
Chapter 009

You Long is also wearing a mask and can’t see the specific appearance, but Tony Titan can still roughly judge his age and determine that he is just a student.

“Hehe, dare to come and fight with me at such a young age, it seems to be a stunned young man who pursues excitement, fortunately, the young man’s duel accumulation is weak, and his heart is poor, and he must be vulnerable after being hypnotized by me, it seems that he can finish work early today!”

Tony Titan shook the one-eyed triangular cone in his hand, and his heart was overjoyed.

He clearly saw that the body of the dragon was trembling slightly, obviously already frightened.

“Feel afraid, stupid boy, it’s too late to regret now, once the dark duel starts, you can’t interrupt it, otherwise you will directly suffer the punishment of the devil!”

Tony Titan warned with a sly smile.

However, in the next second, he realized that something was wrong.

The other party does not seem to be trembling with fear, but laughing!

The dragon was happy when he saw the shape of the triangular cone: “That’s it? Isn’t it a thousand-year-old building block model with a light bulb, and dare to take it out to impersonate a dark prop? ”

However, the light emitted by this object, combined with the swing frequency of Tony Titan, does have a dizzying effect.

You Long didn’t dare to really take it lightly, no longer giving the other party the opportunity to make a trick, and directly took out the True Red Eye from his pocket.

“You deliberately chose the night of the crescent moon that you couldn’t see your fingers, and you chose such a gloomy ghost place, in order to create an atmosphere of dark dueling, you really planned it.

Since you yearn so much for dark duels, let’s see what a real dark duel looks like! ”


The True Red Eye shone with a dazzling blood-red light, enveloping both the Peregrine Dragon and the Tony Titan in an instant.

After the light dissipated and his vision recovered, the dragon found that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

No longer that black rumbling abandoned brick factory, but a strange little space.

This space is a hemispherical body with a diameter of about tens of meters, the ground is paved with dark stone slabs, and the edges and domes are dazzling blood-red wall membranes, and the surface is densely covered with vascular twisted lines, constantly exuding steaming heat, making people involuntarily manic.

Tony Titan also came here, standing twenty meters away opposite the dragon.

“Where is here!”

When Tony Titan saw the surrounding scene, he was immediately shocked.

“What trick is this kid playing? Is there some unknown trick? It seems that I met a colleague, but this method can scare me! ”

He didn’t believe that the surrounding scene was real, but it was some kind of virtual technology, and immediately rushed to the edge of a small space, wanting to expose the means of the dragon.

But before he could get close to the blood-red wall membrane, a roaring black flame burst out of the wall membrane, which made him let out a miserable scream, which frightened him and ran back to his place.

You Long looked at his embarrassed appearance and urged: “What you said nonsense just now, there is no mistake, once the dark duel starts, it can’t be interrupted, don’t waste time, obediently start this duel that gambles on your soul!” ”

“Impossible! You, you are actually a true dark duelist! ”

Tony Titan lost his voice.

The mood of luck had long since disappeared, and now his heart was filled with fear.

Tony Titan couldn’t have imagined that he, a fake dark duelist, met a real dark duelist today!

What a bad luck!

At the same time, he also found that the counterfeit thousand-year-old building block in his hand and the gas tank hidden in his coat had disappeared, and the only items that followed him into this space were the duel plate and card set.

His off-market trick won’t work either!

However, Tony Titan was a villain who had been swimming in the darkness of society for many years after all, and instead of collapsing due to his situation, he quickly calmed down, clenched his teeth desperately, and secreted adrenaline madly, and actually forcibly suppressed his fear.

“Even if it’s a single duel, I can win you!”

Tony Titan’s bloodshot eyes burst with madness, and he roared

“There’s nothing scary about dark duels! As long as I win you, not only will I be safe and sound, but I will also be able to obtain your dark power-ups and become a true dark duelist! My deck is top-notch and I have gained far more experience than you ignorant young man, so I have no reason to lose to you and you have no chance of winning! ”

You Long can see that this guy is hypnotizing himself!

Tony Titan didn’t care who had to start the first round first, and he drew his cards first.

“I’ll come first! My turn, draw! ”

His hand was obviously good, and after browsing the six cards in his hand, the momentum in his eyes became a little stronger

“Activate the field magic [Hall of All Devils – Devil’s Lair]!”


In the ear-shattering loud noise, countless Senran white bones appeared out of thin air, piled together under the wrapping of infinite demonic qi, and a huge nest of bones was built on the ground, and more white bones gathered towards the edge, condensing into a demon colossus with teeth and claws, which actually transformed this small space into a Nether Demon Cave!

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