Void Star God: Is it possible, I mean that after I found abundance to borrow from destiny, Amia was ready to give Kelsey the fruit of abundance

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bugs: Why do I feel that Void Giant just wants to spank Amia’s ass

Sue Xiaoxiao: Who wouldn’t want to, black silk bunny’s ass, prprpr

Galen is not gay: envious to the point of vomiting

Void Star God: I am such a star god in everyone’s eyes, and I am not even as good as Aha!

Amia the Rabbit: Woo hoo, be lighter when the Void Giant hits, otherwise Amia will make strange noises

Dry Girl Xiaoburi: Good, good, I want to see .jpg

Void Star God: ??? “Five Five Seven”

Ye Yu closed the chat group and looked back left and right, always feeling that he was a thief.

He put down the materials for the lawsuit in his hand and went back to the Broken Iron Universe first.

Since the last time hunting, breeding and abundance met.


Night Feather was still able to trace this information to Fertility.


On an ancient planet, abundance is blessed, making many creatures on the planet undead.

The Rich Yakushi stands beyond the planet, and she looks down on the planet.

Holy and evil, she makes people feel that they want to worship and want to blaspheme.

It’s just that.


The Rich Medicine Master only felt that his heart beat fiercely.

The beating sound was so violent that the whole planet heard it, and countless people kneeling on the ground were once again blessed by this sound and gained eternal life.

“Why does my heart beat like this?” Abundance was puzzled.

She is the god of the promised land, aiming to make life flourish and help people relieve short-lived diseases, but she does not know what kind of disease her heart is beating at the moment.

Night Feather appears.

He found Ferong, saw her in a daze, and spoke.

“Feng, I need your fate, give me the power of fate to control for a while.”

“ix…” Feng Rao saw the night feather, and his heart beat even more violently.

For the first time, the evil and holy medicine master’s face turned slightly red.

Countless times have blessed life, and several times I have witnessed that there are lovers who are finally dependents under the blessing, and the heartbeat of those lovers, as well as their cheeks, are like their current self.

The medicine master looked at Ye Yu stunned.

Do you have a crush on IX?

In fact.

It’s not like.

It is the attraction of fate to fate.

As the only existence in the Broken Iron World beyond the destiny level, after eating the fruit of abundance, he almost developed a second rich destiny river, although it was destroyed by Ye Yu with nothingness.


Still not completely gone.

It was the residual abundance that made Feng Rao mistakenly think that this was her love for Ye Yu.

“If you are destined, please use it.”

“Huh? Thank you. Ye Yu didn’t expect the process to be so smooth, and opened the chat group to contact Amia, and both sides completed the operation at the same time, smoothly pulling Kelsey to a rich fate.

But. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Ye Yu came back to his senses.

Feng Rao didn’t know how to stand behind him, and was very close to him, exhaled like a lan, slowly approached, and then completely attached to the back of the night feather, and gently hugged the night feather with his hand.

Fates attract each other.

She is also the god of the promised land, her duty is to make life flourish, and she loves life, whether it is helping it or blessing it.


For her, there is another thing that has never been done, that is, she gives birth to life, which is what Abundance longs for the most but cannot do, because she has no desire for that kind of thing, until this time she met Ye Yu… 0

Feng Rao said to Ye Yu.

“Ix, I want to give birth to a new life with you, okay?”

“Huh?” The night feather that finished the business was terrifying.

Because this thing is very weird.

Isn’t it scary that suddenly the rich pharmacist hugged you from behind and said that he wanted to give birth to a new life with you?

Sexy fox fairy selling tea online is not so weird.

Moreover, Ye Yu is still a person who has a girlfriend, he decisively slapped away the hand that Abundance hugged him, just about to say two words about Abundance and Sin, I just borrowed your fate, you actually want to eat my body!

Just when I was about to be so angry.

Ye Yu saw that Feng Rao was thrown away by himself, and a little grievance was revealed in his holy and evil face.

This scene reminded Ye Yu of Keqing, and for a while, he couldn’t stop his heart.

“Why reject me.” Ferong’s aggrieved expression, coupled with his own absolute beauty, is an absolute charm for anyone, and the evil god drops greatly!!!

Ye Yu was stunned by the question.

Sure enough, it’s a curse! Actually raked upside down?

As a void, Yoruha speaks righteously.

“Feng, you are good-looking, also 0.1 is very cute, you are a good person, but we are not suitable !!!”

Abundance seemed to understand what Yo Yu meant.

She explained softly.

“Ix, don’t worry, I’m not an ordinary person, I won’t pester you every day like a mortal woman, I just want to give birth to a new life with you, just need your DNA substance to enter my body, after that I will leave by myself, don’t worry.”

Hear this.

Night Feather Yamare.

Then the sense of morality is as thin as the night feathers are broken.

“Abundance of remnants!!! To say such shameless words is simply outrageous!!!! “。

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