
Chapter 156

“[Divine Yanhuang-Uriah], attack that [Yanzheng Dragon-Burning Dragon], high-energy breath!

[Thunder Emperor-Harmon], attack [Lanzheng Dragon-Dragon], lost music and thunder!

[Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel], destroy [Waterfall Dragon-Tide Dragon], and Celestial Ravage Fist! ”

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

Cracking pillars of fire, furious flaming thunder, thick majestic fist prints.

Three terrifying attacks struck at the Dragon Field in unison, killing all his monsters!

Fortunately, Yulong had the foresight to summon three monsters that could block all the attacks of the three phantom demons and not be damaged in battle.

But Kagemaru scoffed at this:

“Hmph, it’s naïve to think that you can use these trash fish as a barrier to be unscathed!

[Thunder Emperor – Harmon] will drop the heavenly punishment when fighting to destroy the monster, causing 1000 damage to the opposing player! ”

The Thunder Emperor roared fiercely, his horns were high, and he controlled one after another thunder and lightning to fall from the clouds, and slammed straight into You Long himself.


The health of the dragon suddenly dropped to 3,000 points.

Kagemaru was naturally not satisfied with this.

The gathering of the three phantom demons brought harm to the dragon for the first time, which is really not something to be proud of.

But it doesn’t hurt.

“Hehe, because I’ve already won!”

Kagemaru still has a magic card [Dimensional Fusion Kill] left in his hand.

The effect of this card can be to exclude the three illusions on the field, and summon [Chaos Illusion – Armitair] from the extra deck!

Although the offensive and defensive value of this twelve-star monster is 0 points, it has a powerful effect.

Once a turn, this card attacks the occasion that deals 10,000 combat damage to a monster on the opponent’s field. If the opponent does not have a monster, directly deal 10,000 damage to the opponent player!

The latter situation is consistent with the situation on the dragon field.

If he resists this high amount of damage, he will definitely lose!

However, before the [Dimensional Fusion Kill] was launched, the effect of a hand of Youlong was triggered first:

“Kagemaru, inflicting battle damage on me means that you will uncover my supreme power sleeping in my deck little by little!

When you take damage due to a battle or effect, you can summon the monster from your hand.

Come out! 【Guardian Slime】! ”


A mass of sticky objects crept out of the card of this card, slowly forming a monster more than eight meters tall on the field.

The blue body is translucent, the surface is covered with smooth mucus, although it is only a slime, but it grows a dark head shaped like a jackal, wearing a golden breastplate, which is very strange.

[Guardian Slime]: Ten Stars/ATK:0/DEF:0/Water Attribute/Aqua!

The second effect of this monster is that during the damage calculation phase of the battle between this card and the opponent’s monster, the defensive power of this card will increase the value of the opponent’s monster’s attack power.

This means that it can withstand the powerful attacks of any phantom demon unharmed!

And the effect of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Armitair] can’t help this monster.

Because it is now on the defensive basis, it does not need to take combat damage.

Looking at the sudden appearance of [Guardian Slime], Kagemaru snorted, unwillingly gripped the [Dimensional Fusion Kill] again, temporarily dispelling the idea of summoning [Chaos Phantom Demon].

“According to the effect of [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel], when the opponent has a monster summoning, he will specially summon the same number of [Phantom Demon Derivatives] on his own field.”


A hideous demon that looked quite similar to the Phantom Demon Emperor, but only three meters tall, appeared on the field, kneeling on one knee and crossing his paws in front of his chest, showing a guard sign.

[Phantom Derivative]: One Star/ATK: 1000/DEF: 1000/Dark Attribute/Demon Clan.

A derivative is of no use to Kagemaru now, and his round has finally come to an end.

“It’s a pity that I can’t give you the last blow, but in the next round, you will definitely die and will be completely buried by me!”

Kagemaru sneered.

“This is the end of my round.”

Although he failed to defeat Youlong, with the presence of the three phantom demons, he already had the confidence to win.

Victory comes late!

In this regard, everyone present felt a complete cold, whether it was their bodies or hearts, they trembled violently.

“Three phantom demons, this is simply a dead end!”

“Oops! Such a terrifying opponent, how should you deal with the dragon! ”

“They can absorb the life of the dueling elves, and if they are truly revived, I am afraid they can really destroy the world…”

There are already pessimists who have desperate thoughts.

In the face of such a desperate situation, even if the dragon can summon the [Sky Dragon of Osiris], I am afraid that he will not be able to return to the sky!

However, most people still hold on to the last glimmer of hope.

That was a long-established sense of trust in the dragon instinct.

“Now I can only choose to believe in the dragon!”

“You Long will definitely win, he will never lose!”

“Please summon your most powerful dragon, this is your last chance!”

At this moment, all everyone’s hopes are pinned on Youlong.

But he was not swayed by this multiplying pressure, and still carried out his operation this round with determination.

