
Chapter 182

“Teacher, don’t you suddenly appear, it’s so scary!”

You Cheng Ten Generations and the ten thousand eyes on the side were all sweaty and startled.

The shadow that appeared behind them was none other than Daitokuji who had been transformed into a duel elf by the dragon using the power of the Darkness Eye.

The monster card he sent [Awakened Alchemist – Daitokuji] was handed over to Ten Generations by Yuryu, and after nearly three months of deep sleep, he finally woke up a week ago.

However, Shidai and the others have obviously not been able to adapt to a living person turned into an elf.

This feeling is like following a haunted ghost.

“Sorry sorry, I’ll pay attention next time.”

Daitokuji said with an awkward wry smile.

Everyone didn’t dwell on this issue for long, because at this time, this Ed vs Maruto Ryo match officially began!

According to the judgment, Amity took the lead in the operation.

The first operation step he carried out caused the crowd in front of the screen to stir.

The monster he summoned turned out to be [E-HERO Winged Man]!

Shiyo was surprised: “Could it be that this player uses the same hero deck as me?” ”

“Wouldn’t you? That’s a pro! ”

“You actually use [E-HERO]?”

Sanze, Chuixue, and even the other teachers and students present were a little stunned.

In this era, the card pool of the [E-HERO] series is not so rich, the strength is limited, and it can only form a relatively ordinary card set, which is generally used by novices.

Few people can use it to play with enough power, let alone play in world-class professional leagues.

Even the ten generations of Yucheng, who have full trust in the series of monsters, have gradually felt the lack of card strength recently, and have been in deep thought all day long.

However, as the game progresses, everyone finally discovers the difference between Ed’s hero deck.

The monster he fused with [Winged Man] and [Burst Girl] is not [E-HERO Flame Wingman], but [E-HERO Phoenix Man], which is extremely unfamiliar to everyone!

This monster is unheard of even for ten generations.

Moreover, after fusing with [Electric Light Man], [Phoenix Man] was able to summon [Flash Phoenix Man] corresponding to [Flash Flame Winged Man]!

This once again surprised everyone.

However, Ryo Maruto’s performance is as strong as ever.

Although he failed to start three [Electronic Dragons], he still quickly summoned powerful monsters such as [Electronic Twin Dragons], and after cooperating with [Restrictions Lifted], he still burst out with powerful combat power.

In the face of Ed’s [Flash Phoenix Man], he summoned the ace monster [Electronic Terminator Dragon] with the effect of [Electronic Fusion Support]!

The duel soon reached its most critical stage, with only a few hundred health points left for both players.

Just one attack is enough to empty the opponent’s remaining life.

“The victory of this duel, I accept it!”

Maruto raised his arm and said coldly,

“[Electronic Terminator Dragon], attack the [Flash Phoenix Man] on the opponent’s field!”

Facing the blazing flame of light erupting from the mouth of the Terminator Dragon, Ed was not afraid to smile back:

“Caesar Liang, as a senior in professional dueling, I must give you a piece of advice, if you lose yourself in blood, you will definitely lose, this is your fate that has long been doomed!

Launch the trap card [Destiny Destruction]! Send five cards from your deck to the graveyard! ”

After flipping the cover, Ed immediately unleashed the effect of the monster on the field:

“For every [E-HERO] monster in the graveyard, the attack power of the [Flash Phoenix Man] increases by 300 points, and of the cards I just threw into the graveyard, four cards are eligible!”

The attack power of the [Flash Phoenix Man] had already increased to 3700 points, and under further increases, it immediately climbed to 4900 points.

This value overshadowed the 4,000 points of [Electronic Terminator Dragon]!


The Flash Phoenix forcibly rushed forward against the flame of the Terminating Dragon, and the alloy sharp claws swung vigorously, and actually pierced and tore the latter’s mechanical dragon body abruptly!


With the destruction of the electronic terminator dragon, Maruto Ryo suffered 900 damage, and his health was emptied in an instant.

He lost!

The lonely figure of Maruto Ryo kneeling on one knee caused an uproar in the auditorium of the Duel Academy.

“Caesar actually lost to him!”

“The ten-game winning streak has finally been broken!”

“This Ed is so good…”

The noisy exchange resounded throughout the auditorium, either in shock and exclamation, or shaking of the head in regret.

While everyone was talking, the camera on the screen had switched to outside the duel arena, where Ed, as the winner of the match, was being interviewed by reporters.

“What an amazing match, Mr. Phoenix, can I tell you why you used the [E-HERO] deck this time? You’ve never used these cards in a tournament before, have you? ”

“Today is indeed the first time it has been used in public.”

Faced with the reporter’s question, Ed smiled confidently,

“But actually, what I’m best at is the cards of the Hero series, and recently I met a Duel Academy powerhouse who I wanted to talk to with with a deck that I really love and am proud of.

I heard that he had defeated my opponent today, Caesar Liang, so I took out this deck in advance and defeated Caesar to prove to that man that I had what it took to challenge him! ”

Ed said, no longer facing the reporter, but directly at the camera, his eyes full of fighting intent:

“Duel Academy Yuryu classmate, I have prepared my deck, I hereby issue a formal challenge to you, soon I will come to Duel Academy again!”

You Long crossed the screen, his eyes moving slightly and muttered, “Accompany you at any time!” ”


A few days later in the night.

“Boom rumble…”

You Long was suddenly awakened by the roar of the plane’s engine.

Duel Academy is not on any regular airplane route, and it is obvious that there are unidentified planes flying over the Academy!

“There is a situation!”

Faced with this sudden change, You Long immediately dressed, took the duel plate and other items, and rushed to the dormitory.

A few minutes later, he joined several teachers and students downstairs in the Blue dormitory.

These include Mizawa, Asuka, Manjome, and Kuronos.

These people are the key guardians in the original Three Illusions Demon Incident.

They practiced such actions countless times during the last semester, and they were the first to meet at night if there was any suspicious disturbance.

This has almost formed a conditioned reflex, and even after two months, the reaction is still rapid.

Jushiro and Maruto Sho were also called over from the red dormitory by Manjome, just in case.

“What the hell happened?”

“It looks like it’s just a false alarm, right?”

Everyone looked at the night sky and found that the plane had already flown far away, and they could only vaguely see a red dot flashing in the sky.

It really seems to be just an accidental passing by.

“Don’t let your guard down, someone parachuted down.”

You Long scanned the dark sky with the night vision ability of the true red eye, and immediately locked a position,

“Look where!”

Saying that, he raised the flashlight in his hand and shone it into the northwest sky.

This strong light flashlight is very penetrating, and can even shine light spots directly on low-altitude clouds.

Following the direction of the dragon’s illumination, everyone soon found a black shadow in mid-air.

“There’s really someone, wouldn’t it be that Ed?”

Everyone subconsciously raised their flashlights and shone them towards this person.

The person who slowly floated towards the Duel Academy with a parachute on his back was none other than Ed Phoenix.

Originally, he wanted to descend to the academy in this fast and windy way, like a superhero in a movie.

But he didn’t expect that he would be discovered so soon!

“It’s so dazzling, do these guys have to shine flashlights on me all the time…”

Ed said indignantly in his heart.

Coming to Duel Academy in the way of being watched by onlookers really embarrassed him.



Just been beaten by the editor’s hammer, tomorrow will definitely resume normal updates, see that I feel unreliable, I must rely on the whip ah…

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