Yu Sha

Chapter 506: Mutual Enlightenment and Tracing the Source

Latest website: At this time, in the black storm, Uncle Shang looked up.

The extremely vast existence that was blurred between the catalog and the talisman array, after this very brief moment of exposure, even though it was restrained by Uncle Shang's means, it still collapsed and collapsed on its own.

Little bits of spiritual light turned into dust, and finally disappeared in the black storm and the continuously churning Sumeru power.

Just for a breath, when I looked again, there was nothing.

But neither Mr. Shang nor the young man in the carriage regarded what they had just witnessed as some kind of fantasy.

They knew that it really existed. Even though Uncle Shang was a little unsure about the Tao and the Dharma that it presented in the end, he still had no doubts about the judgment of the young man in the carriage.

The young man said that it was the Taoism of the Liu family of Dieshan, so it couldn't be wrong.

And in this way, the seemingly clear situation becomes more bizarre than ever.

"There is no need to consider the matter of the annihilation of this clan. They are the Liu family of Dieshan. The last clan to be cut off also died in Dieshan. They were born in the human world and buried in the human world. They are not cultivators of ghosts and evil spirits. There is no way to cause trouble.

However, nine hundred years ago, the last great golden elixir monk of the Liu family was stationed outside the boundary gate...


What happened outside the border? So what was the situation of the last great monk of the Liu family?


When he came to the last words, his emotions surged for a moment, and Uncle Shang suddenly became speechless.

But even if Uncle Shang was only hesitant to speak in the end, his hidden meaning could be understood instantly even by the young man in the carriage.

What happened to the Liu family's great monk in the golden elixir realm? Today, he taught Uncle Shang to gain insight into the Liu family's Tao and Dharma in Butterfly Mountain from the other side of the Sumeru rift.

Just when Shang Boyou was still immersed in this boundless surprise.

In the carriage, the young man's still calmer voice continued to sound.

"Actually, Uncle Shang, you and I are shocked by this today, just because of the emergence of this familiar Tao and Dharma that has actually been passed down in the human world.

The reason for surprise is that the familiar Tao and Dharma have become unfamiliar.

In fact, it is not worth such fear, or in other words, we should have had such fear a long time ago.

As early as on the other side of the Sumeru crack, when that strange and unknown existence struck from the air and used the magic circle hole to illuminate the way of the Hunyuan Dharma Body, you and I should have been afraid.

It's just that in the past, it was nothing more than the Tao of the Hunyuan Dharmakaya, carrying Tao and Dharma that were suddenly unfamiliar to you and me.

Even... some things are hard to say. Did the ancient sages create the Hunyuan Taoism from scratch, or was it someone like me who stopped in the wind of this Sumeru world and gained insight into that other world? The evil and weirdness on one end, then learn from the other side, and use it as an outline framework to pass on the Tao and Dharma of the world...

Is it because the great monk of the Liu family has gone far away from the boundary and is like this today?

Or is it that the other end of the Xumi crack has existed forever, so the Liu family of Butterfly Mountain was passed down in the past years?

The time that this family has been passed down is not very long, and the records that remain in the pile of old papers include only a few great monks in the Golden Core Realm.

Therefore, it has been passed down for a short period of time, so its Taoist techniques and techniques have not yet shown signs of being constantly adjusted, deleted or made easier over the years.

Therefore, the Tao and Dharma are exactly the same, but it is actually difficult to explain who created whom..."

From beginning to end, the young man in the carriage spoke very calmly.

He was never panicked like Uncle Shang. He only repeatedly struggled and panicked about the Liu family's Taoism reflected in front of him. Of course, Uncle Shang stopped in the realm of golden elixir and saw various perspectives and ordinary monks. What's more, there is something different. What seems ordinary to others may be unspeakably shocking and terrifying to Uncle Shang.

But no matter how he thinks about it, at least at this moment, the young man is obviously thinking much more profoundly than Shang Bo on the issue of the inheritance of Taoism and mutual cultivation.

And it was precisely because of what the young man said in his calm voice that he taught Uncle Shang to think carefully about the young man's words. It seemed that it was because of such long thinking that he taught Mr. Shang to change from that kind of fear. Break free from the uncertain state.

Therefore, he looked towards the direction of the raging storm where the Xumi crack collapsed, as if with lingering fear.

"Young Master means..."

Finally, when he mentioned this, the young man's voice also contained a bit of unprecedented solemnity.

"If we say that there are all kinds of Tao and Dharma in the world reflected by the Sumeru crack, which are mutually related and reflected in this vast human world, then there is no reason to only focus on the Liu family of Dieshan.

It's just that Uncle Shang bumped into him like this today, but if it is deduced from this, similar Taoist reflections will continue to appear in the wind of Xumi Realm in the future.

Maybe, when the other end of the Sumeru crack is reflected, it will be the manifestation of Taoism that has been passed down for endless years in the human world!

Hey! When the time comes, you only need to observe the meaning contained in that dharma, whether it is the dharma tradition of this family in the past or the dharma tradition passed down later, and at which node the traces left by the years are reflected, it will be enough to judge. Is it the world that creates the weirdness of this dim world, or...

If there are such weird and strange phenomena because of the great monks in the human world, maybe it's okay. It's just that there are some weird things happening outside the boundary, isolated from heaven and earth, abandoned between life and death, and that won't be revealed to the world. As far as I know, no matter how you and I guess, we are just scaring ourselves.

