As a result, for this scene, Su Bai just waved his hand wordlessly.

“Go and go, it’s enough for Liyue to have seven-star governance on the surface, I don’t have so much time, you guys should go.”

“Don’t make a fuss here.”


The Thousand Rock Army also had a wry smile on their faces.


Master Su Bai’s character is known to many people.

Living a life like a cloud, wandering leisurely everywhere, very dislike being tied to the same place, is quite free and freewheeling.

Talented and capable.

Strong and strong.

I hope that those adults of the seven stars can persuade him well.

Then Su Bai looked at the information taken by a Thousand Rock Army, which was all the knowledge extracted from Dadalia’s mind.

There are fools, there are Liyue, there are solstice winters, many martial arts, and there are many about the abyss.

After all, Su Bai also knew.

The fools had secretly explored the abyss, led by the puppet skirmishers, and they had been there for a long time.

After all.

The abyss is not invisible, or far away, but in fact it has always been located in…

Ahem don’t say it.

On the contrary, it was another thing, Dadalia, who was already seriously injured, was finally unable to bear it after a series of tosses.

Straight burp.

Ling Subai also shook his head.

If you encounter the former Thousand Rock Army, you can still run.

Right now.


It’s a bit too much to think about.

After all, coupled with the attack on the emperor, then most of them vented their anger on Dadalia. 750

In the process of chasing and fighting, it will definitely not be lighter.

This unlucky kid.

The back of the pot is quite good.

I’m afraid he won’t know until he dies, who attacked the rock god.


Anyway, Su Bai said, I don’t know.

Don’t ask.

Ask someone else.

If it’s gone, it’s just a district executive, he can even click the second seat, let alone the last seat.

Su Bai also just sighed.

You should have left him with his life.”

In this way, you can squeeze out some value later, let the fools bleed heavily, take out a lot of price to replace people, and then let him die halfway back.

Isn’t that perfect?

Fortunately, Qian Yanjun did not know, otherwise everyone would be embarrassed.

Master Su Bai.

It has to be you!

And not long after, there was a tremor from the Liyue Sea area, and many Thousand Rock troops were alarmed.

“What happened?”

“Go check it out!”

“How can there be such a tremor, what is the situation?”

Even Ying, who had just come out, rushed towards that side in surprise.

What’s going on?

Su Bai looked at it casually.

“Well, it’s Orcel.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t get out, anyway, I originally had your goal, I’ll take away your residual strength later.”

“After being sealed for so long, I don’t know how much is left.”

“A little bit is a little.”

At this time, in Liyue Port, the sky has changed greatly!

The originally peaceful and clear weather suddenly darkened, thick black clouds shrouded here, and there was a continuous roaring lightning in the clouds, and the rain began to fall.

The illuminance can be described as extremely poor.

In the sea is even more terrifying, directly set off huge waves and tsunamis, suddenly become choppy, very terrifying, and even have a sea tornado.

Constantly rushed to the sky.

In anger!

In complaining!

Chilling and shuddering.

This is a much bigger existence than the sea beast.

As a matter of fact.

It was the ancient demon god, unleashing his resentment of defeat, shaking the home of his original enemy and drowning everything he cherished into the ocean!

After a long time, I was finally able to vent my existence to the world!

Much of the sea water in the sea is continuously sucked into the clouds, making the dark clouds thicker and lower, as if they want to bring down the sky.

Quite that kind of sense of disaster that the black cloud presses down on the city!

Even an ordinary person is very clear after seeing this scene.

Not good.

A terrifying catastrophe is about to come towards Liyue Port.

Such an amazing change.

Naturally, it will also be perceived by some beings. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For example, Zhong Li, who was still walking on the street, his face was calm, which was in stark contrast to other people who were sad because of the attack and death of the Rock King Emperor.

After all.

For him, why should he be saddened by his “passing”?

And not idle.

Zhong Li felt it very clearly.

“Well, is it because it shook my original rock spear seal, so that the whirlpool demon god Orcel was able to break free temporarily.”

