Chapter 99: The World Tree Summons the Sages of the Order Academy, Lin Fei Conducts a Great Reckoning!.

In Lin Fei’s answer to the question of the Sage Nafith.

The live broadcast quietly started.

Lin Fei’s voice was heard throughout the live broadcast room.

[Liquidate the sages of the Decree Academy! ] 】

“It’s my favorite group performance again, and the venue and group performers are still the same as the real thing!”

“The live broadcast style of tricking people into killing several times in a row is finally gone, and this time it is a fierce liquidation of the sages of the past!”

“The stairs over here are… The great sage Azar, who was escorted by the guards, why hasn’t he been pulled so for a while, and even the monocle is gone! ”

“You’re welcome, it was really a relief to see you beat the Great Sage last time, and this time you must come with a few more punches!”

The barrage of endless noise floated through Lin Fei’s mind, and it was like many voices constantly sounding.

Lin Fei was not affected, and his eyes moved like a camera, and he looked at the sage who was drooling madly with disgust. I didn’t expect that the power of the thousand-year reincarnation dream was so great, and the great sage was tortured like this.

The mad great sage.

Not worthy of talking to Nasida, Lin Fei said to the Great Compassion Tree King: “Can the Tree King heal him?” ”


As one of the culprits of house arrest of Nasida, the Great Sage did not use divine power equally because of the disgust in his heart.

“How can this special effect with the green light of life be made like the real thing!”

“Just at this point, I only know how to look at the special effects, didn’t you see the Daci Tree King’s clothes fluttering just now, like the peerless figure of a fairy 040?”

“What king… What are you talking about, isn’t this a little sister? ”

The spit in the barrage, as well as the mutual acting skills, Lin Fei, who was serious, almost laughed.

“I’m okay!”

“I said, I’m not crazy!”

“You still don’t believe me!”

After the Great Sage regained his sanity, he broke free from the shackles of the guards, opened his arms like a full moon, and roared loudly with excitement.


“Former Great Sage Azar, look over here, shouldn’t you thank your god for healing!”

Lin Fei looked helplessly at the great sage who was crazy because of normal.


“And the little auspicious grass king!”

“This god… This divinity is exactly the same as the Void Tower! ”

“Impossible, it can’t be the Great Mercy Tree King!”

The Great Sage’s expression changed from madness to calm, and he called out Kage and Nasida respectively, trembling uneasily after seeing the Great Mercy Tree Queen.


“I know everything about you.”

“As a god of wisdom, I am not so omniscient and all-powerful, and I am as confused as you are.”

The Great Mercy Tree King stretched out his arm, and his fingers exuded life-like divine power, calming the fragile spirit of the Great Sage who collapsed again.

“King Daci Tree!”

“I’m sorry for you!”

“I’m sorry for the little auspicious grass king, and even more sorry for the Holy Order, and the people of Meru.”

The gods who revered their lives appeared before them, and the great sages confessed to their loving mother like children who had fallen on grave sins.

“No need to cry.”

“It’s the fault of the predecessors.”

The Great Compassion Tree King is not empathetic, and Azhar has been punished by Lin Fei, Nasida, and himself under the World Tree. But the sages of previous generations cannot escape punishment because of death!

“Lin Fei World Tree lends me.”

The Great Compassion Tree King’s sideways gaze looked at Lin Fei,

“I don’t belong to this era and can’t fully unleash the power of the Tivat World Tree.”

Hearing the voice of the Great Compassion Tree King, Nasida did not hesitate to hold the hand of the Great Compassion Tree King,

“I lend you my power too!”


After feeling the warmth of his palm, the Great Compassion Tree King said softly.

“Of course you can!”

Seeing that the Great Compassion Tree King adopted his own ideas, Lin Fei dispelled the idea of using the World Tree alone to hook the earth vein. The space of consciousness opens.

The onlookers of Meru grew their mouths silently, marveling at the changes behind Lin Fei.

The sky has been replaced by a galactic star, and under the starlight stands a peaceful white giant tree, and the knowledgeable Meru scholars are amazed by the beauty of the world tree.

“Boy water friends, what do they see, their mouths are as open as eggs!”

“Why is it that even Ellheisen, who has always been indifferent, is extremely surprised, what did he see!”

“I can’t see, I’m so anxious, really urgent, I’m the god of urgency!”

