
Chapter 136

You Long: “Wake up and take a look, I don’t know which dragon female elf will be this time?” ”

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “Awakening, awakening, you have obtained the duel elf of the three-star dragon monster [Half-Dragon Maid – Living Room Dragon Girl], in your room, she can perform physical manifestation.” ”


A misty halo flashed, and a pretty dragon girl with a green double ponytail appeared in front of Youlong.

This dragon girl is more outstanding and mature than the washing dragon girl, similar to the bedroom dragon girl, and has a taller figure.

They also wore black and white maid outfits and aprons, but the materials and decorations were much more luxurious.

The two dragon horns on both sides of the forehead are very characteristic, they are actually bamboo shoots, fresh and verdant.

The scale armor on the dragon’s tail is also emerald green, a little translucent, as crystal clear as jade, and the touch is similar to jade, cold and cold.

The end of the tail is like a palm-sized leaf, which curls up like a mimosa when kneaded, which is quite magical.

As a servant who received distinguished guests in the living room, the dragon girl in the living room had a lot of courtesy, and respectfully saluted You Long, and said softly:

“Hello master, is there anything you need to order?”

You Long thought for a moment and spoke, “In the future, the work of making tea or making drinks will be left to you, and by the way, take more care of the washing dragon girl and correct her carelessness.” ”

“Yes, master.”

The living room dragon girl took the tea set from the bedroom dragon girl’s hand.

As a servant of hospitality, her tea art is much more skillful and exquisite than the latter, and her slender and flexible fingers make the whole tea brewing process quite pleasing to the eye.

After a long while, she held the concocted hot tea in front of You Long.

“Master please use tea.”

You Long took a sip and praised: “It’s not bad.” ”

The craftsmanship of the dragon girl in the living room is indeed better, the ratio of tea to water, and even the temperature control are just right.

Not to mention how much it is good to drink, at least it is easier to eat.

After receiving the praise of the dragon, the dragon girl in the living room glanced at the dragon girl in the dormitory proudly, and snickered with a red face.


Recently, the seven-star invasion has been rampant.

A few days later, another member of the Seven Stars broke into the academy late at night.

This one is the Pharaoh Abidas III of ancient Egypt, the legendary god of ancient duels!

These prefixes and titles are really bluffing, and even Atum, who was also a pharaoh, could not obtain such an exaggerated name.

However, this person’s real strength is actually even worse than the black scorpion’s Magure.

In the duel, Abidas III spent three rounds and made up three magic trap cards in a row on the field: [First Coffin], [Second Coffin], and [Third Coffin].

Everyone thought that he was going to use this to summon a terrifying monster comparable to a god.

Who knew that just one six-star monster was summoned!

[Pharaoh’s Soul]: Six Star / ATK: 2500 / DEF: 2000 / Light Attribute / Undead.

The effect is simply to recruit four undead monsters below two stars from the cemetery.

This really surprised everyone.

In the end, he lost at Asuka’s hands without suspense.

The truth finally came out, this guy is indeed a little pharaoh in history, but the name of the god of duels is touted by a group of sycophants under him.

The gang simply did not dare to win the pharaoh in a duel, so water would be released in each duel, causing the little pharaoh to win back.

With the accumulation of time and the burial of the truth, this pharaoh became the lifelong undefeated duel god in the history books.

However, Abidas III, who only now learned the truth and suffered a crushing defeat, was not angry.

After experiencing the true pleasure of dueling, he actually ate the essence and showed a longing expression.

He looked at everyone present with hopeful eyes and launched an invitation to everyone:

“It turns out that duels are such enjoyable things, it would be a pity to only have one game.

Unfortunately, my time limit for staying on earth has arrived.

If you can, please follow me to the underworld, where you will all gain eternal life so that you can continue to duel! ”

The dark prop he holds is a dark gold headdress worn on his forehead, similar to Atum’s one-eyed gold crown.

Its name is DarkNess: Dark Magic.

After initiating a dark duel with this item, the loser will go directly to the underworld and will not be able to return to the human world.

For the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, going to the underworld was the ultimate destination, a good ending, not a bad thing at all, and even taking others with him.

But for everyone present, this was a terrifying thing that made people sweat.

To the underworld?

Isn’t that actively seeking death?

The dragon estimates that among normal humans, only the Kaibase people want to go.

“Ahem, we have received Pharaoh’s kindness, but we haven’t lived enough.”

“Yes, yes, forget about this…”

Everyone stiffened and pushed off one after another.

You Long was not afraid, and suggested with a smile:

“The underworld is home to countless dead spirits, where the ancestors of ancient Egypt were, and a pharaoh named Atum just returned a few years ago.

That one is the peak powerhouse of the duel world, the real duel king!

You may not know his name, but like you, he was born three thousand years ago, and he should be a few hundred years older than you.

If you want to find someone to duel, there are too many opponents in the underworld to choose from, so why pester us. ”

After listening to Youlong’s words, Abidas III’s gaze suddenly brightened like a star.

“Is there really a pharaoh known as the Duel King, then I must meet him!”

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the little pharaoh and his entourage disappeared into a golden light and left this world.

Only the dark prop he was wearing was left at the scene.

“Abidas III, probably a descendant of the priest Seth.”

You Long looked at the night sky and guessed in his heart.

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were not only served by direct royal bloodlines, and there were often collateral bloodlines, and even successions by priests and generals.

It was Atum who passed the throne to the priest Seth.

“However, Set probably did not expect that such a weak chicken appeared in his descendants, and was accidentally touted by later generations as a duel god more powerful than Atum.”

The dragon dark sense is interesting,

“Even Kagemaru was deceived by these unreliable historical records, he should regard this little pharaoh as the main trump card to seize the key, right?

As a result, this product turned out to be the weakest guy in the seven stars. ”


For the next half month, no seven stars attacked.

But the Duel Academy ushered in an important event.

Gakuen Festival!

This is an open campus festival that hosts a variety of interesting events that people inside and outside the school can invite to visit.

However, Duel Academy, which is located on an isolated island in the sea, obviously does not invite a few people from outside the school.

Therefore, the school festival of the Duel Academy is basically three dormitories holding their own events and then visiting each other’s gardens.

On weekdays, the three dormitories are rarely visited.

In particular, the Blue Dormitory is closed to students from other dormitories.

The school festival is a rare annual exchange opportunity in each dormitory!

While eating breakfast, Misawa discussed with You Long with great interest: “The tea party in our Blue Dormitory is too boring, let’s go to the open-air barbecue in the Yellow Dormitory and the cosplay in the Red Dormitory.” ”

You Long thinks the same as him:

“Do you want to cos dueling monsters? Then you can go to the academy warehouse early to choose clothes, but you will be robbed later. ”

The Academy Festival is a rare highlight of the Osiris Red Dormitory, and the whole school will be attracted by the cosplay duel they hold.

Those cossuits in the college’s collection are all sought-after items!

After the two finished eating, they were ready to hurry out.

But before he could go far, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

“Senior Youlong, here is the package you just arrived!”

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