
Chapter 109

“Mamma Mi, there really is a dark duel!”

Kuronos lay on the ground in pain, roaring in annoyance.

In this duel initiated by Camura, every time you are hurt, you will feel real pain.

This torture that penetrated deep into the bone marrow finally made him soberly aware of reality.

But the truly dire consequences have only just been.

“According to the rules, I will accept your soul!”

As the red light of Camura’s neck collar shone on the surface of his body, his body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Faced with this desperate scene, Kouronos did not even wail or beg for mercy.

Maintaining the dignity of a teacher and a nobleman, he shouted at the crowd with all his might:

“Guys, I tried my best, it’s up to you! Don’t repeat my mistakes! ”

As soon as the words fell, he turned into a purple-red streamer and was sucked into a puppet in Camuera’s hand.

This was originally just a plain puppet without any ornaments, but with the integration of Kuronos, it actually grew complete facial features!

Although this facial features look like a pot of strong desire, it adds a bit of joy to this terrifying scene.

But no one made fun of the professor for that.

Most of the people present witnessed the end of the dark duel for the first time.

A living person is thus transformed into a puppet who can never move or speak.

That’s really a huge price.

“Is this the Dark Duel?”

“It’s too, it’s terrible…”

This terrifying sight made them feel a deep chill in their hearts, and every muscle and bone in their bodies trembled.

At the same time, they also admired Kuronos.

At the last moment of the battle, he was still thinking about them!

“What a rare highlight moment for the professor!”

You Long sighed, also respectful.

The professor lost though.

As a person who first came into contact with the Dark Duel, the three views were completely subverted in a short period of time.

It’s not easy to do this.

However, the professor’s actions did not gain the respect of his opponents.

Camuilla glanced at the puppet in his hand and threw it on the ground in disgust:

“What an ugly guy, he doesn’t deserve to be my collector’s item at all!”

This move completely angered everyone.

Although most people were afraid, they bravely stood up.

Especially Asuka and Ryo Maruto.

The encounter with Blowing Snow caused them to have a strong sense of hatred for Seven Stars.

Camura’s insults to the professor made them even more angry.

“I’ll duel you!”

“If you have the ability, fight me!”

Camura glanced at everyone, and finally pointed to Ryo Maruto:

“It’s a handsome young man, well, let you make my collection, and take your key by the way!”


Fierce fighting broke out again.

Ryo Maruto thoroughly demonstrated his luck in drawing cards against the sky in this duel.

He started with three [Electronic Dragons] plus one [Fusion], and successfully summoned his strongest monster, [Electronic Terminator Dragon], in the second round!

Camura relies on the effect of the cover to destroy it, but Maruto Ryo still has a back hand [Fusion Disarm] to retain his combat power.

Over the next few rounds, both of them do their best, and their powerful monsters take turns.

This time, Maruto Ryo had a lot of stamina, and he continued to maintain good condition and luck, and finally forced Camuela to the brink of defeat.

He has an [Electronic Laser Dragon] and [Electronic Barrier Dragon] on the field, plus a cover card.

Camura’s field was empty, and only the last card was left in his hand.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for her to turn over!

But the effect of this last card is so powerful that it is exaggerated:

“Activate the magic card [Phantom Gate]!

All the monsters on the opponent’s field are destroyed, and then a monster in the graveyard is selected to ignore the summoning conditions and summon it on its own field.

This card requires sacrificing your soul to the Three Phantom Devils, but I have the prop DarkNess Lasso, whose power allows me to choose someone else’s soul as a sacrifice! ”

Camuela smiled wickedly and looked at Sho Maruto, who was watching the battle from afar,

“I sacrificed your brother’s soul to destroy your entire monster, and specially summoned the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] in your graveyard!

By the way, remind you, if I win, forget it, if I lose, your brother’s soul will be completely devoured by the Demon Gate, and there will be no chance of resurrection! ”

Camura is much more rigorous and insidious than Dark.

She did not completely rely on the intelligence provided by the Black Scorpion Thieves, and collected more information on her own.

Now that she has mastered everyone’s weaknesses, she knows who Maruto Ryo cares about the most.

“It’s despicable!”


Everyone cursed secretly.

