
Chapter 123

Under normal circumstances, the duel elves of the low stars did not dare to be disrespectful to the high star elves.

However, with the support of the dragon, the three brothers who troubled the three brothers immediately became bold, and a group of one-star elves interrogated the five-star Morinfen and the six-star sky dragon repeatedly.

After these two guys surrendered, they also cooperated, and explained everything that You Long wanted to know.

“Roar, roar…”

After messing with Huang’s translation and relaying, You Long can be regarded as having a basic understanding of the situation in this place.

The opposite side of that strange puddle is indeed a suspected elven realm, and it is an ocean with abundant water attribute energy.

According to the dragon’s judgment, it may be the area depicted by the field magic card [City of Legends – Atlantis] in the [Sea] deck.

Or [City of Illusion – Parsiface], [City of Oblivion – Lemuria].

However, the two spaces are not completely connected, and the duel elves and most of the matter in this world cannot enter.

The only thing that can enter is pure things that exactly match the elemental properties of the opposite environment – water!

That’s why it’s so dry and the surface is so loose and finely crumbled.

The dragon tried to fill a bottle of mineral water, and in the blink of an eye, it all seeped into it, and some of the surrounding splashed soil was dry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no water vapor left.

The three lion wizards were the first elves to discover this secret, which is why they were so close to the puddle.

They want to make themselves powerful through the influence of the elven world to gain the power to avenge the outcasts, and they want to go directly to the elven world.

The latter attempt has been studied for years without a clue.

But the former idea really came true.

As can be seen from the number of elves born at the bottom of the well, it is definitely beneficial to the duel elves here.

The figures of the three of them are much more condensed than the other elves here, and the sky dragon of the highest rank can even be temporarily materialized.

“It’s a treasure trove.”

You Long said with interest.

There may be a similar place underground in the hot spring hall.

However, it is controlled by Seahorseman, and you can’t go if you want to.

It’s different here, he can come and go at any time!

After learning this information, the dragon did not stay long, temporarily buried the puddle, and returned to the academy with the elves with the others.


A few days later, the duel between Manjomejun and Manjomeku Nagasaku was held as scheduled.

Manjome’s deck is not weak, and it is also a dragon deck that you like to dragon.

In the duel, he successfully fused [Dragon Dominator] and [Divine Dragon – Ragnarok], summoning the powerful [Dragon Demon – King of Dragon Knights]!

However, this guy is really a layman and has not been able to play the true power of the deck.

In the end, the well-defended Manzhang Muzhun seized the opportunity and used the fusion of the three troublemaking brothers to summon the [Troublemaker King] to complete the counter-kill.

He finally got his wish and defeated Manjome Nagasaku with the [Troublemaking] deck that everyone had formed together.

This victory smashed the attempt of the Manjome Group to take control of the Duel Academy, which attracted applause from the teachers and students present.

In the audience of the duel arena, You Long applauded while looking at the figure of Wanzhang Changzuo leaving in embarrassment, and thought to himself:

“If he chooses a weaker opponent, such as Hayato Maeda, he may still have a chance to win.”

But even if that happens, it will be difficult for the Manjomu Group to intervene in the affairs of the academy.

Because that old guy in Kagemaru would never allow that to happen.

Kaiba Seto agreed to Manjome’s request so casually, on the one hand, out of trust in the students of the academy.

On the other hand, it was he who was already aware of Kagemaru’s small movements! ”

You Long recalled that not long ago, Seahorse reminded himself in the hot spring hall:

“Where you are, there will be a lot of trouble recently, don’t accidentally die!”


For the next few days, Yulong stayed in the mysterious dry well with the three members of the Spiritual Research Society.

They continue to do observational experiments and explore other areas, which is very rewarding.

It’s much more fun than sitting silly in the academy and going to class.

You Long had already received special approval from the Dean of Sajima after an exchange duel with the Northern Academy and did not record his attendance.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t go to a class in the future.

“It’s Gaoji, are you okay if you don’t go to class these days?”

Faced with Youlong’s question, Gao Si said feverishly: “If you have the honor to follow Master Youlong and participate in such a rare mysterious research, who cares about attending classes!” ”

Xiang Tian on the side also nodded and agreed: “That’s right, and I heard my roommate say that there are more and more people absent from class these days, and there are fewer of us, and the teacher will not care.” ”

Ban Yi smiled even more: “It is said that Professor Kulonos himself is absent from work, who will take care of us.” ”

While several people were talking, a figure suddenly appeared from the well above their heads, and anxiously shouted at them:

“Are you here, Dragon?”

You Long recognized that this was the voice of Ohara and Ohara, and quickly put down his tools and climbed out of the well:

“I’m here, what’s going on with you two?”

“Whew! You’re really here. ”

Ohara breathed a sigh of relief and spoke again to Youlong,

“Seven stars, the people of seven stars have appeared again! Hurry over and take a look, it’s not too far from here! ”

“Lead the way!”

When You Long heard this, he quickly followed Ohara Ohara and ran towards a canyon on the west side of the forest.

On the way, Ohara told him in detail what happened.

These days, the students’ truancy and the professor’s absenteeism are all caused by a seven-star member named Tanya!

She drives a tiger and keeps holding the students who are left alone near the forest to repair and clean up an ancient ruins that suddenly appeared.

When the Daitokuji teacher learned about the situation, he rushed over with a group of key guardians.

The signal at the bottom of the well was extremely poor, and the communicator of the dragon could not receive the news, and everyone saw that the dragon could not be contacted, so they had to send someone to find him.

After nearly twenty minutes, the three finally arrived at their destination.

This is a stone ruins built in the middle of the canyon, much better preserved than the sleeping ruins, showing no signs of collapse.

The dragon can be clearly identified as an ancient Roman style colosseum.

It is three stories high and covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters!

Although the nobles of ancient Rome were extravagant, they could not run to the desert islands in the Pacific Ocean to build the Colosseum.

Undoubtedly, this is another reproduction manifestation after the overlapping influence of the other world and the world.

“Perhaps the gradual unlocking of the seal of the Seven Star Gate caused the power of the three illusions to leak, causing the space of this island to become more and more disordered.”

You Long guessed in his heart.

In the last battle with Camura, Kuronos and Maruto Ryo lost one after another, and the keys were lost.

The seven-fold stone gate of the Seven Star Gate has already opened two!

After quickly entering the ruins of the Colosseum, Yulong finally saw the key guardians.

Standing with them were Professor Culonos and a dozen or so students of all grades.

They were nervously watching a fierce duel.

One of the parties involved in the duel was Daichi Misawa.

On the other hand, it was a woman.

She was different from ordinary women, she was very tall, with strong muscles bulging under her wheat-colored skin, and two scars on her angular face, heroic and wild, looking like a female warrior in a primitive tribe.

At her side, there was also a fierce colorful tiger.

That’s the duel elf of Amazon Pet Tiger in the Amazon deck.

Although it is only a four-star elf, after materialization, its body size is larger and stronger than that of ordinary tigers!

No matter how many students and teachers there are, they are by no means its opponents with their bare hands, and it is no wonder that it is hijacked.

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