vibrated, and the silver dragon with the power of command soared high in the sky again.

C2 effect processed, [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] revived from the graveyard, C1 [True Light] was destroyed by the effect of the machine dragon and sent to the graveyard.

"Open another chain."

"C1 [True Light], C2 [Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon]."

Yilan's eyes burst into a cold blue light: "Until the end of the next turn, the dragon monsters on our side will not be the target of the effect, nor will they be destroyed by the effect."


[Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon] roared to the sky, and a few clear sounds were heard. The protective aura spread to the five dragons on the field, forming five light shields.

C1 [True Light] blasted the whole field effect, and thunder fell from the sky, hitting the five dragons, but was blocked by the light shields, and the five dragons were unharmed.

[Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon, 2500/3000].

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 3000/2500].

[Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon, 3000/2500].

[Abyss Blue-Eyes Dragon, 2500/2500].

[Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon, 3400/2900].

Even the dragons have an attack and defense of more than 2500!

Five dragons are pressing down, covering the sky and the sun.

All are resistant to the majesty!

Will not be targeted by effects, will not be destroyed by effects, and both attack and defense are more than 2500...

(People outside the field are completely dumbfounded)

(Chen Xinxin: It's over...)

(Eva/Wan Ji: Without [Restriction Release], we can't win)

Luo Bai looked up at the five dragons, no longer as ambitious as before, and his heart was extremely calm.

The opponent even had 4000 LP full health.

He didn't bring any cards that could increase his attack, such as [Restriction Release], [Concentrated Current], and he didn't have any additional terminals like [Zero Ouroboros] that could increase his attack.

He didn't have any violent board clearing for the dragon clan like [Ge Bing Li Yue].

"Can we win this round..."

"Less than 1% probability..."

Luo Bai looked at the deck, there were still 15 cards, and after filtering the deck, there were still about 10 cards, and he had to draw the target card continuously.

"Give up." Yi Lan said suddenly, his tone no longer so sharp.

"You can force me to this point."


"I should be the one to say this to you." Luo Bai smiled.

"Playing a novice promotion match, I was forced to this point."


The air was solemn, and self-mockery rose.

"I would like to call you the strongest novice!"

"And I will be promoted to Bronze 5!"

"Activate the effect of [Amethyst Dragon] in the graveyard!" Luo Bai shouted resolutely, "Search [Lemon Crystal Dragon]."

This is just a simple compression of the deck.

The entire deck no longer has the Crystal Machine family.

At this point in the game, there is no way back.

"Exclude the Green Crystal Turtle from the graveyard and special summon the Black Crystal from the hand."

Yilan was really confused: "What are you struggling for? It's all in vain."


I know." Luo Bai smiled slightly.

"A true duelist will not flee from the battlefield!"

[Let's make a contract]

The ethereal voice of a child sounded again in Luo Bai's mind.

Luo Bai was slightly stunned.

He closed his eyes and responded in his sea of ​​consciousness: "Okay, let's make a contract."

[The contract is done]

[Thank you]

Luo Bai opened his eyes with a ripple in his pupils. He raised one hand high, and his voice was as cold as a machine, and as clear and pure as the sea water.

"Appear, open up the circuit of the future!"

The turquoise square water wave light curtain descended.

"I will set the link mark between [Scorching Silver Machine Dragon] and [Central Black Crystal]!"

(Yilan's pupils shrank: This breath, could it be...)

(Chen Xinxin: Huh?)

(Wan Ji/Eva: No way, this energy reaction...)

"Collapse, the hub of the world."

"This era, it's time to go berserk! ”

“Link Summon!”

“See the real rumbling!”

“Link2, [Crystal Mind - Inherited Fiberglass, 1500/-2]!”

Crystal Mind - Inherited Fiberglass

(Extra Used: 10)


Just as Luo Bai put the card into the duel disk, the system crashed and malfunctioned, making a short-circuit-like electric sound.

But the duel continued.

The world was like a half-broken, loose chandelier, swaying and flickering.

In an instant, the light and shadows were chaotic, and the earth rumbled, as if a disaster had come.

“What’s going on! "Wan Ji exclaimed, and the other spectators looked at each other in bewilderment.

They had never heard of a duel system crashing.

The viewing interface flickered and stuck, like a poorly made horror movie.


The viewing screen was gray, and from time to time, there were hoarse and stuttering voices, like the whispers of vengeful spirits.

