Void Star God: These two days are so busy, the seven gods seem to be going to my house for a party in the spring after many years

Inazuma House Shadow: Oh, people don’t want to go out, and they haven’t done it every day

Dry Thing Girl Xiaoburi: Why did you suddenly want the gathering of the seven gods? Heavenly Reason awakened?

Void Star God: That’s not it, recently my husband didn’t have a study exchange meeting to collapse iron, probably the next issue will pull others to go

Galen is not gay: study? Learn a fart!

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bugs: Whoops! The gathering of the seven gods, the void giant is indeed busy

Void Star God: Kerqing They have been busy with the construction of Liyue Science College recently, in short, I really can’t handle it alone

Inazuma Takage: Or I won’t go, make it easier for the Void Giant

Void Star God: This point should not be discussed with the Son of God

Inazuma House Shadow: Woo hoo, then I’ll help Void Giant cook!

Blue dyeing in the sky: alert .jpg

Su Xiaoxiao: Chicken soup is coming~

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bugs: Drink ah, why not drink?

Rina the Tongue of the Gods: How about cooking? I’m pretty good at that

Little Rabbit Amia: This sister Erinai is even more heavyweight, and the little rabbit is embarrassed to .jpg

Void Star God: Erina? When is the new person in the group?

Erina: Just joined the group two days ago

Void Star: Are you a chef?

Erina: Yes, studying at Far Moon Academy, he is one of the ten masters of Far Moon

Void Star God: Heyga, I understand, it’s still a student, in this way, I am an old man in the group, I opened a big restaurant, you come to me for an internship, I will stamp you with an internship seal, and the salary is negotiable

Erina: Oh, I’m still a good cook

Void Star God: I know, I want to add money, you can go out, Mora can discuss

Scumbag: Is there a possibility that the Void Giant did not watch the drama of the Halberd Spirit, and you dare to invite this chef?

Void Star God: Expensive?

Su Xiaoxiao: This is a very special cook

Void Star God: No problem, just come and help

Erina: Okay, I’ll help, I heard that your wife Xiangling is a very good cook, and I want to have a halberd competition with her

Void Star God: Good Duck

A few days later, spring came.

Thoroughly lively.

As for why, it is naturally because the old man of Ye Yu is now engaged in a special business to study abroad.

Last time, in fact, most people did not achieve good results, although they took back a lot of science and technology books and began to build the Liyue Science Library, but the progress was not fast.

In addition to the fish entering the patrol and hunting fate, he became a strong man close to the Ling Envoy level.

None of the others fit in.

You said that if Wang Xiaomei comprehended the mystery of protection, wouldn’t she turn into a certain pink ball March 7?


But well.

The emperor definitely didn’t care about these small failures, his idea was to gather the personnel of the seven countries and work together.

The Liyue family is not strong, but Tivat is really strong.

If it weren’t for Tianli sleeping, he would have wanted to pull everyone over.

Tenri and the seven gods are not irreconcilable.

“Have you heard, the seven gods came to our Liyue gathering, and it was very lively.”

“Don’t look at our Yanwangye’s face.”

“It is.”

There were many people outside in the spring, but no one came in, and this restaurant was wrapped up by the General Affairs Department today, so I was ready to hold a meeting for the seven gods who came.

At the dinner table. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhongli, as the master, sat in the main seat, and behind him stood a coconut sheep.

“Unexpectedly, you are willing to come, thank you again from the bottom of my heart.”

“Oh hey ~” Wendy smiled, there was a smell of alcohol on her body, obviously she didn’t drink less.

“‘The old man specially called me to come, why didn’t I come? How to say that you can’t live up to the old man’s wishes, by the way, why did the old man call us here? ”

Zhong Li was silent for a moment, then he spoke.

“This matter may be a little self-righteous to say, and I ask you to join me and let the facts prove it.”

“Let’s strike together? Morax, have you figured it out? ”

“Come on.”

Because of the emperor’s usual behavior, others did not think that the emperor was joking, and suddenly, the six elements bloomed together, the fire element melted with the ice element, and the ice element combined with the grass element hit the grass seed.

The six gods shot.

It can only be described in four words, terrifying!


A fine light flashed in the emperor’s eyes.

He took the power of the Conservation Order as the core, exerted his leave, and suppressed the six gods with the power!

One god against six gods!

“This, how is it possible?”

“That’s what I want to say…”

The seven gods were talking in secret.

And in the kitchen.

The blonde girl stood here.

Although it is a girlish appearance, the proud breasts and perfect body curves make the girl give people a unique seduction.

The delicate little face is absolutely strict and confident in the cuisine.

The queen of cuisine, Tiche Erina, is not a wasted name.

“The cooking begins, Your Excellency, are you ready three?”

“Ready, let’s go.”

Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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