Susano, who was 100 meters high, cut out with a sword, and the mountain in front of him was directly flattened!

The sky is dark, the sun and the moon are lightless!

This skill, psychic!

The moment he touched the phaseless fire, he did not crotch for a second, and instantly changed into ashes.

Kujo Jura looked at the demonic god-like Susanoo in front of him with a surprised face, with a body as high as 100 meters, and wings growing behind his blood-red armor.

Shura-like face with a large tengu mask.

An infinite sense of oppression appeared in Kujo Jiula’s heart.

Without waiting for her to continue to be surprised, nor surprised that this demon god saved herself, she hurriedly ran to the side.

On the small island to the north of Kujo Jinya, the ground is constantly shaking and is about to sink.

The Susa giants gradually dissipated.

Yun Ze’s figure instantly appeared in front of Kujo Zhuluo, without giving her a chance to be surprised.

He picked it up and ran towards the Kujo Jinya on the side.

On the soles of his feet, the ground was still shaking, and Yun Ze’s knife just now did not stop.

Unleashed his full strength!

His physical strength is limited and cannot be sustained, and after using this sword, he has no ability to use a second sword.

Stepping on the sand, on a high mountain, Yun Ze stopped here holding nine jojo roo.

At this moment, Kujo Jura was still in shock, what was going on with the huge Tengu Giant who was like a demon god just now.

And why did this club suddenly appear here?

Kujo looked at Yun Ze.

Yun Ze looked at the sunken island not far away, and constantly admired the ability of the kaleidoscope in his heart, worthy of spending one billion mola, this money is really worth spending!

A cold voice came

“Can you put me down first?”

Kujo Zhuluo was hugged by Yun Ze in his arms, looking at Yun Ze’s side face and smelling the green orange smell on the young man.

She spoke calmly, but the blush on her face could not hide her inner thoughts.

Yun Ze hurriedly bowed his head, he almost forgot that he was still holding someone.

Two red clouds had risen on Jiujo Luo’s cheeks, and Yun Ze was stunned when he saw it, and subconsciously hugged it closely.

“Yunze! When do you have to hold me, hurry up and let me down.” ”

Kujo Zhuo looked at Yun Ze with a dull look, and hurriedly broke free from his arms first, but he didn’t know.

In the fight with the Phaseless Fire just now, her battle dress had been burned and tattered.

Such a scene instantly feasted Yun Ze’s eyes.

The hand didn’t want to let go even more, and he was a little thirsty at this time.

Jiujo exclaimed, immediately broke free from Yun Ze’s arms, clasped his hands, and glared at Yun Ze fiercely.

“Give me your coat!”

Yun Ze nodded, handed the coat on his body to Jiujo Luo, and reluctantly recalled the scene just now.

After getting dressed, Kujo Luo looked at Yun Ze and asked suspiciously;

“What the hell was that giant just now?”

“Also, how did you arrive suddenly.”

Yun Ze scratched his head, more is better than less.

It doesn’t matter if someone else knows about it, if Raiden General knows, he will be in a little trouble.

After all, I still have to work under her.

Adhering to her eternal will, a freak like Yun Ze must be eliminated first.

“I don’t know, I came to Tan Sha to give you evidence of the Kujo family’s collusion with the fools.”

“After leaving the island, I came to Tatsuma, and I haven’t been back to Inazuma Castle.”

“I asked about your whereabouts in Kujo Main House, and I found it here. By chance, it saved you. ”

Listening to Yun Ze’s explanation, a suspicious look appeared on his face, how could there be such a coincidence in this world.

“Really fake, is it so a coincidence?”

Yun Ze laughed and said with a smile; “Otherwise, you think that the giant like the demon god just now is me, how can it be.”

“I don’t even have the Eye of God…”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Yun Ze’s mind

“Ding, the task of killing the phaseless fire is completed, or the Eye of the Fire Attribute God.”

Yun Ze; “………………”

Say what to come, good a dog system,

On the way to come, he had actually refreshed the task, and Yun Ze took a general look, and the reward for killing the Phaseless Fire was quite rich.

A fire attribute divine eye.

When I saved Kujo Oro just now, I really didn’t pay attention, it was all a subconscious act.

Kujo Zhuo looked at Yun Ze with a dull face and waved his hand, “What are you thinking?” Hurry back to Inazuma, now the fools and the people who follow the survey are looking for you everywhere. ”

“Only when you return to Inazuma Castle and in front of Lord Shogun can we keep you.”

Yun Ze nodded, “It’s okay, let them find it if you want to find it, I’m not afraid at all.” ”

Kujo Jura opened his eyes wide and touched Yun Ze’s forehead

“I’m not sick, how to talk nonsense in the middle of the day.”

Yun Ze was stunned, hurriedly pulled her hand away, and said with disgust; “Go and go, you are sick, what nonsense.”

Seeing him like this, Kujo Jura also began to become serious, and his expression was like a child who looked at himself without arguing.

“I’m not joking, now that the people of the Heavenly Lord’s practice are also starting to arrest you, I know that you went to the outlying islands to investigate and practice.”

“Inazuma’s situation is quite complicated, you poked such a big basket, you really want to be found by those people, it is estimated that it will be troublesome.”

“There is nothing to do with three pursuits, and the most important thing is the fools.”

Yun Ze was puzzled and said suspiciously; “Fools, don’t we Inazuma have an army, it’s not easy to deal with a few of them.”

Jiujo Luo stretched out his hand and patted Yun Ze’s head hard, feeling that this person in front of him always had some abnormal brain circuitry!

“I don’t know what your head thinks, if you do this behind your back, it’s okay, this matter spreads, they will come to you for trouble for face.”

Thinking of this, a trace of solemnity flashed on Kujo Yuluo’s face, the current Inazuma has already undergone a surging tide, if there is such a big change in regeneration, it is really a very dangerous thing!

“At that time, Inazuma will definitely face a lot of pressure.”

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