"Phantom Beast Machine... Hundred-Headed Dragon..."

(Additional Used: 11)

"[Super Librarian]..."

(Additional Used: 12)

"[Softball Cupid]..."

(Additional Used: 13)

"...Effect, draw a card..."

"[Star Righteous Green Corridor Beast]..."

"[Super Thunder Dragon- [Thunder Dragon]..."

(Extra Used: 14)

"[Reloading Barrel Ferocious Dragon]..."

(Extra Used: 15, All Players Appear)

At this moment, the system was finally repaired, and the sound on the viewing screen became clear.

The spectators looked at the additional [Technology Attribute. Super Librarian], [Reloading Barrel Ferocious Dragon], and [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] on Luo Bai's field, and were speechless for a moment, stunned in place as if struck by lightning, and their worldviews collapsed.

"What are these monsters..."

"And there is a card draw effect..."

"What kind of monster did he connect to..."

"What happened in this process? !"

Yilan's eyes trembled, and his lips slightly opened: "Who are you..."

Luo Bai on the duel field ignored her, his face condensed, calmed down, and pressed his fingertips on the deck: "Synchronize summon of Ferocious Dragon is successful, [Super Librarian] effect is activated, I will draw another card. ”

“One tenth…”

“Respond to me…”

“Destiny Draw!”


Luo Bai glanced at the newly drawn card, waved his hand, and shouted resolutely: “Battle Phase!”

“[Reload Barrel Ferocious Dragon, 4050/2500] attacks [Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon, 3400/2900]!”



Yilan LP: 4000-3350.

“[Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon, 2600/2400] attacks [Abyss Blue-Eyes Dragon, 2500/2500]!”

God’s thunder descends from the sky.


Yilan LP: 3350-3250.

Luo Bai opened the face card and said: “Activate [Crystal Artifice Shock], Special Summon [Matrix Citrine], and then reduce the defense of all monsters on your field to 0! ”

“[Matrix Citrine, 500/500] attacks [Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon, 2500/0] (Defense)!”

Citrine swung her little iron fist: “Ha~ Bang!”

Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon exploded.

“Then how are you going to deal with the rest?” Yilan said coldly, her body tense.

She still had Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon on the field, and Luo Bai only had [Super Librarian] left to attack.

“Quick Attack Magic, [Magnetic Regeneration].” Luo Bai showed a card in his hand and said calmly.

(Yilan/Chen Xinxin/Wan Ji/Eva: R-level general use?)

No one expected that in such a high-level duel, a general use magic trap card with a rarity of only R-level would appear.

“This card can Special Summon a Machine-Type/Rock-Type monster that cannot be Normally Summoned from the Graveyard or the Banished Zone.”

"Come back!"

"[Crystal Artifact - Orochi]!"

"[Orochi, 3000/3000] attacks [Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 3000/2500]!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Laser shells and dragon breath intertwined, both died.

"Quick Attack Magic Card [Magnetic Regeneration]." Luo Bai's voice was hoarse, like an evil spirit.

"Second shot."

Yilan's eyes widened, as if he finally realized the seriousness of the problem. [Magnetic Regeneration] did not have a card name limit of one time per turn.

"Come back again!"

"[Orochi, 3000/3000] attacks [Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon, 3000/2500]!"

Laser shells and dragon breath intertwined again, the mighty light and artillery fire intertwined, and the flames of war completely ignited the wilderness.

Both died again.

All five dragons were destroyed!

The red side's battlefield was empty.

"【Super Librarian, 2400/1800】Direct attack!"

Magic missiles blasted out!


Yilan LP: 3250-850.

Everyone held their breath and stared at Luo Bai's final move.

"This is the end."

"Quick Attack Magic Card [Magnetic Regeneration]."

"The third shot!"

"Once again, stand up!"

"【Crystal Artifact - Central Serpent】!"

With a humming sound, the earth shook violently, and the golden giant mecha stood on the earth again.

"【Central Serpent, 3000/3000】, direct attack!"

"Da da da da da."

The shoulder, palm and back guns were all activated.

"Boom boom boom!"

Energy gathered, full firepower!

Yilan smiled bitterly, his hands drooped, and he slowly closed his eyes in the bombing area.


Yilan LP: 850-0.

[Winner is]

[Blue Team]

The voice of the intelligent referee resounded through the sky.

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