“If only my strength were still there.”

“After all, the change of this food is quite advanced. Worthy of Lisa and Mr. Su Bai, is this the accidental pleasure of genius? ”

“On weekdays, I will also casually integrate superb elemental skills into my life.”

Today’s Great Compassion Tree King is at most a small sapling, and even a small sapling is not as good as a small sapling.

Nasida is better than her.

Now Nasida can be a little more confident.

Shocked, I turned out not to be the most dish.


Although this idea, is not very polite.

And the Great Compassion Tree King exists according to Su Bai’s strength, undergoing a long recovery, and is a cute mascot in itself, unless she stands on Su Bai’s shoulder and is in tune with his grass power.

However, regarding this point, King Dacishu tacitly did not mention it.

After all, it would not be good to detect other secrets in Su Bai’s body.

For example, how did he imitate the creation of heaven to create this power?

This kind of personal matter belongs to Mr. Su Bai’s privacy.

Definitely not hers.

Unauthorized detection of personal privacy is a taboo that cannot be done.

She is a goddess who is very considerate of others and has a very gentle personality.

Or maybe you don’t even notice it?

Maybe Mr. Su Bai has a power shroud, he can’t see anything at all, and he will be blocked. 06

But no matter what, she wouldn’t do such a thing.

Affect the friendship between the two.

No more.

He was able to survive thanks to Su Bai, who had the face to dare to probe his secrets.

King Dacishu, but a rather noble existence.

So she also heard Tiantong Mu say the way to lift.

“It’s very simple, just be kissed on the lips by a man.”

“And the male present, that is naturally Su Baijiao.”

King Daci Tree: ???


This suddenly made her stunned and embarrassed.

You are Mr. Su Bai’s woman, but I am not.

I’m just a little tree king who is embarrassed to live here, how, how can I do such a thing.

Seeing the Great Mercy Tree King embarrassed.

Mu Geng’s playful mind became more pleasant, and she couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay to touch your lips lightly, that’s how Lisa lifted it.”

“This, don’t do this, it will bother me a lot.”

The Great Cishu King is still a little dumbfounded, isn’t this still kissing?

I still want the touch of men and women.

But I have never acted like this with any man, and I really don’t fit in.

But in the next second, the Great Cishu King’s eyes turned.

“So, Mu Geng, did you kiss Su Bai last time, judging by your atmosphere, you should also be a couple, so naturally kissed for a long, long time?”

As soon as these words came out.

Tian Tong Mu immediately hurriedly spoke out in embarrassment.

“Only, I wasn’t kissed! I am ..”

As soon as he said this, Mu Geng was stunned in his heart, it’s over, I was trapped.

Good you big mercy tree king!

After getting this answer at this time, the Great Compassion Tree King also showed a sweet smile on his face.

“So is there any other way to do it than kiss?”

“After all, Su Bai and Miss Lisa are the makers, so it is normal to have the original method.”

Then she looked at Su Bai apologetically.

“Mr. Su Bai, Miss Lisa, I’m sorry, I’m greedy, can you help me lift it?”

“No problem, there are other ways.”

Su Bai couldn’t help but come over.

And Mu Geng also returned to Esders dumbfounded, and Esders laughed and poked Mu Geng’s little head with his finger.

“Mu Geng, just like you, you can’t play the Great Compassion Tree King.”


Mu is more aggrieved.

This involves something that makes her shy, well, if it were something else, she wouldn’t show her stuffing so easily, but she is also a politician!

Estes and Lisa both had smiles in their eyes.


The wood is smaller and cuter.

Originally, they also wanted to see more about the reaction of the Great Mercy Tree King, after all, a beautiful goddess who is holy and pure and clean, if she comes into contact with a series of things between men and women, what kind of expression will she show?

Is it more panicked and hurried than ordinary women?

Or take it in stride?

Or run away?

Well, it’s interesting to think about.

It feels like the two of them are devils and like to play with others, but Lisa is smiling, isn’t she a witch?

Isn’t that a matter of course?

However, when Mu Geng was talking to Esders, she looked at Esders, she always felt strange, she changed a lot.

That’s the kind.

How to say it?

Compared with the original queen’s demeanor and normal feeling of good friends, Estes is more charming than before, and his casual moves, when he laughs, and when he speaks, will be invisibly revealed.


It’s a very subtle change.

It is even more enchanting and beautiful.

As if it was? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When she was puzzled, the Great Cishu King not far away also jumped lightly, constantly stepping on the table here from the air, and there were green and rich plant light spots where she landed.

Then the Great Compassion Tree King nodded and pressed his hand to his head.

“Mu is more strange, according to the information in my mind, this is very normal, Miss Estes is becoming more and more feminine, this is all because of Mr. Su Bai.”

“It’s like when I used to cultivate plants, I needed constant irrigation to make the plants more and more vibrant and beautiful.”

“Presumably, the relationship between men and women in human beings is also the same thing.”

Tendo Mu more: …


Don’t take this as normal academic information, read it out one by one.

It instantly became the topic of planting trees.

Others also had odd faces.

King Dacishu is really a wonderful goddess.

But theory and practice are still a little different.

However, it is also true that on the Great Mercy Tree King, she is a woman who has been planting rainforest in Meru for countless years, and I am afraid that a lot of knowledge will be interpreted from her perspective.

But even so.

Tian Tong Mu still blushed.

She glanced at Su Bai and Estes in shame, you two, is it possible to move during this time?

Estes burst out laughing.

“That’s right, so Mu Geng, are you going to stay today?”

“Blah blah!”


“I’ll go back later!”

As soon as he heard this, Mu Geng fidgeted, and his face burned red and hurriedly said.

I’m not a female pervert like you!

Even if I get along with Su Bai alone, I am very shy.

If you stay.

Aren’t Lisa and you here?

To die!

Just thinking of that scene, Mu even wanted to escape!

But she really admired it so much.

Esders, you really are a strange woman.

How did you overcome that shame?

That’s awesome.

God-like woman.

So after eating at dusk, Tiantong Mu was really shy to run away and go back to his original place.

Only the Great Compassion Tree King was still gently using his fingers to scrape the rice from his mouth.


When it gets smaller, even the rice is bigger. 700

But eating like this is also a good experience.

She naturally didn’t notice Mu Geng’s way of disappearing, after all, it was a world shuttle in a chat group, and last time even Lisa didn’t see how Mu Geng disappeared.

On the contrary, Su Bai watched Mu Geng disappear and said to everyone.

“I’ll leave the meeting first, my dear, and the Great Mercy Tree King, you guys continue to eat normally.”

Then he was gone.

Lisa and Estes looked at each other and smiled, and both of them couldn’t help but laugh.

“Mu is even more shy.”

“Oh, no way, I really like Su Bai so much, I was fascinated by him all of a sudden.”

“So naturally it will progress faster than wood.”

“yes, who made Little Cute such an attractive man.”

Pitch black bullet world.

Tiantong Mu had just returned to her home, and before she could think about what to do next, she found that Su Bai had sent an application, and she directly agreed to it.

The next moment, Su Bai came directly to her.

Then Tiantong Mugeng’s eyes widened instantly.

Because her mouth was sealed.

“Oh, wait, wait.”

“It’s okay, Mu Geng, you’re my girlfriend, even if you’re too shy to progress so fast, it’s okay.” It’s okay to just kiss a few times, right? ”

“After all, I don’t want to snub you.”

Tiantong Mu’s eyes became soft and confused.

“Well, okay, okay, I’m your girlfriend.”

Love extends here.

Very romantic and nice color.

But a moment later…

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