And after Estes signed a contract with it.

This [Mist Sea Green Dragon] chose to quickly become smaller and came to Esders’s shoulder, and after seeing her surprised eyes, the green dragon explained.

“Ah, master, are you strange, I’m a dragon, I can freely expand and shrink in size, isn’t it normal?”

“Soaring clouds and driving fog is even more basic skill.”

Looking at its royal sister voice, Esders’s face was strange.

“Will you become a human then?”

This made Qinglong tilt his head puzzled.

“What? What’s the change, is it the master like you, of course not. ”

“I’m a dragon among the super dangerous species, and I’m not your race.”

Estes shook his head, it seemed that after all, he was not the immortal of Tivat.

Rather, it is closer to pure beasts.

No magic.

I thought I could see the white-haired royal sister.

Maybe you can teach it later?

Feeling the kind of connection in the soul, and the misty sea green dragon who suddenly became much closer, Esders also looked at Su Bai with admiration.

“Iwa’s contract has been played by you as a pet contract.”

“It’s nice to be able to add good feelings.”

Su Bai asked the green dragon.

“Is there anyone else about the same level as you, you have lived for such a long time to have such strength, are there any opponents?” 06This made the eyes of the Wuhai Qinglong light up!

Immediately became positive.

“Yes and yes, are you going to beat them up, great, ah no, take them down?”

“It just so happens that I have an old nemesis, no, old friend! In a stone forest in the west, there is a white tigress, similar to me, and there is also a red fire bird in the southern volcano, I can lead the way! ”

“Huh? Could it be that there are still four divine beasts gathered here? Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, well, there is still a Xuanwu just yet. ”

However, halfway through speaking, Su Bai looked at Estes strangely.

This made her embarrassed.

“Look what I do again!!!


And this foggy sea green dragon flew up again, changed back to the majestic and huge body, and the two stood on its body and began to fly the imperial dragon.

And so it is.

It’s really handsome.

So after this, Su Bai and they successively subdued several super dangerous species, and their images were all somewhat similar to the divine beasts in their previous lives.

But when I plan to make up for four.

It has been difficult to find the giant tortoise super dangerous species.

After killing a lot of murderous guys one after another, I finally caught one somewhere in the depths of the ocean.

Su Bai named them the Four Holy Beasts.

Guarding [Liyue City].

Well, by mistake, the Shenzhou Secret Realm has more of that oriental style.

After all, these four guys are all approaching the Demon God.

Su Bai let them transform the elements, so they became the green dragon [wind], the white tiger [rock], the vermilion bird [fire], and the Xuanwu [water], each of which became much stronger, with the power comparable to the demon god.

At most, there is no power.

But much stronger than the immortals.

All of them live for a long time, purely by time.

But that’s good.

You can let them guard it, and it’s as stable as a golden soup.

Let’s think of it as the end of this world.

So in the following time, Su Bai and Esders continued to explore this world, collecting materials, creating alchemy props, cultivating the Thousand Rock Army, and developing Liyue City.

This side is becoming more and more stable, and Liyue’s own strength is also rising rapidly.

Occasionally, he can bully Esders, making her red face and embarrassed.

It tastes great.

After all, Estes is also very proactive.

From time to time, you can go back to Liyue and go to Mond.


After enjoying Lisa happily, Su Bai thoughtfully wiped her sweat.

“Senior Lisa, let’s go to Meru.”

“Let Jean give you a long vacation.”

“Hey, why did you suddenly come out of this one, could it be that your grass power is almost the same little cutie?”

“It can also be said that if you get a little more power from the Great Compassion Tree King, you can speed up the process, so it’s time to go back again.”

“Not to mention that you and I both graduated from there, and it’s nice to go back and revisit it occasionally.”

“The two geniuses have returned and become lovers, don’t you think this is great, I’m afraid it can be passed on as a good story.”

“The plump and beautiful and tall Senior Sister Lisa, as a result, was held in my arms, I am afraid that many people will be heartbroken, after all, Senior Sister, your charm is so high, it must have fascinated many people.”

Lisa gave her man a charming look.


Is this something to show off.

Obviously, you yourself are more famous in the Decree Academy, and there should be more female students who like you.


They were going to be heartbroken, too.

I was robbed of a man by my sister.

Who let my sister be so lucky, to be able to get such a good man from you is like a dream, it is really wonderful.

“But what about Estes little cutie, won’t she come with us?”

“Fortunately for her during this time, there is one more sister to join, and my sister can finally breathe.”

“Although it still feels far from enough, there is still a shortage of people.”

And Su Bai smiled.

“She, in the [Shenzhou Secret Realm], managing and busy with some things, she can’t get out of this time.”

“She is also half the head of state, who made the original prestige so high, or overthrew one of the main forces of the empire, and the people there trusted her more.”

“So it’s just the two of us.”

“Well, next time my sister wants to see it too. Shenzhou Secret Realm, hmph, sounds great. ”

“But this time, it just so happens that this year’s Decree Academy meeting is coming, and I will order a set of college-style clothes at that time, and then I will leave.”

It seems to remember something.

Lisa’s face was surprised. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“In other words, Xiaoke 783 loves your Liyue Immortal Ceremony is already being prepared, right? Won’t you go over then? ”

“If I miss it, okay?”

“It’s okay, to be precise, asking for Immortal Dianyi is completely meaningless to me, it’s Liyue Seven Stars, and I’m not.”

“And the emperor will plan the development of Liyue every year, and the people who need to care about it are those merchants, and I, an alchemist, am not afraid of any impact at all.”

This is, talent is willful.

No need to be rolled up at all.

Don’t worry about being eliminated at all.

Therefore, if you invite Immortal Dianyi, Su Bai does not need to be present at all.

Not to mention that Zhong Li is still going to retire this time, there is no need to participate in this bustle, who let Su Bai retire earlier.

Zhongli: …

Anyway, there are condensing lights, Yelan, and Keqing they are responsible, and they are all very good people.

Then let them work harder.

Own words.

Behind the scenes.

I prefer beautiful people to work.

But now, the age of Tianshu Star-Uncle Tianji has come up, and when the time comes, you have to fool Yelan to go to Tianshuxing, and it’s not good to fight and kill outside at every turn.

Then, when the time comes, untie Yelan’s heart.


Let her willingly lie in front of her in her original form and let herself massage.


It is to help her wash her menstruation and make her physique better, definitely not to her body.

I’m a serious person!.

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