But what if... what if the Hunyuan Dharmakaya in this world actually originated from that dim world... the Hunyuan Dharma...

Uncle Shang, by then, it will be hard to say whether all the things we have encountered in these generations are natural disasters or man-made disasters. "

But after hearing what the young man said, it was rare that there was fear hidden in Uncle Shang's eyes when he looked at the black storm for the first time.

Uncle Shang was not afraid, it was still a means for him to compete, but at this moment, he actually didn't want to use this method anymore to get a glimpse of the essence and truth behind it.

Just seeing that the marrow itself seemed to have a huge power, and it was going to fall down bit by bit and suppress Shang Bo's mind.

Uncle Shang has lacked this spirit since the old days.

Otherwise, he couldn't have become a deserter who avoided guarding the boundary. Now, he just wanted to follow the records in the animal skin scroll and safely escort the young master through the ancestral home of the ancient demon clan.

Many times the secret itself meant big trouble, and he no longer wanted to be involved in it.

However, the various situations in this world never flow according to people's thoughts.

Even if this is the thought of a great monk in the golden elixir realm.

Almost a very short time passed suddenly. In the same place, in the raging black storm, the power of Sumeru was even more intertwined. Suddenly, there was another Sumeru crack that was brewing at such a rapid speed. The middle hole is open.

As the strong wind carried more and more chilling energy belonging to the cold winter, the black storm itself became more and more intense. At this moment, the Xumi cracks were also revealed more and more frequently.

And it was at the flash of seeing this Xumi crack that Uncle Shang seemed to have accepted his fate.

He sighed for no reason, as if he had accepted what he was about to encounter.

"Then let's take a look and see what kind of heel this Hunyuan Dharma is... After practicing Taoism for many years, who would have thought that it would still happen today?"

When he finished speaking, Uncle Shang was already facing the looming Sumeru crack in the violent storm and took the lead to step out! ——


In the realm of virtuality and reality, in the endless darkness and silence, Chu Weiyang was wearing dragon scale armor, with all his energy wrapped up in one place. At this time, he held the Huanshou sword with both hands and slashed away one after another.

At the same time, Chu Weiyang's originally pale face suddenly turned red.

This was like an unprecedented melting of the energy and blood all over his body in an instant.

And in this "all-out effort", Chu Weiyang slashed out several swords in succession in a blink of an eye. The whimpering dragon roar even only mixed into a sound that broke through the air. The next moment, it was as white as snow. The sword lights overlapped and fell like thunder.

In the sky, the flames that revealed their true form were unfolded by Chu Weiyang's sword. Then, the same red blood suddenly swayed in the mid-air as the sword light fell.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Weiyang was wrapped in five-color spiritual light and stepped forward. In the blink of an eye, a series of sword lights appeared. At the same time, the wide sleeves of the robe in his hand were raised.

Cut off the limbs, use golden needles to stabilize the orifices, and hang a treasure mirror on the ceiling.

In the blink of an eye, when he was defeated and lost control of his body, Chu Weiyang's methods of defeat, different ways of defeat, and the same miserable situation, showed a certain degree of familiarity.

Then, with the intersection of sword energy and sword light, from the skin to the blood marrow, Chu Weiyang was dismembered in an instant.

Just like a cook trying to untie an ox, Chu Weiyang then knocked down the seal to stimulate its inherent vitality and vitality.

For a brief moment, with the dark red spiritual light emerging, and as it continued to engulf the original flesh and blood appearance, talisman and seal patterns emerged one after another, and another complete "True Shape Diagram" was branded by Chu Weiyang At the same time, along with the dimming of the spiritual light dust, the ghost was imprisoned in the treasure mirror.

Finally, a bright light emerged in the darkness and silence, and a jade slip came through the air. When Chu Weiyang glanced at it, he saw that inside it was a piece of high-quality fire seal script that had been lost to the world, and he was very excited. Satisfied, he put it into his sleeve.

After doing this, when Chu Weiyang looked at the vast and colorful galaxy, he suddenly felt the intention to leave.

Mastering the Five Yun Tianluo Umbrella, Chu Weiyang was allowed to come and go in this realm of reality and reality. There was no second descendant of the Panwang Sect in the world. All the treasures during this period were allowed to be discovered by Chu Weiyang alone. There was no need to care about that. Morning and night in an instant.

It is precisely because of this that after the eighth flesh and blood body was dismantled and destroyed by Chu Weiyang and he mastered the true shape diagram, the various information that Chu Weiyang gathered was just enough to put together the complete flow of the five elements in the Yin Evil Way. .

Blindly accumulating the number of true form pictures will not lead to a day of self-exploration. Even as the number of pictures accumulates, it will only make Chu Weiyang feel more "indigestion".

He planned to first comprehend the True Shape Diagram in the hope of making tangible progress. Only when he could sort out the context of the true path forward could this vast galaxy truly become the material for his cultivation.

As soon as he thought of this moment, Chu Weiyang raised the magic umbrella in his hand again. In the blink of an eye as he twisted his wrist, the edge of the magic umbrella split into Xumi cracks, and the five-color spiritual light enveloped Chu Weiyang's figure, and then from this dark and silent place... The world of nothingness escapes into the sky.

Just as Chu Weiyang's figure disappeared, in this dark world, the colorful stars hanging in the sky suddenly rolled back. When he finally looked back, there was only a faint streak of yellow in the endless deep darkness. The aura is suspended, turning into the only color.

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