
Chapter 107

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “The card pack is open, and after opening, you have unlocked the following cards: [Sin – Real Dragon], [Berserk Death Dragon], [Glow Dragon – Seifert Dragon], [Ice King Battle – Nidhogg], [Electronic Dark Dragon]. ”

You Long looked at the first card and was slightly surprised:

“Is it another card from the [Sin] series?”

This deck was formed by Paradox as he traveled through time and space to capture the cards of the Duelists of various eras.

In addition to [True Red Eye] and [Green Eye] have cards from this series, there are also alternative monster cards such as [Sin-Stardust Dragon], [Sin-Rainbow Dragon], and [Sin-Electronic Terminator Dragon].

And [Sin-Real Dragon] is the ace monster of the [Sin] series.

Like the [Five Emperor Dragons], this is a twelve-star monster, and its attack power and defensive power have reached the peak of the basic value – 5,000 points!

And it only needs to fight and destroy one monster, it can destroy the opponent’s entire monster, and the effect is unknown more powerful than the former.

However, this card must be combined with the monster card of the [Sin] series to be summoned, and cannot be used alone.

The second card, Berserk Dead Dragon, also has the ability to destroy the entire game.

This monster looks like a head undead demon version of [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon].

But the single-card strength is much more powerful than the latter.

As an eight-star monster, it has an attack power of up to 3,500 points, and can also attack all the monsters on the opponent’s field!

However, this card requires the effect of the Quick Attack Magic Card [Secret Deal with the Devil] to be summoned, and it also has to send more than eight star monsters on the field to the graveyard.

Fortunately, it can be summoned from the hand or deck, otherwise it is almost a ritual monster.

In contrast, the four-star monster in the third picture [Glow Dragon-Seifert Dragon] is more useful to the peregrine dragon.

Send any number of Dragon Monsters to the graveyard from your hand or field, and add a Dragon Monster Card from your deck with the same number of stars as the Grave Monster combined.

Except for this card from the graveyard, you can add an eight-star dragon monster with light or dark attributes from the graveyard to the hand.

“This card does have a certain degree of cooperation with the [Green Eye] deck.”

The fourth [Ice King Battle – Nidhogg], just listening to the name is quite bluffing.

Because this card is based on the black dragon that bit off the world tree in Norse mythology and brought Ragnarok.

The [King War” series to which it belongs is indeed designed according to the nine realms of Norse mythology.

However, as a nine-star monster, its attack power is only 2100 points.

In the absence of the effect of the cooperation card, it is not as good as the mortal bone monster [Emerald Dragon].

Most of the [Sin] series are dragon monsters, and there is still hope to collect them.

But in the [King War] series, there are no other dragon monsters, and I am afraid that the dragon will not draw a second card from the series.

The last [Electronic Dark Keel] is somewhat special, belonging to the [Ri Electron Flow] deck opposite Maruto Ryo’s [Electron Flow] deck, which is actually a mechanical monster.

It can equip dragon monsters in the graveyard to increase its offensive and defensive stats and replace destruction.

“In the future, if I can make up a few more related cards, I can form a [Li Electronic Flow] to play.”

But in contrast, I still hope to have an orthodox [electron flow] deck! ”

The total number of cards in the [Li Electron Flow] series is no more than ten, and the core cards are in one hand, which is not difficult to collect in the eyes of Youlong.


The next day, You Long, Misawa and others went to the school infirmary to visit the Heavenly Courtyard Blowing Snow.

The school infirmary of Duel Academy is not like ordinary schools, with only a half-hung medical teacher and some daily medicines.

Conditions here are the same as in a real hospital, and it is even possible to equip snow blowing with ventilators.

The person in charge of the school infirmary told everyone resolutely: “The patient is still in a coma, but it doesn’t matter, it is out of danger, if nothing else, it will wake up naturally in a few days.” ”

After learning the diagnosis, Asuka, who had not slept all night, finally breathed a sigh of relief: “That would be great, I believe that Brother Fuyuki will wake up soon.” ”

“It’s good to be out of danger.”

You Long handed the breakfast he bought to Asuka and reminded,

“Let Junko and Baihui help take care of it here, and Dean Sawashima summons us to a meeting.”


Duel Academy, Office of the Dean.

Dean Sajima’s face was as gloomy as water.

He didn’t expect that the Seven Star Organization would snatch the key so quickly.

Moreover, the first seven stars who came to the academy were still the academy students controlled by them.

“It’s so rampant!”

Rao Yidao’s gentle temper couldn’t help but pound the desk and scold in a low voice.

But when everyone arrived, he quickly contained his negative emotions and informed each key keeper in detail about last night’s events.

“What! You Long has actually defeated a member of the Seven Stars? ”

Wan Zhang’s eyes shrank slightly.

They just took over the key to the Seven Star Gate yesterday, and they are preparing to organize the deck and work hard to prepare.

Unexpectedly, only one night had passed, and Yulong had already solved a potential opponent.

Such efficiency really shocked them.

Kuronos did not hesitate to praise: “It is worthy of being a dragon classmate known as D-KING, even if he faces an enemy who is also applicable to [True Red Eyed Black Dragon], he can easily win.” ”

“You Long is worthy of praise for his brave and victorious victory, and I will apply to the board for his due remuneration, and all teachers and students should learn from him.”

Dean Sajima nodded in agreement, but he changed his tone and reminded in a deep voice,

“What happened to the dragon also illustrates an important issue.

Playing against the Seven Star Organization is not as standardized as an exam or competition, the opponent may appear in various weird ways anytime and anywhere, everyone must be mentally prepared and cannot relax in the slightest! ”

After hearing this passage, everyone was awe-inspiring.

They suddenly realized that the reason why You Long won last night was not only because of his strength.

In the face of danger, there is no fear of strong enemies.

This excellent psychological quality also played a key role.

“Entering the crater in the middle of the night and engaging in a dark duel that gambles on the soul, there is nothing more terrible in the world!”

“You Long really has the same powerful mentality as the dragon, and he can defeat his opponent under such conditions…”

Misawa, Asuka and others became more and more admiring of Youlong.

Even Maruto Ryo was convinced.

“If something like this happens to me, although it won’t break down inside, I’m afraid I won’t be able to duel with peace of mind, right?”


Over the next few days, everyone cheered up and carefully coped with all the details of life.

Even going to the toilet is scary, it is almost to the point that all the grass and trees are soldiers.

But the Seven Star Organization did not come again.

Just when some people couldn’t help but start to relax, suddenly came the terrible news.

“Not good! Outside the Obelisk Blue dormitory, a vampire appeared! ”

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