The two of them thought to themselves: "What kind of game is this?"


"Well, let's continue the duel." Luo Bai coughed and turned the topic back.

"I pay half of my life points, exclude the graveyard excitement, activate the effect of the spike dragon queen, and treat it as the same effect of [Dreadnaught Dragon Excitement]..."

"Send the sickle dragon and pterosaur of the deck to the graveyard..."

A heat surged in my heart.

A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in the Transformed City:



"This is our domain!"

"This is our era!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Dinomorph Crazy Dragon. Tyrannosaurus Rex, 3000/0]!"

As soon as the last syllable fell, an invisible energy surged in the air, and then the ground shook violently, sparks flew, and a huge beam of light shot up into the sky.

After the beam of light dissipated, a mighty mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex with a full metallic texture and tens of meters high stood solemnly beside Luo Bai. It let out a dull roar, and a dazzling pattern halo surrounded its body.


So handsome! ! !

LP: 4000-2000-1000.

"Well, you can continue to operate."

Luo Bai suppressed his excitement and waved at her.

Chen Xinxin on the other side just stood there without reacting, as if she was in a trance, muttering:

"It's over, it's over, another epic card..."

Her mind was in a mess, and she could hardly remember her last name. She wanted to buy some time, but she didn't know how to buy some time without offending anyone.

"Then, then I..."

She said tremblingly.

"Activate the magic card [Dragon Sword], and retrieve a Sword monster from the deck."

Luo Bai ignored her and let her take it.

Chen Xinxin showed a [Sword Advisor - Dragon Abyss, 1200/2300] and said: "I discard [Sword Advisor - Tai'a] to activate the Dragon Abyss effect, special summon it to the field and generate a [Sword Token]."

"Synchronous Summon..."

"Wait a minute." Luo Bai raised his hand to interrupt.

It's time to take care of it. Synchro Dragon will burn 1200 HP, but he only has 1000 HP left. He can't afford it. Dragon Abyss Graveyard is in effect, and even the Tyrannosaurus Rex can't do anything about it.

"I pay half of my HP and activate the Trap Card [Dragon of Horror. Cruelty] to destroy the Scythe Dragon and your Sword of Mirrors on my field."

LP: 1000-500.

Why didn't she use Dragon Sword of Mirrors last turn when she has it?


Just drawn it?

Luo Bai complained in his heart.

Chen Xinxin frowned and pursed her lips.

The only Adjuster was blown up, and the Synchro Summon was interrupted.

The resentment was rising...

"Then I activate the Magic Card [Sword of Mirrors of Great Spiritual Peak] to Special Summon [Sword of Mirrors - Taia] in the Graveyard."

"Activate Taia's effect..."

"Wait a minute." Luo Bai raised his hand again.

"When the Hurricane Tyrannosaurus Rex is on the field, you cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field with attack power higher than my life value."

"My life value is 500."

"You cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field with attack power higher than 500."

"What did you say?!!" Chen Xinxin blurted out in disbelief, and then quickly covered her mouth, fearing that she would offend her senior by being rude.

This effect is too outrageous!

Monsters on the field with attack power higher than 500 cannot activate effects...

It's too much...

How can I play this!

The resentment continued to soar...

"That's right!" Chen Xinxin suddenly thought of something, opened the face card and shouted:

"I discard a card and activate the face-down trap [Cause and Effect Cut], banishing your Hurricane Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"Wait a minute." Luo Bai raised his hand for the third time.

"What are you going to do again!" Chen Xinxin finally couldn't hold it anymore, stomped her feet wildly, and felt mad and wronged.

What politeness and respect, all thrown behind her.

Luo Bai didn't care about her. A true duelist only had cards and duels in his eyes!

"I pay half of my life points and activate the face-up card [Dinomorph Mad Dragon Sonic], negating it and destroying [Cause and Effect Severance]."

LP: 500-250.

"Then, destroy my Spike Dragon Queen."

"At this moment, I activate another effect of Spike Dragon Queen. When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon a level 4 or lower Dinomorph Mad Dragon monster from the Graveyard."

"Come back!"

"Special Summon, [Dinomorph Mad Dragon. Scythe Dragon, 1500/0]!"

"Activate the effect of Scythe Dragon. If this card is successfully summoned/special summoned, you can set a Dinomorph Mad Dragon Trap from your deck."

"I set... [Dinomorph Mad Dragon Alarm]."

After doing all this.

Luo Bai waved at her like nothing happened, and said leisurely, "Okay, you can move on."


He seemed to hear the sound of someone clenching his fist.

This fist-clenching sound.

It made him miss the "happy times" in the store when playing cards turned into Mortal Kombat.

"No way, are girls so fragile now..."

"Can't stand it?"

Seeing Chen Xinxin lowering her head gloomily, Luo Bai had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"This one was bombed, and this one was invalid..." Chen Xinxin lowered her head, her face gloomy, her voice choked, "The effect is not allowed to be released..."

You can't curse.

She couldn't help it for a moment, squatted down, and hugged herself.

"Wu hum hum~"

She cried loudly because of grievance.

"Wow~ No way." Luo Bai was shocked when he saw this, and thought it was not good.

After playing cards for so many years, this is the first time I made someone cry, and it was a girl.


She was pretty cute when she cried.

After two more times, I feel that I can cry a little longer.

Chen Xinxin sniffed and bit her lips to force herself to suppress her tears.

Finally, she couldn't stand the grievance anymore, and pressed the [Surrender] button in a rage.

Just pressed the surrender button.

Dad Chen Wencheng and Fortress team member Zhou Gu rushed into the room. Seeing his daughter's crying face, Chen Wencheng was confused and anxious:

"What's going on?"

Chen Xinxin sniffed, pointed at the computer screen and choked up, "You can see it for yourself."

See it for yourself?

Chen Wencheng frowned, clicked on the duel record, and reviewed the game between Chen Xinxin and Luo Bai.

"New tricks?"

During the duel, you can't see the information of both parties. Only after the duel, you can see the basic information of the opponent. Luo Bai still has the classic new tricks avatar frame.

"Two epic cards..."

After seeing Luo Bai use two epic cards in a row, his face began to look wrong, his forehead wrinkled tightly, and he focused on the battle in front of him.

"Contact other team members to suspend training and come to watch the game." Chen Wencheng said to Zhou Gu without turning his head.

"Uh... yes!"

Zhou Gu was stunned and responded, pressing the phone to contact other team members, breathing a little hurriedly, it seems that he has not recovered from the two epic cards.

"And you!" Chen Wencheng turned his head to look at Chen Xinxin, and scolded with a sullen face, "Do you know that it is very impolite to surrender casually?"

"You didn't even say the basic goodbye words."

"What if I offended my senior?"

The Duelist League does not allow surrender, and painful electric shocks are mounted. As long as people are conscious, they must bear it.

In online battles, people with a little fame must pay attention to duel etiquette, and surrender must first say goodbye words such as "Happy duel" and "Thank you for your advice".

As the captain of the fortress team, Chen Wencheng represents the entire Cangyuange Fortress. Everything he does with this ID is very important. If the other party is narrow-minded and uploads the fact that he has no duel etiquette to the league network, it will have a reputational impact on the entire fortress.

In Bian Tana.

Monster Duel is no longer just a game.

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