
Chapter 142

Under the comfort of everyone, the mood of blowing snow in the heavenly court gradually eased, and he began to recall in a trance what happened when he disappeared a year ago:

“I received a special course in the basement of the college’s old dormitory.

During the course test, I was called strangely and taken into a dark world.

It was a nightmare world, and I didn’t want to remember too much. ”

Chuixue said, couldn’t help but clench his fists, and the muscles on his face involuntarily tightened,

“There, there are many fallen duelists, performing duel practices that you cannot imagine, day and night, day and night, each like a slaved livestock.

Once defeated, they will suffer the most cruel punishment.

The heart-rending screams echoed in the ears every day, like the demons in hell howling…”

Blowing Snow’s tone became more and more excited, and he couldn’t help but stand up with his hands waving.

Asuka saw that he was in the wrong state, and quickly interrupted: “Brother Fuyuki, who took you to the dark world?” ”

“Who brought me there, I still don’t know.”

Heavenly Court Blowing Snow shook his head,

“But I still remember that the person who put me on the course test that day was a Daitokuji teacher.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s hearts immediately turned upside down.


“Could it be that the teacher is behind the scenes?”

“How could it be him!”

Daitokuji teacher is usually very amiable, and he has a smiling expression all day long, which makes people look as gentle as a spring breeze.

And no matter how excessive the student does, he will educate calmly.

He also worked hard, and even if most of the classroom was skipped, he would meticulously complete the teaching.

After class, he was also responsible for cooking three meals a day for each student in the Red Dormitory, which was very hard.

Could such an excellent teacher really be the murderer who murdered the Heavenly Court Blowing Snow?

Everyone’s heart is full of questions.

You Cheng Ten Generations muttered in disbelief:

“Yes, it shouldn’t be possible, right?

Maybe he didn’t know about it, just handed a word to the real murderer behind the scenes? ”

“Whether it was done by Daitokuji sensei, this is difficult to say, but he is not completely unaware.”

You Long said, took off the dark gold pendant hanging on his chest, and handed it to Blowing Snow,

“Senior, do you remember this thing?”

Chuixue exclaimed, “This is a treasure given to me by the tomb keeper of the tomb of the Wang family, it should be incomplete, how did it become complete?”

In the dark world, I relied on it to persevere, but I don’t remember what happened after leaving the dark world. ”

After that, he looked up and added:

“That’s right! It was also the Daitokuji teacher who took me to the sleeping ruins, causing me to accidentally enter the tomb of the royal family. ”

“Daitokuji again?”

The incident of the tomb of the royal family is not so confusing for everyone.

Except for the blowing snow, everyone present knew that the picnic of the sleeping ruins that had strayed into the other world was organized by the Daitokuji teacher.

But they used to just think it was an accident.

Now it seems that Daitokuji Temple has been premeditated!

Maruto’s pupils shrank suddenly: “When we exchanged news with the tomb guard chief and the tomb guard assassin, Daitokuji teacher was obviously listening from the sidelines, but he didn’t say anything.” ”

He and Asuka immediately figured everything out.

Why has their investigation made no progress for more than a year?

I’m afraid it’s all because Daitokuji got in the way!

“So he at least knows part of the truth, but he has been hiding it!”

You Long said categorically.

Next, the crowd chose the simplest and most direct way to verify the truth.

Ask Daitokuji teacher in person!

However, when they rushed to the red dormitory, they found that Daitokuji Temple was not there.

I went to the office and experimental instrument storage room in the teaching building to look for it, but I couldn’t find anyone.

When I asked others, they all said that I had not seen Daitokuji Temple today.

“Oops, he wouldn’t have absconded in fear of crime, would he?”

“Nope! It is possible that he, like Asuka, ran into Nanaoshi! ”

Everyone’s hearts were cold, and all kinds of bad conjectures were produced.

If it is the former, there is always a way to find it, after all, this is an isolated island, and it is not so easy to leave.

But if it’s the latter, it’s troublesome.

He may have lost to Seven Stars and endured the price of the dark duel!

The crowd had no clue about this and could only persistently continue to search.

Manjomu even touched a funny cat stick and a dried fish, and screamed strangely everywhere.

He wants to attract the fat cat raised by Daitokuji to get clues.

But the cat disappeared like Daitokuji.

In desperation, they returned to the teaching building.

This morning’s class is an alchemy class, and there may be a very slim chance that Daitokuji will return to class.

However, after seeing the figure that appeared on the podium, everyone was disappointed again.

It turned out to be Professor Kouronos.

Kuronos cleared his throat and said, “Today Daitokuji is absent from work, and I will take alchemy class in his place.” ”

The last time he and Maruto Sho and others were kidnapped by Tanya’s [Amazon Pet Tiger] elf and disappeared for two days, it was Daitokuji who taught him a lesson.

Now it was his turn to substitute for Daitokuji.

However, Kuronos, who did not know anything about the field of alchemy, obviously did not take this class well.

“This is an alchemical representation pattern designed according to the shape of the cloud.

The so-called alchemy is… What is below is like what is above, and what is above is like below…”

Culonos held the textbook and stumbled and chanted for a long time, even he himself was confused.

The pattern drawn on the blackboard is even more like a ghost drawing symbol.

As for those complicated experiments, they were even more uncontrollable, and he couldn’t even recognize all the words on the element list.

Such an unbearable performance made the students who attended the class embarrassed.

Koji raised his hand on the spot and shouted:

“Teacher, that is not a direct definition of alchemy, but a passage in the Jade Record, about the principle of alchemy, ‘down is like above, up is like bottom, and all things are one’.”

“Ahem, alchemy is originally an unreliable thing, it doesn’t matter how to explain it.”

Kulonos barked awkwardly.

He didn’t believe in supernatural powers in the past.

Since his dark duel with Camusa, his perception has begun to change.

However, he remained skeptical of alchemy.

But when this is said, the students are even more unable to listen.

Gao Si spoke again: “Professor, otherwise you won’t talk about it, let the senior You Long give us a lesson!” ”

This proposal was immediately approved by several people.

“This is a good idea, I am afraid that Master Youlong’s alchemy level is higher than that of Daitokuji teacher!”

“Yes! Let the dragon teach us a lesson! ”

These people are basically old and new members of the Paranormal Phenomenon Research Association, who know the skills of the dragon and are quite eager to obtain the knowledge he imparts.

Other students who did not know about the dragon’s alchemy ability had no objection.

No matter who you change, it shouldn’t be worse in front of you, right?

Kuronos was not ashamed either, he was happy to see someone help relieve the siege, and quickly pleaded with Youlong:

“You Long-san, everyone said so, or will you come to give a lecture for Daitokuji?”

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