The cover card on Maruto Ryo’s field can actually resist the attack of [Electronic Terminator Dragon].

However, for the safety of his brother, he finally gave up using it, allowing his health to be completely cleared under the attack of the Terminating Dragon.

After the continuation of Kuronos, Maruto Ryo also turned into a doll, and the key he guarded was also captured by Camuera.

In this fight with the seven stars, the key guardians can be described as a heavy loss.

Looking at this tragic battle situation, no one did not speak out again, and no one forced their head again.

The crowd fell into a complete dead silence and silence.

If Camura is only powerful, there is always a way to defeat him.

But the reality is not so idealistic.

Even if you can suppress it in a duel, a [Phantom Gate] can force people to give up resistance.

How can such an opponent still resist?

It’s a mortal game!

“How? Is anyone else going to have a dark duel with me? ”

Camuilla said with mocking eyes,

“No one dares to fight, right? I can come up with a good idea for you.

Take the initiative to hand over the keys of the Seven Star Gate in your hands to me, you don’t need to struggle anymore, and I have achieved my goal, isn’t it the best of both worlds? ”

Camura’s suggestion, naturally, no one agreed.

But her judgment is indeed not wrong, many people’s hearts have fallen into struggle and entanglement, on the verge of despair.

In the end, it was You Long who stood up.

He doesn’t want to do everything and fight every opponent.

Some troubles can be solved by the people around you.

However, Camura’s methods are indeed too tricky, and only he can be fearless.

It just so happened that he also wanted to make his newly acquired deck move, and by the way, feel the power of the phantom demon in advance.

“Do you think you can win every victory by such despicable means? Then your pattern is too small! ”

The dragon put on the duel disc and walked towards Camura’s opposite side.

Seeing his actions, everyone hurriedly spoke out to dissuade him.

“Yulong, don’t be impulsive!”

“It’s too dangerous, let’s think of other ways first!”

Although the strength of the dragon is trustworthy, in the face of the insidious and cunning Camura, I am afraid that it is also fierce!

If he makes another mistake, they will almost be wiped out!

You Long naturally couldn’t retreat because of this, waved his hand, and said with his usual expression:

“Don’t worry, I have my own judgment.”

“Hmph, pretend to be calm.”

Camuilla grinned, revealing Senran’s sharp teeth,

“You’re a dragon called D-KING, and you look good, and it looks like you’ll be a more perfect collector’s item.”

Come on, take out your True Red Eye deck, let my vampire suck your dragon’s blood dry, and take your keys! ”


As a dark duelist, Camura rarely did not rush to play the cards.

In her opinion, it is the second player who can attack more advantageously.

But Yulong didn’t care about it.

First hand and then hand, all have their own playing style advantages, he can control both.

“Then I’ll come first, draw cards!”

You Long scanned his hand and quickly formulated a strategy for playing cards,

“Activate the magic card [One-on-One], discard a card, and summon a one-star monster from the deck.

I summon [Taikoo Shiraishi] from the deck with a guard! ”


A rugged rock slowly rose on the field, and one side of the rock cracked, revealing an oval-shaped object that looked like an ancient fossil egg.

But even after thousands of years have passed, it has not lost its activity, and it still magically flashes with a blue-white shimmer, giving birth to mysterious life forms.

[Swire White Stone]: One Star/ATK: 600/DEF:500/Light Attribute/Dragon.

After the summoning was successful, You Long directly announced: “The round is over!” ”

However, his operation did not end there.

“The card that was just thrown into the graveyard through the effect of [One-on-One] is also a monster card [Swire White Stone].

This card can only be activated at the end of the round sent to the graveyard, and a [Green Eye] monster is specially summoned from the deck.

Come out! The legendary dragon that smashed all opponents – [Green Eyes White Dragon]! ”


In the melodious dragon groan that shocked the audience, a silver-blue dragon vibrated its wings and flew into the field.

The cascading scale armor shone with dazzling brilliance, the sharp fangs and claws seemed to tear everything apart, and the cyan eyes reflected the enemy’s figure, which was the target it was about to crush and destroy!

[Green Eyes White Dragon]: Eight Star / ATK: 3000 / DEF: 2500 / Light Attribute / Dragon Clan!

“This, how is this possible! How can you have a green-eyed white dragon! ”

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