The barrage rolled in his mind, and Lin Fei turned around and glanced at them,

“It’s just a tree.”

Although the world tree appeared in the live broadcast room for only ten seconds, the eternal visual feeling of encompassing and encompassing all things reached the hearts of everyone in the live broadcast room.

“It is time to summon the sages of the past who have disappeared in time.”

The consciousness of the Great Compassion Tree King successfully connected the two world trees, and searched for a long time in the veins of the earth for five hundred years, finding all the great sages and sages of the past.

Earth veins suddenly surged across the land of Meru.

All the past scenes and memories carried by it, under the initiative of the Great Cishu King, hundreds of ethereal and illusory figures appeared collectively.

“It’s the last Great Sage, Great Sage, I’m Azar!”

“Look over there, there are also the last great sages, this is the same as the portrait handed down!”

“This… The appearance of these people is completely consistent with the portraits handed down, and they are the ancestors of my Decree Academy! ”

The onlookers, after seeing the appearance of the phantom on the square, exclaimed continuously, and their eyes fell on the pure and pure deity.

Is this the divine power of the Great Mercy Tree King?!

“Shadow, if only you had the ability of the Tree King.”

When Lin Fei proposed liquidation before, Miko took advantage of the chaos to go to the city of Meru below and bought a large number of snacks and Meru food to share with Kage.

“Then the position of the general, do you want to sit for a few days as well?”


Eating the shadow of jujube coconut honey, he wrapped his hands around his chest and stared at Miko with a cold face.

Miko turned his face sideways, hiding his panic, and looked straight ahead,

“Forget it, I don’t want this kind of trouble, there are new changes here!”

Lin Fei took a step forward and looked at the many previous sages who gradually understood their existence at this moment, and were summoned by the Great Compassion Tree King

“The Great Mercy Tree King summoned you from the earth vein, not for anything else, but to seek justice!”

“I am the Grass King, the original sage!”

“You guys!”

“For five hundred years, the philosophers of the Holy Order, who are willing to debate with Nasida and verify the wisdom of the gods!”

Lin Fei’s questioning voice sounded in the square, and the world tree behind him was also like a cheer, radiating a crystal luster from the consciousness space to the world, and only silence was heard in response to Lin Fei.

Hundreds of sages, their eyes stayed on the Great Compassion Tree King, then stopped on Naxida, and finally turned dark when they stopped on Lin Fei

“Who dares to move forward and verify the wisdom of the gods!?”

“Can the sages who have been under house arrest for five hundred years dare to come forward and debate with the gods?”

“Answer me!”

There was no silence this time.

It was found that the great sage who had placed Nasida under house arrest humbly bent down his transparent body, knelt down against the cold ground, and silently apologized.

“Of the dozens of generations of sages who will succeed you, can one of them dare to debate with the Grass King and verify the wisdom of the gods?”

Lin Fei crossed the phantom kneeling on the ground and looked at the many sages of the previous generation who bowed their heads and refused to speak.

“Don’t dare to speak, is it a shame for the Tree King, or a shame for the Grass King?”

“Or do you understand now, the gods do not deceive?”

“Or are you worried that you have ruined your previous image of wisdom and erudition in the hearts of the scholars of the Later Dynasty?”

Lin Fei’s questioning voice became more and more contemptuous, like the cold wind in winter, freezing a lot of hot blood on the square. Lin Fei changed his tone and asked, “Then you dare to debate with me?” ”

“I… Dare! ”

“Okay, let’s see what it means to convince people with reason!”

Lin Fei swung his fist and directly beat the sage phantom who made a sound, so that his soul was scattered and instantly extinguished.

The sage in the crowd who originally wanted to step forward to refute it, saw that the original sage of the grass king was so fierce, and quickly dispelled the idea of finding soft persimmons to pinch.

And the punch just now, as the image of the earth vein, they are.

It can be seen that if it is hit, it will completely disappear from Tivat.

The phantom transparent bodies of the sages flowed with several traces similar to sweat, and fell completely silent. Following the figure in the front before, he knelt down together and apologized to the Grass King.

Generations of sages knelt and kowtowed and apologized with actions.

Lin Fei closed his eyes, not wanting to see this group of garbage who bullied the soft and feared the hard, so as not to dirty his eyes,

“A bunch of shameless cartilage!”

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