
Chapter 175

You Long departed from the port of Toshino City and returned to Duel Academy with the freshmen on a cruise chartered by the academy.

Last year’s large passenger plane for the freshmen was contracted by Kagemaru’s company, but this year’s transportation was changed to the full responsibility of the Kaima Group.

Although planes are much faster than cruise ships, there is no doubt that the latter cost more.

The facilities for eating, drinking, and living on board are all available, and the sailing time is also up to several days, and the expenses are huge, which shows the wealth of the Haima Group.

The purpose of this arrangement is not just to show off wealth.

The cruise ship is equipped with a duel arena, where new students can exchange ideas and build friendships in advance before entering the school.

In the past few days, Yulong has spent most of his time on the sidelines drinking drinks and leisurely watching the duels of the freshmen.

One of the most striking is a tall boy with dirty braids, with solid muscles bulging under his bronzed skin, looking quite intimidating.

You Long recognized his identity the first time he saw him.

“Dilano-Sword Mountain!”

This person is the same as the dinosaur Ryuzaki in the DM era, using the [Dinosaur] card set, but the version is more novel, with more powerful dinosaur monsters such as [Ultimate Dire Beast] and [Super Conduction Dire Beast].

And compared with Ryuzaki, Kenzan has a higher love for dinosaurs, which makes him have a deep bond with the deck and can burst out stronger strength.

This can be seen from the outfit of Jianshan.

He wears a dinosaur-like turban all day and a skeleton necklace less than half the size of a fist on his chest, which appears to be made of reptile skulls such as lizards.

In fact, this is a dinosaur fossil.

In terms of size, it resembles the bones of the Triassic small carnivorous dinosaur Archosaurus, but there is a curved horn at the back of the skull, which is similar to that of the herbivorous dinosaur paractenosaurus of the late Cretaceous.

This horn is also somewhat similar to the crown of the toothless pterosaur , but the mouth features of the two are very different.

You Long has also done some research on dinosaurs in his previous life, after all, this is the only “dragon” in that world that really exists and leaves fossils.

However, he was not able to determine the type of dinosaur skull of Sword Mountain.

“Maybe it’s a species unique to this world, or the remains of some special creatures…”

You Long thought.

However, what makes Sword Mountain impressive is not just his appearance and the [Dinosaur] deck.

The strength he has shown is the strongest among the freshmen, and he has defeated more than a dozen opponents during the sea journey in the past few days.

There were even several defeated generals under him, all of whom were taken in as junior brothers under his command.

But today he has no chance to challenge his opponent.

Because at sunrise in the early morning, the cruise ship docked.

Everyone has finally arrived at the destination of their trip – Duel Academy!


As soon as he landed, You Long saw the two teachers who came to welcome the new students.

One of them was Professor Culonos, whom You Long was familiar with.

At this time, Kuronos can be described as a proud spring breeze.

According to the overall teaching score he received last semester, he is the vice dean this semester.

But a few days before the start of school, he received an interim notice from the board.

Dean Sawashima has gone to communicate with duel institutions around the world on behalf of the Electronic Runner Hall, and may not have had the opportunity to return to school in recent months.

Therefore, the board of directors decided that Kuronos, the vice president, would be temporarily acting president!

“I hope that Dean Sajima will return to the professional duel circle, and don’t think about returning to continue teaching, so that by next semester, I can become the official dean!”

Kulonos thought to himself.

But even after becoming the acting dean, after seeing You Long, he still did not put up a shelf, but greeted him warmly, and said with a smile on his face:

“You Long classmate is back, I haven’t seen him for two months, I am a lot more energetic than in the past, I think the level of duel has gone further!”

What he said was not hypocritical politeness.

After obtaining the power of the [Giant God Dragon-Shining] elf, the body of the dragon has become beyond ordinary people, and the spirit is more vigorous than ever, giving people a new sense of nature.

Before and after coming to Kuronos, You Long also smiled and said, “The professor looks like he is in good spirits, presumably he has been promoted, right?” ”

Cullonoston was a little proud:

“Dean Sajima has not been there recently, so I am temporarily acting dean…”

He was about to boast, but before he could continue, he was squeezed aside by another teacher next to him.

This is a stocky balding uncle with a slightly upturned mustache and a neatly ironed dark green dress, which is very traditional gentleman’s demeanor.

Although his height is less than two-thirds of that of Kulonos, his arrogance is a little stronger than the former, and he looks up at the freshmen.

However, this arrogance converged in front of Youlong.

He shook You Long’s hand enthusiastically: “You are You Long classmate, you are indeed a talent, worthy of being an excellent student who makes the teachers of the academy praise.”

My name is Napoleon Malden, I have just transferred from the branch to the main academy, and I will be the head of the Duel Academy in the future, even if I am the deputy dean of the replacement, you can come to me for help if you have any difficulties in life and study. ”

The Napoleon patriarch was of similar status to Couronos, and his ancestors were European nobles from France.

And his personality is also very similar to Kuronos, favoring and respecting the “excellent students” of the blue dormitory, and discriminating against the “bad students” of the red dormitory, and he can’t wait to get rid of them quickly.

However, his duel strength is rare and cannot be compared with the latter.

In contrast, Garner Malden, the son of Napoleon’s patriarch, impressed Peregrine Dragon even more.

According to the development of future events, after Garner was controlled by Yubel, he used legendary cards such as [Axodia], [Three Illusion Demons], and [Ultimate Treasure Jade God-Rainbow Dark Dragon].

These are all terrifying powers that most duelists cannot touch for the rest of their lives!

But Garner is a freshman who won’t start next year, and Yulong doesn’t need to be distracted by this for the time being.

He didn’t stay at the dock for long, and after exchanging pleasantries with the two teachers, he dragged his suitcase towards the dormitory.

Before leaving, Kulonos added:

“By the way, You Long-san, the new dormitory you applied for has been repaired, you only need to move your personal belongings from the original dormitory.”

“Thank you, I’ll sort it out.”

After You Long left, the freshmen who saw this scene around couldn’t help but talk about each other.

“Who is that person, he seems to have a good relationship with the teacher.”

“What’s more, the relationship is very good, the attitude of those two teachers towards him is simply too good!”

“I’m afraid it’s a very powerful senior!”

The only time Yuryu made a public appearance was the live broadcast of the national television duel with Manjome.

But the whole process actually took less than half an hour, and there was no replay afterwards.

What’s more, the students of the Duel Academy came from all over the world, and students from non-island countries did not even have the opportunity to know what he looked like.

As a result, most of the freshmen did not recognize him.


After returning to his original bedroom, You Long did not rush into the door.

Because he found a young man standing in front of his bedroom door, flashing him a kind smile.

This person’s facial features are quite handsome, with short silver-gray hair and a slim suit that is also silver, which makes him feel a bit more competent.

“You are a Yulong senior, I am this year’s freshman Ed, and I came to Duel Academy with great admiration for my seniors, and I hope to communicate with my seniors.”

In the face of his humble respect, You Long did not return the courtesy, but instead laughed dumbly.

Students from Europe and the United States are very unlikely to know him.

The guy in front of him is obviously an old fried fried stick pretending to be tender.

You Long put down his suitcase and said playfully:

“No need to bring an honorific, the champion of the World Duel League entered the Duel Academy because he admired me, do you think anyone would believe it, Ed Phoenix?”

“So you know me.”

Ed’s eyes flickered, and he immediately narrowed his smile.

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