
Chapter 119

【Green Eye】Monsters can indeed fuse with the game’s cards.

Many years ago, the [Green Eyed Extreme Dragon] of the Kaima Seto fused with the [Chaos Warrior] of Atum and summoned the twelve-star [Extreme Dragon Knight].

However, for the first time, Seahorse knew that the [Green Eye] monster could fuse with the [Black Wizard]!

While he was shocked, the dragon unleashed an effect:

“In his main stage, he can use the second effect of [Super Magic Guide Dragon Knight – True Red Eye Dragon Knight].

Choose a monster on the opponent’s field to destroy and give the opposing player damage to the monster’s attack power value.

I’m going to destroy the [Crystal Avatar] on your field!” ”

“Good means! Unexpectedly, the power of the black magic guide was used in the green eye deck.

But since it’s that person’s strength, I can’t even lose! ”

Seahorseman’s mood suddenly became a little manic, and he drank and opened the last cover card,

“Activate the trap card [Fusion Defense]!

It can only be activated when the damage effect is activated, and the activation and effect are invalid, and you will immediately send a fusion monster from the extra deck to the graveyard! ”

The battle phase of the Dragon is over and can no longer attack.

As long as he can protect himself from the [Super Magic Guide Dragon Knight], he can survive until the next round unharmed.

But Yulong will let him get his wish.

“This is the ultimate monster that combines the power of three legendary duelists.

With a trap card, you can’t resist it! ”

You Long threw the [Green Eyed White Dragon] who had previously joined the hand into the cemetery and shouted loudly,

“I discard a hand and activate the third effect of [Super Magic Guide Dragon Knight], invalidate and destroy the effect of your [Fusion Defense], and then the attack power of this monster will increase by 1000 points!”


This effect was completely unexpected by Seahorse.

He had received information about the battle between Ryu and Kagurazaka in advance.

Therefore, you know the second effect of [Super Magic Guide], and the first effect that will not become the object of the effect and will not be destroyed by the effect.

But this third effect in front of him was something he had never expected.

Far more powerful than he had imagined!

“If that’s the case, it’s time to end…”

Seahorse muttered stunnedly.

The attack power of the Super Magic Guide Dragon Knight has climbed to 4,000 points.

At the same time, the dragon head staff in his hand bloomed with three kinds of dark purple, blue and white, and crimson, shining towards the field of Seahorseman.


The moment it touched these rays of light, the surface of the body of the crystal avatar cracked densely, like a piece of glass that could not withstand high pressure, about to collapse and shatter.

But before it could be completely destroyed, it turned around, swung its blade, and slashed at the Seahorse behind it!

This monster has an attack power of 3500 points, which is exactly the same as his remaining health.

Seahorse tries to use the card to end the dragon, but finally eats himself!


In an instant, Seahorse’s health dropped to 0.

He lost!

“Damn, even if I am separated from different worlds, I will still lose at the hands of your power!”

Seahorse clenched his fists and crackled the bone joints of his ten fingers.

You Long didn’t need to think much to know who this “you” he was talking about was.

It must be Atum who fell in love with him and killed him for a long time.

“That’s not right! This monster clearly fuses the power of that mediocrity…”

Seahorse suddenly changed his tone.

But in the next second, he suddenly stared at Youlong and made a final judgment:

“Nope! None of them are right! It’s all your power! ”

The “you” here no longer refers to Atum, but to the dragon!

Atum is no longer in this world after all.

The person who really stood in front of him now was Yulong.

“By pronouncing the names of the legendary duelists, I am paying tribute to the fame of these cards and the classic use of these cards.”

You Long said seriously,

“But in fact, these cards in front of me belong to me, either stealing or robbing, and it is also my own operation that makes it exert its power, naturally it is my power.”

“Hmph, good, it seems that there is an interesting duelist in this world.

In the future duel world, it should not be so boring anymore. ”

Seahorseman’s mood gradually calmed down, which shows that he has experienced hundreds of battles and his psychological quality is extremely strong.

But in the words, there are still multiple complex emotions such as excitement, unwillingness, admiration, surprise, and expectation, which can be identified by Youlong one by one.

This is part of the ability given by the [Cyan Eye] that he has just acquired.

“Where you are, there will be a lot of trouble recently, don’t accidentally die, one day, I will come to you again.”

Seahorse did not communicate much with Youlong and the others, and said while walking towards the depths of the cave,

“This world and yours are connected, close your eyes, feel it with a strong mind, and the road will naturally open.”

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally followed his words, closed their eyes and silently chanted.

“Please let us go back!”

After repeating it several times, everyone once again felt a violent vertigo.

When they reopened their eyes, the sight was restored to a steaming hot spring pavilion.

They are still soaking in the water in a comfortable manner.

Everything that happened just now is like a dream, full of unreal feelings.

Maruto Sho was stunned and said, “That person just now shouldn’t be some seven stars, right?” ”

“Of course not.”

Judai shook his head,

“Seven Stars are shameless people like Camuela who kill without blinking.

This uncle named Seahorseman, although he has a bit of a strange temper and speaks like he has hyperthyroidism, but he is quite polite. ”

Misawa, Maruto Ryo and others also nodded in agreement.

This accident can be described as dangerous, and it really does not look like Seven Stars.

Instead, it is suspected to be a covenant battle between a mysterious powerhouse and a dragon!

For a while, all kinds of conjectures came to their minds.

There was one guess that they thought was the most likely, but also the most implausible.

Seahorse Man, it’s Kaima Seto!

“That’s the legendary duelist, did Yulong defeat such a big man?

If this is true, it is world-class breaking news! ”

Many people’s hearts are pounding, and they can’t believe their guesses.

However, Seahorse has long disappeared, and his true identity cannot be verified.

After everyone encountered an accident, they did not dare to stay in the hot spring hall for a long time, quickly changed their clothes, and hurried back to the academy.


On the way back, You Long kept reminiscing about the previous duel, which was quite fulfilling.

He didn’t feel that using an overly powerful card like [Super Magic Guide Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] was a violation of the balance.

It’s a surprise and respect for Seahorse.

When activating the second effect of [Dragon Demon Guide Guardian], if there is no [Black Magic Guide] in the graveyard, he can also choose to summon [Green Eyes White Dragon].

Together with the white dragon in the hand and the sub-white dragon on the field, there are three white dragons that can fuse to summon any of the [Green Eye Extreme Dragon] series.

In the presence of two extreme dragons, the seahorse who has exhausted his hands wants to turn over, then he can only rely on the god who goes against the sky to the extreme.

“But there is a high probability that he can really continue to pump…”

You Long sighed.


After returning to school, You Long carefully checked the reward this time.

He couldn’t wait to know the specific purpose of [Cyan Eyes].

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