“But this bit of wind and waves, for Liyue.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Inexplicably relieved.”

“Let’s think about what to eat later.”

【Between the Clouds】

Located in the west of Guiliyuan, there are many rocks and stone forests distributed here, and the towering peaks are filled with clouds, which looks quite magical and vast.

Generally, not many people dare to break in.

Because legend has it that this is a place where immortals live.

Not to mention that if there were any trespassers, they were either sealed by the pacing wasabi planted by the immortal (agdf) and wrapped in amber, or they were expelled by a white-haired fairy.

Although this is not the case for some.

On the contrary, it will evolve why, in the face of danger, in a desperate situation, a fairy with white hair will appear and rescue them.

It can also be regarded as forming a lot of gossip.

It’s just that there are indeed several immortals living here.

Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch, the Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch, the Lishui Stacked Mountain True Monarch, and one of their disciples they taught together, Shen He.

At this time, they were also alarmed.

“What happened? On the side of Liyue Port, there is such a celestial phenomenon. ”

“I can feel that the clouds in that direction are constantly fluctuating, so powerful, could it be that the Demon God who was suppressed by the emperor in the first place has regained the sky?”

“I’ll go as fast as I can!”

“If that’s the case, it’s a shame, you should go to meet the emperor first.”

Just as they were about to get up, there was a cold woman’s voice.


“I’ve been practicing immortal law hard, I haven’t seen Su Bai for a long time, I want to meet him and see how he is now?”

“Will there be danger?”

The one who spoke out was a beautiful white-haired woman who looked fairy-looking, tall, tall, tall and upturned.

She has a very dusty temperament, she seems to be very cold and detached from the dust, but she has very close-fitting ink painting clothes, which perfectly shows her entire body.

There are many places with wonderful red ropes.

The slender and round black silk beautiful legs are particularly charming, and there is a diamond-shaped hollow on her waist, which looks more beautiful and amazing.

Liuyun borrows the aesthetic of the wind true king, which can be said to be always online.

It’s in the same vein.

Exceptionally good.

Whoever comes, they have to marvel, this is a peerless beauty.

She is the disciple adopted by Liuyun through the Wind Zhenjun – Shen He.

These immortals also nodded.

“Su Bai, that kid doesn’t know what’s wrong, at this time, he should be with the emperor.”

“I don’t know how his cultivation is doing.”

“Shen He, you have been practicing in retreat for so long, but it is better to go and take a look, after all, he seemed to have pointed you out at that time, although you didn’t see each other much.”

Cutting the Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun’s tone was strange.

“That is, who let that kid be too perverted, and learned those at once.”

“We didn’t know what to teach, and it didn’t take long to go down the mountain. Because of Shen He’s penance, they had only met once or twice. ”

“There really is such a wizard in the world, but for me and other immortals, it hasn’t been long, but the time has passed in the blink of an eye, presumably he can’t be too exaggerated.”

So the three immortals and Shen He also set off towards Liyue Port.


Ying, who screamed, flew out, and was then taken in his arms by Su Bai.

She originally saw a big mushroom in the sea, oh no, there was a big demon infestation, the terrible ancient demon god was raging, stretching out something like a tentacle, setting off huge waves.

Seeing that a fishing boat was about to be overturned, she rushed up with a sword.

It was naturally the bladeless sword that was used.

As a result, he was beaten back by the tentacles of the demon god.

And Su Bai only slightly fingered, the tentacle was directly cut off by the golden attack and fell into the sea, and the fishing boat was also moved to the shore by him instantly, and people were able to run down.

Move towards a safe zone.

His rock power began to gradually emerge in the nature of space, becoming the same ability as Estes said before.

Space Rock.

So the people on the sea are safe, and they will be surprised to find that they have come to the edge of the port.

It’s like, for a moment.

And Su Bai looked at the beautiful girl on his hand lightly.

“For your sake, well, I’ll allow you to stay in my arms.”

Ying’s face instantly turned red when he said this.

“Damn it, you narcissist!”


Quickly jumped off his hand.

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