
Chapter 090

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “The card pack is open, and when it is opened, you have unlocked the following cards: [Shining Dragon], [Dragon – Shine], [Angry Beast – Togoran], [Sea Dragon – Tedalus], [Flame Dragon – Explosive Dragon]. ”

“It’s the card of the [Shine] series.”

The first two cards in the deck are related as you can see from the name.

And the latter is an upgraded version of the former, and the effect of the latter is better when the offensive and defensive data remain unchanged.

But [Shining Dragon] is not without advantages, that is, Kathu is more beautiful!

Both effects can only be activated from the graveyard special move, which does not match the current deck of the dragon, and the greater value for the dragon lies in the collection.

However, the cards of the [Shine] series, he has actually been using.

For example, the gospel of the resurrection.

In the card map of this card, the scene of the [Dragon Paladin] kneeling and worshipping the stone statue of the dragon in the [Remains of the Dragon] is depicted.

You Long was really surprised when he saw the third card.

“[Angry Beast-Togoland]? Isn’t this Godzilla? ”

The card depicts a huge dinosaur-shaped monster like a building, with a majestic body, dark red scales, fire in its chest and dorsal fin, and a red flame spouting from its mouth.

This image is somewhat similar to Godzilla in the form of a red lotus.

In fact, the [Bad Beast] series is indeed based on various tokusatsu monsters.

For example, the king Ghidorah as the prototype of [Lightning Strike Bad Beast – Thunder Dragon King], the [Turtle Bad Beast – Gamezi Yael] based on Gamera, the [Monster Pink Bad Beast – Gadara] based on Mozilla, and so on.

It even had a very bad place magic [Kyota – Seaside Area].

[Bad Beast] cards are not small, most of the effects are closely related to the home card, unlike the [Shine] series, many cards can be used as support cards for many other dragon decks.

However, the offensive and defensive statistics of bad beasts are mostly good, and the strange effect of liberating the opponent’s monster and then summoning it to the opponent’s field can still work in some special card sets, such as the insect deck.

The fourth [Sea Dragon-Tedalus] is worse than the bad beast, and this monster must be combined with the [Sea] deck to be effective.

The fifth [Flame Dragon-Exploding Dragon] is of some use to Youlong.

The same card of the [Dragon Zheng] series, it has three similar effects to the existing [Arashi Zhenglong-Dragon] of Yulong.

Only the subsequent effect is different when thrown into the graveyard with a monster of the same attribute.

In addition, the attack power of [Flame Dragon] is 400 points higher than that of [Lan Zhenglong], reaching 2800 points.

“This card can also be used as a supplement to the [Half-Dragon Maid] deck for the time being, but it is difficult to say whether the auxiliary effect is stronger or weaker than [Lan Zhenglong].”

You Long played with the cards he had withdrawn, secretly calculating.

The gain from the card pack this time was not particularly great, but he didn’t care.

After all, he had just unlocked the [Sky Dragon of Osiris]!

He had a hunch that he would soon have a chance to use the card.


In the evening, You Long left the dormitory and came to the pier on the south bank of the college.

A farewell ceremony to the delegation of Northern College is being held here.

The students of the Northern Academy had already stepped on the deck of the submarine and were ready to enter the cabin, but Wan Zhangmu, as the representative of the North, was still standing on the dock and did not leave.

“I’m not going back to Northern Academy, here, I still have unfinished business.”

Wan Zhangmu resolutely made a decision, and asked the court leader on the side,

“Principal Ichise, I’m really sorry, I want to stay at Duel Academy for further study.

Dean Sajima, can I still enroll again? ”

He had already passed this matter with Principal Ichise in the afternoon, and Municipal Nose did not stop it, and even expressed support.

Manjome really liked the Northern Academy, and he was the “king” there, respected by everyone.

But if he continues to stay there, he will have no room for improvement, and if he wants to break through himself, he must face the shame and return to the Duel Academy.

The dragon actually faces a similar situation.

If he hadn’t known that there would be events such as the Seven Stars and Three Illusions in the Duel Academy, the GX Tournament, and the powerful duelists would have gathered here continuously, he would not have continued to stay in the Duel Academy.

After hearing Manjo’s request, Dean Sajima expressed his welcome.

“Of course, no problem, Manjomu was dealt with according to the disappearance report last semester, and did not go through the expulsion procedures, and it is okay to come back, but…”

As soon as Sawashima was halfway through his words, he was interrupted by a cheerful sound of music.

Accompanied by the music is the high-pitched voice of Kuronos:

“Time is running out and the sail is about to set, so now is the award ceremony!” The reward awarded this time is, Miss Duel! ”

“Duel, Miss Duel?”

“Is it the academy’s official girlfriend?”

“There is such a thing!”

When everyone heard this, they all looked at You Long and cast them either surprised or envious eyes at him.

If you want to give an award, it must be to You Long, the winner of the exchange duel.

But You Long himself shook his head.

After the duel, the academy has already given him a generous treatment and bonus.

The reward in front of him does not belong to him, and he will not want it when he fights to death.

“The person who won this reward is me!”

Dean Sajima straightened his clothes and walked onto the makeshift podium with a red face, and he was extremely spirited.

At the same time, a female figure in a dress also stepped onto the podium.

However, she is not the model-level beautiful girl everyone imagines, but a middle-aged fat aunt with heavy makeup.

She is the store manager of the college convenience store, Tomei!


As soon as Dean Sajima walked to the stage, Tomei gave him an affectionate kiss.

The beautiful illusions of everyone were instantly shattered by this scene.

“This, isn’t this Aunt Tomei?”

“Mom, it turns out that she is Miss Duel!”

“Ahem! The two deans are really good Yaxing…”

Everyone finally understood why Sawashima and Ichise wanted to mention Tomi as soon as they met, it turned out that the reward they were competing for was this!

This picture that gave people goosebumps made Dean Ichise jealous to the extreme.

“What a crime!”

He could not bear to continue looking, got into the submarine with a sad and indignant face, and left this sad place with the delegation.

This absurd scene greatly eased the mustard between the students of the two colleges, and it was regarded as a routine entertainment program after the annual exchange activities.

When everyone came back to their senses, Dean Sajima and other school leaders had already dispersed, and the only teachers left on the scene were Daitokuji.

He announced one thing with a smile:

“Wanjome, let me add what the dean didn’t finish just now, although you can continue to stay in the academy, but because of your absence for three months, you can’t revert to Obelisk Blue or Sun God Yellow.

So Wanjome-san, you can only come to my Osiris Red Dormitory, because the Red Dormitory never examines attendance. ”

This news is tantamount to a thunderbolt on a sunny day for Wan Zhangmu.

“What! You actually want me to go to Osiris Red? Stay with those guys? ”

His face suddenly collapsed, revealing an unloveable expression.

He knew that he would be humiliated if he stayed in the Duel Academy, but he did not expect to suffer this blow on the first day of his return.

But now it’s too late to regret, and the submarines of the Northern Academy have long since disappeared.

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