“My turn, draw!”

This time, the first thing you use is not any card in the hand, field, or graveyard.


He pulled out a prepared monster card from the extra deck and slapped it on the duel board.

“Sacrifice a ten-star Water Tribe monster with an attack power of 0 on the field, and you can summon this [God-Slime] from the extra deck!”


In the blue halo, the body of the guardian slime underwent a violent deformation.

The streamlined body surface became distinct, as if it was bulging with solid muscles, covered with pieces of hard armor, like a titan giant standing tall against the sky.

A pair of sticky giant claws turned into two fists capable of shaking the mountain, and fork-shaped horns stretched out around the skull, and the tension was intimidating.

Its appearance at this time is closer to [Obelisk’s Giant God Soldier] than the [Phantom Demon Emperor]!

[God-Slime]: Ten Stars/ATK: 3000/DEF:3000/Water Attribute/Aqua!

After [Guardian Slime] leaves the scene as a sacrifice, its third effect is instantly triggered:

“This card can be activated from the hand or when the field is sent to the graveyard, and a magic trap card with the name of the [Helios Winged Dragon] card is added to the hand from the deck.

I chose the magic card [Ancient Spell]! ”

After this card is started, the dragon directly uses it:

“Activate the effect of [Ancient Spell] and add a [Sun God Winged Divine Dragon] to the hand from the deck or graveyard!”


[God-Slime] can be used as three sacrifices, enough to sacrifice and summon [Winged Dragon].

However, the offensive and defensive values of the [Wing Divine Dragon] summoned in this way are all 3,000 points, which is far from meeting the requirements of the Dragon.

He needs higher attack power!

“Exclude [Yanzheng Dragon-Burning Dragon] and [Waterfall Dragon-Chao Dragon] in the graveyard from the game, and specially summon the [Lanzheng Dragon-Dragon] in the graveyard!”


In the berserk tornado, a gray-blue dragon composed of high-speed cyclones swooped out of it, carrying storm thunder and landing on the field of the dragon again.

[Arashi Zheng Dragon – Dragon]: Seven Star / ATK: 2400 / DEF: 2200 / Wind Attribute / Dragon Clan.

“[Waterfall Dragon – Tide Dragon] Except for occasions in the game, a dragon water attribute monster can be added to the hand from the deck.”


The dragon seamlessly placed the selected monster card into the duel board:

“Usually summon the monster [Water Dragon-Flowing Dragon]!”


In the slightly immature dragon groan, a crystal clear blue dragon appeared on the field.

[Water Dragon – Flowing Dragon]: Four Star / ATK: 1600 / DEF: 2000 / Water Attribute / Dragon Clan.

“The round launched by the [Ancient Mantra], in addition to the original usual summoning, there is also a chance to summon sacrifices.”

You Long said, holding high the card he had just obtained with the effect of this card:

“Kagemaru, I said earlier that you personally unveiled the supreme power sleeping in my deck, and in the face of this power, the phantom demon you are proud of is completely vulnerable!

Now, I will offer [God-Slime], [Arashi Dragon-Dragon], and [Water Dragon-Flowing Dragon] on the field as sacrifices.

The elves sing the praises, and the power of greatness rules over all things. Its life, its soul, even its remains!

Come here! 【Sun God Winged Divine Dragon】! ”

Kagemaru, who was originally full of confidence, froze his gaze in an instant, and hissed in disbelief:

“Pterodactyl? That’s impossible! How can you have a God card! How could you control the gods! ”

Regarding the incident of the tomb of the royal family, Dean Sajima did not report to his superiors in detail, so only a very small number of people in the Duel Academy knew that Yulong had the God Card.

But in their cognition, the peregrine dragon has the [Sky Dragon of Osiris].

But when did he still control the [Sun God Winged Divine Dragon]?!

Everyone present was equally stunned, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

Silence –

The atmosphere of the scene fell into a sluggish moment, and the dark clouds in the sky were pressed lower, and they became more dignified.

The three sacrifices on the Dragon Field all exploded, turning into three streams of light and pouring into the clouds.


The clouds and mist in the sky were stirred by an indescribable mighty force, forming a huge black cloud vortex.

A dark golden ball with a diameter of more than thirty meters tore through the clouds, fell straight down from the center of the whirlpool like a meteorite, and descended above the head of the dragon!

【Helios Winged Dragon】::Ten Stars/ATK:? /DEF:? /God Attribute/Phantom God Beast Clan!

At this time, the winged dragon was in the most primitive sphere form, and did not leak the slightest breath and coercion, so it hung quietly in the air, as if it was a dead thing without life.

“This, this is God?”

“How could it be a ball?”

“It seems that there are no phantom demons to be scary…”

Looking at this Winged Divine Dragon Sphere, everyone was amazed.

What happened in front of you is completely different from what you imagined!

Is this really God?

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