
Chapter 025

On the top floor of the Obelisk Blue dormitory, there is an area where students cannot set foot and is rumored to be extremely mysterious.

In fact, there is nothing special here, the only thing is a telescope through which you can overlook half the college.

Professor Kulonos had just used it to watch the entire duel between Dragon and Asuka.

“Mamma Mi, the strength shown by You Long this time is actually more terrifying than when he was in the entrance exam!”

Kuronos said to himself with trepidation

“Professor Ben lost to him at that time, and he was really unjust.”

As You Long judged at the beginning, because he was a top student with both theory and practical excellence, Kuronos did not hate him because of the duel in the entrance exam, but also developed a heart of love.

In the eyes of Kuronos, the future of Yuryu is a character like Ryo Maruto, Duel Academy No.1!

As for leaving the dormitory at night to fight and violating school discipline, he didn’t care at all.

He would patrol the night every night and catch students who violated discipline, but there were only two people he would turn a blind eye to, and that was Ryo Maruto and Asuka.

Trespassing, night duels, absenteeism, all incompatible.


Because they are the best students of Duel Academy!

To put it bluntly, Professor Kulonos himself is the biggest rule breaker in the academy.

“Such a top student, staying in Sun God Huang is too aggrieved, should directly join our Obelisk Blue Dormitory!”

Kuronos rolled his eyes and started to make a crooked idea

“The position of vice president has been vacant, and the board of directors announced a few days ago that a professor will be promoted in the next academic year according to the inspection score, and if the sun god Huang has a dragon, Professor Huayama’s rating will definitely increase significantly, which is greatly unfavorable to me.

But as long as you can mention the dragon to Obelisk Lanlai, hum, that rating increase belongs to me! ”

Kuronos smiled treacherously and quickly devised a way:

“Well, the monthly exam in a month may be a good opportunity, this exam can affect the students’ dormitory level rise, when the time comes, let You Long show the strength far beyond the students in the same period, and then apply to the dean of Sajima, it should be able to let him smoothly transfer to the blue dormitory.”

By the way, he also used the exam to make some poor students appear in their original form, such as the foolish Maruto Sho, and the Yucheng Shidai who was almost late for the exam, and they couldn’t let them continue to stay in the academy! ”

He is the general manager of this year’s freshman entrance examination, and if he summons some poor students into the school, it will also affect his examination score in the end.


While Kuronos was playing his little calculation, Asuka and the others had already rowed the boat to the shore of the lake.

Instead of returning to the dormitory right away, Yuryu pulled a small cardboard box from the fanny bag where the duel tray was placed and handed it to Asuka and her girlfriends.

“This is the pudding made by Professor Huayama himself, he claims to be better than the professional pastry chef in the Blue Dormitory Restaurant, I think the taste is really good, so I took a few and gave you a taste, don’t dislike it.”

This was supposed to be a meeting gift when they met, but You Long felt that the gift would make the atmosphere too harmonious, causing the smell of gunpowder on both sides to decrease, affecting the intensity of this duel, so he took it out now.

The principle is that before some fighting matches, both fighters will deliberately rub some contradictions, but after the match, even if the fight is bloody, the two sides have to shake hands and make peace.

Looking at the pudding handed by Youlong, Asuka’s face showed a thick surprise, even more exaggerated than the expression after learning the effect of [Archaeosaurus].

And Junko and Baihui beside her couldn’t help but laugh into a ball.

“You two are also too fateful, even if you bring food to each other, you will save it until the end.”

“It’s just, it won’t be said in advance, right? Hahaha…”

Asuka glared at the two, narrowed her expression, and generously took the paper box from Yulong’s hand.

“Thank you, I heard that Professor Huayama of the Sun God Yellow Dormitory is a chef, and I have long wanted to try his craft, how can I dislike it.”

After speaking, she also took out a paper package and stuffed it to You Long: “This is the red wine chocolate taken from the welcome party, which is usually difficult to eat, so I brought you a few.” ”

You Long took the chocolate, and was also a little crying and laughing: “Thank you, it’s really a coincidence.” ”

It was getting late, and the dormitory was about to start roll call, so everyone did not continue to chat, said goodbye to each other, and returned to their respective dormitories.


After returning to his room, You Long did not immediately receive the mission reward, but looked at the chocolate in his hand and fell into thought.

It had nothing to do with Asuka, he just recalled some things from the past.

In his last life, when he played the game ace card, he would occasionally eat some chocolate. In fact, he doesn’t like to eat very much, but is just imitating the behavior of the protagonist in the movie God of Gambling eating chocolate in front of gambling cards.

It is also metaphysics, every time You Long eats, his luck when drawing cards will be exceptionally good.

In the past, he thought it was a coincidence, but in the magical place of Yu-Gi-Oh World, he was not very sure.

The successive generations of Yu-Gi-Oh powerhouses all have the ability to draw at critical moments.

Some are bloodline bonuses, some are duel elf assistance, and some are talented and lucky.

For example, the No.1 Maruto Ryo of the Duel Academy, that can draw three [Electronic Dragons] plus one [Fusion] and one [Fusion Dismissal] hanging ratio from the start.

“Then again, is it useful to eat chocolate?”

The dragon is ready to do an experiment.

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