The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Luo Bai stared at the man who was 100% similar to him in disbelief. He looked at him in height, body shape, and facial features. The deep sea became a mirror with an extra self.

"What on earth is this..."

His heartbeat quickened and his breathing became rapid. He felt as if he was in a dream.

An inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. Luo Bai stretched out his hand slowly towards him. There was blood on the corner of his mouth. There was a trace of shock and confusion in his dying eyes. When their eyes met, they breathed heavily and could not speak for a while.

"You are..."

He tried his best to open his mouth and wanted to ask something.

The weak hand slowly raised, trying to touch Luo Bai in the soul state in front of him.


The cockpit collapsed, and an iron pipe passed through the soul state of Luo Bai and penetrated his chest.


[He] vomited a mouthful of blood.

The incident happened suddenly. Luo Bai opened his mouth slightly and stood stiffly in place. The fierce blood splashing sound came from [him], which was particularly harsh in the silence. The chill climbed up his spine, and there seemed to be an invisible force in his throat that suppressed the shouting.

"Help... Help..."

[He] seemed to feel no pain, raised his hand and pushed the iron pipe towards Luo Bai, allowing the cold iron pipe to rub against the hot and damaged chest, cutting out pieces of flesh and blood.

"Help... Help... We..."

Accompanied by a painful groan, [his] trembling fingers finally touched Luo Bai's cheek.

But touched nothing.

Falling powerlessly.

[He], dead.

[Crystal Mecha - Yuzu Phoenix] lost contact with the driver's brainwaves, the control system was deactivated, the engine hum gradually stopped, the crimson armor light dimmed, and it stopped struggling in the snake-like strangulation of [True Dragon Emperor Bahasu. Commander].


The left knee was strangled.

[Help us]

The ethereal child's voice sounded again, more anxious than before.

"How can I help..."

Luo Bai looked around, his brain working fast, trying to do something, but he was just a soul and couldn't touch anything.


[Let's fight together]

A consciousness sounded in his mind.

Luo Bai and the dead [him] suddenly burst into a white light on their chests at the same time, and half of a broken blank card with the word "white" printed on it floated out one after another. It was the one he had worn since he was a child!

The two broken blank cards wanted to attract each other and merge into one.


A fierce white light illuminated the deep sea, and the body of the Yuzu Phoenix quickly heated up, exploding with strong heat. The surrounding seawater instantly boiled, and [True Dragon Emperor Bahasdu. Commander] was burned, wailed, and quickly released the strangulation.

Suddenly, Luo Bai opened his eyes suddenly.

With an iron pipe stuck in his chest, he became the dead [him].

At the same time, in [Unbounded Realm-Rebirth Shop], the dead [him] replaced Luo Bai and fell to the ground powerlessly, holding the [Crystal Machine] card in the psychic tightly in his hand.


Teacher Tony was frightened and screamed wildly, put down the cat food and rushed over.

He frantically wanted to release the card in Luo Bai's hand and interrupt the [psychic].

But it really didn't have enough strength, and couldn't pull Luo Bai's fingers apart, and couldn't bite them.

After the exchange between the [living soul] and the [dead soul], during the spiritual communication, if the exchange is not made within five minutes, the [living soul body] will suffocate to death, and the [living soul soul]-Luo Bai will never come back.

In the endless deep sea.

The living soul-Luo Bai occupied the dead soul body, and his eyes were dizzy. The iron pipe pierced his body and blood dripped onto the ground like water.

But it doesn't matter!

He couldn't feel the pain!

Five minutes, that's enough!


Luo Bai laughed wildly and broke the iron pipe. His excited nerves reconnected with the Yuzu Phoenix. The body instantly became red and hot. The hot steam forced Bahasu back, but his left knee had been twisted off and the power system was damaged, making it difficult to stand up.


Luo Bai roared loudly in the cockpit, his mouth full of blood and his face was hideous.

The group of [Crystal Mecha] monsters outside the body are called upon, their eyes glow, they split and reassemble themselves, and the gathered wishes will turn into a new power.

[Matrix Citrine] and [Amethyst Dragon] merge into [Crystal Mecha - Matrix Amethyst].

[Quantum White Crystal] and [Smoky Crystal Tiger] merge into [Crystal Mecha - Quantum Corundum].

[Matrix Amethyst] and [Quantum Corundum] fly towards [Yuzu Phoenix]

, repair the damage, and form a new knee.

"Once again..."

"Stand up!"

Luo Bai controlled the Yuzu Phoenix to slowly stand up. The body emitted a blazing light and a hot flame. The pair of sharp and bright eyes on the head of the mecha shone with a resolute light through the heavy mask.

The temperature rose suddenly, and the sea water boiled violently!


The hot steam dispersed everything around the body, and the abandoned iron ship melted under the high temperature. In an instant, the seabed turned into a lava purgatory.

Luo Bai controlled the Yuzu Phoenix to elbow back, tightened Bahastu's abdomen with his left hand, locked its spine with his claws, and exploded with a bang!


A sharp and piercing wail sounded.

Then, Luo Bai pulled out his left hand, hugged its head with both hands, pressed down, and raised his leg to knee it!


He then followed up with a hook punch to its damaged face.


Bahastul rushed out of the water with strange screams and wails, raising a ten-foot-high wave.

It spread its huge white wings, and the dark clouds in the sky turned into a black hole, with lightning and thunder.

The huge red mecha Yuzu Phoenix also stood on the water surface, and the white water vapor evaporated by high temperature rushed into the sky. The violent waves caused a tsunami, submerging all nearby islands and ships.

"Roar!" Bahastul roared angrily, his face ferocious.

Its posture was completely out of control, causing the sea to shake violently.

Yuzu Phoenix raised its hand and clenched its fist to parry the fierce impact.

When the two crossed, Bahastul opened its huge mouth and bit Yuzu Phoenix's arm. Yuzu Phoenix sprayed hot flames from its back, instantly burning its teeth and forcing it to loosen.

"You like to bite, right!"

Luo Bai roared fiercely.

Controlling Yuzu Phoenix, inserting the entire palm into Bahastul's throat.

"Then let's eat our fill!"

"Ka-ka-ka!" Several mechanical gun barrels opened in the palm of his hand, and the flame patterns gathered red energy.


The flames and water splashes intertwined in the darkness, devoured, and exploded.

Instantly, dazzling sparks and earth-shaking roars broke out.

The flames sealed the sky, as if...

A phoenix took off.

Bahasu let out a painful wail, and his huge body struggled violently in the deep sea. His scales were blown up, and his blood spread in the water, dyeing the surroundings red, and gradually lost its life.

The deep sea regained its calm, and the red mecha stood in the ruins, with victory and fearlessness condensed in his body. In the vast deep sea, the last trace of remaining flames came out of his fists and gun barrels.

The fire gradually dimmed until it went out.

Luo Bai's face turned pale, and his mental strength could no longer hold up, ending the exchange between [living souls] and [dead souls].


[Crystal Robot - Yuzu Phoenix] fell powerlessly, causing a huge wave, and fell into the deep sea with [True Dragon King Bahastu. Commander], drowning in the darkness.

The world was silent for a moment, as if nothing had happened.

Every time a world-destroying disaster occurs, there are always unknown warriors who sleep in the abyss with the enemy.

There is no singing, no commemoration, and no one to engrave.

Only Yina witnessed the [story], which was recorded on the holy stone tablet in the form of lines.

A ray of sunlight passed through the deep sea and illuminated the holy stone tablet next to the damaged golden mecha, and the lines slowly appeared.

Its name is——

[Crystal Robot Impact].

Crystal Robot Impact

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