
Chapter 086

“Damn, this round, I must take back the situation!”

In order to maintain the image in the live broadcast, Wan Zhangmu did not dare to wipe the cold sweat oozing from his forehead, gritted his teeth, and resolutely made a card,

“From the hand, usually summon the monster [Chaos Phantom]!”

Under the guidance of Principal Ichise, he finally chose some of the cards given by his brothers.

Faint sound……

A purple-black phantom silently appeared, slowly rotating in a monster area, forming a psychedelic and chaotic vortex.

[Chaos Phantom]: Four Star / ATK: 0 / DEF: 0 / Dark Attribute / Demon Race.

As soon as the summoning was completed, Manjomu activated the effect of this monster:

“Choosing an effect monster in the graveyard is excluded from the game, and until the end of the round, [Chaos Phantom] can be used as the monster’s namesake card, and get its attack power and monster effect!

I chose to remove [Armed Dragon LV5] of Graveyard from the game! ”

Laugh at……

In an instant, the purple-black phantom on the field underwent an incredible deformation, and in just a few breaths, a majestic phantom that was very similar to the armed dragon appeared.

[Armed Dragon LV5]: Four Star / ATK: 2400 / DEF: 1700 / Dark Attribute / Demon Clan.

Except for the number of stars, attributes, and races, all the data of the Chaos Phantom becomes exactly the same as that of the monsters.

“Next, activate the magic card [Level Up]!

Send the [LV] monster indicated on the side of the field to the graveyard, and send the monster described on that card to the special summon from the hand or deck regardless of the summoning conditions.

I sent the [Chaos Phantom] used as [Armed Dragon LV5] on the field to the graveyard, and summoned the evolved Secret Treasure Dragon – [Armed Dragon LV7] from the deck! ”


In the terrifying roar, the armed dragon incarnated by the Chaos Phantom gradually condensed into an entity, and at the same time, its size continued to increase and climb, exceeding eight meters in the blink of an eye.

The black and gray armor covered around the body became thicker and thicker, covered with hideous sickle blades, pyramids, and spiral spikes, and the tail was completely turned into a heavy tunnel drill, full of iron and blood power!

[Armed Dragon LV7]: Seven Stars/ATK: 2800/DEF: 1000/Wind Attribute/Dragon!

The effect of this monster is an upgraded version of [Armed Dragon LV5], and if you throw a monster card from your hand into the graveyard, all monsters with lower attack power than that monster on the opponent’s field will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, the remaining hand is not a monster card with an attack power of 2800 points or more.

But no problem, he has a safer way to deal with the enemy.

“For [Armed Dragon LV7], launch the equipment magic card [Dragon Shield Armor]! Equip monsters that won’t be destroyed by battles and card effects! ”


In an instant, more black and red metal armor was attached to the armed dragon LV7’s body, turning it into a war fortress.

Wan Zhangmu also decisively launched an offensive at this moment:

“[Armed Dragon LV7], attack the [True Red-Eyed Black Bladed Dragon] on the opponent’s field!”

“Boom boom-”

In the crazy roar of the engine, the semi-mechanized arms of the armed dragon rotated at high speed like wheels, turning into two giant circular saws that were enough to crack mountains and rocks, and blatantly cut towards the true red-eyed black-bladed dragon.

In the face of this terrible attack, Yulong did not use the cover card, allowing the other party to destroy his monster.

Although the attack power of both monsters is 2800 points, due to the effect of equipping magic [Dragon Shield Armor], [Armed Dragon LV7] will not die with [True Red-Eyed Black Bladed Dragon], and can still stand on the field.

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Wan Zhang’s expression was much better.

The Wan Zhangmu brothers in the audience finally showed a satisfied look.

“Quasi finally found the state!”

“Very good, let’s defeat the opponent all the way like this!”

However, both are laymen in card duels.

Manjomu had no hands left at the moment, and after completing his attack, he had to declare with trepidation: “My turn is over.” ”

Now, the round of the dragon begins again.

“My turn, draw!”

You Long first used the card he took back from the previous round,

“Summon the monster [Legendary Black Stone] first.

Then send it to the graveyard as a sacrifice, activate its effect, and summon a [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] from the deck. ”


In the roaring black flame, a vicious dragon with black scales and blood-red eyes came out of the flames and flew into the ground.

[True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]: Seven Stars/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000/Dark Attribute/Dragon.

After completing the summoning, You Long finally opened the cover card on the field:

“Activate the trap card [True Red Eye Fang with Chain], this card can be used as an equipment card to equip the [True Red Eye] monster on the field.

Equipped monsters can attack monsters up to twice in the same battle phase. ”

When Wan Zhangmu heard this, he scoffed: “What is the use of two attacks, the attack power of the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] is 400 points lower than that of the [Armed Dragon LV7].

Even if you can use equipment magic to increase the attack power of [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] to more than 2800 points, my monster will not be destroyed by combat and effects! ”

However, You Long’s next words made his smile suddenly freeze.

“And what if I equip your monster to my monster?”

The corner of You Long’s mouth raised, and a smile also appeared,

“I sent the [True Red Eye Tooth with Chain] as an equipment card to the graveyard, and activated the second effect against the effect monster [Armed Dragon LV7] on the field.

Use it as an equipment card to equip my [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon], and let the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] gain its attack and defensive power.

Your armed dragon will become the armed of the true red-eyed black dragon at this moment! ”

“Bell! Clang! Bell—”

The metal armor around the armed dragon LV7 fell off one after another, flying towards the true red-eyed black dragon, all attached to its dragon body.

The data of the latter also changed at this moment.

[True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]: Seven Stars/ATK: 2800/DEF: 1000/Dark Attribute/Dragon.

This dramatic scene suddenly made Wan Zhangmu’s face as black as the bottom of a pot.

This incident is a comedy for You Long and most of the audience, but for him, it is a complete tragedy.

You Long directly declared at this moment: “Attack the opposing player!” ”

“Boom boom-”

In the deafening roar, the mechanically modified dragon arm of the true red-eyed black dragon rotated at high speed and crushed towards Manzhangmu himself.

This shocking blow brought him 2800 complete damage, causing his health to slide down to 800 points, which can be described as precarious.

The only thing that makes Wan Zhangmu rejoice is that the remaining two hands of You Long do not seem to take away his remaining health points immediately.

“Am I going to survive under the dragon’s claws again? Do I still have the power to fight back? ”

Wan Zhang’s eyes were lost in concentration, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

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