“It’s okay, condensing your beautiful feet, but it is exceptionally beautiful.”

“For now, it’s just that we appreciate each other as friends, so there is no need to say anything offensive and adult.”


Condensing Light replied softly.

I don’t know how long it took, the sound of Baizhi knocking on the door came.

“Lord Ning Guang, it’s time for you to meet the guests next, and you have made an appointment to meet that Captain Beidou in the restaurant box.”

“Discuss something about their fleet.”

This woke up Ning Guang, and her cheeks were red at this time, and she turned to look at her feet.

Those longitudinal golden boots are actually on the ground, motionless~.

Not worn on her feet at all.

On the contrary, after Su Bai dropped her original shoes, her hands never left.

At this time, Ning Guang also covered his mouth and chuckled.

“Mr. Su Bai, I’m sorry, Ning Guang has something to do – I need to leave.”

“If it’s not enough this time, then next time you can help Ning Guang put on these boots.”

She put her feet on one of the pairs of longitudinal golden boots, and automatically put them on, this kind of binding equipment she had already known through Yelan, as long as it was bound, she could use it freely.

Think about it a little.

The next moment the boots on the bare feet changed into another tall shoe.

Then she bowed her head slightly.

And when leaving the doorway, Ning Guang turned his head slightly.


“There is still a long way to go, and Ning Guang feels that it is worth looking forward to.”

“Moreover, Condensation has only been like this to you.”

After that, I left here.

Su Bai smiled dumbly.

Then he disappeared here in an instant.

Su Bai’s home in Liyue.

After coming back.

He laughed gladly.

It seems that there is still a beautiful smell on his hands.

After all.

That’s the drunk’s meaning, not alcohol.

As the maker of equipment, Su Bai of course knew that shoes could be automatically put on as long as they were raised.

This is a function added by himself.

It can also automatically adjust the comfort inside, ventilate and exhaust, and make walking feel the best.

“Well, that pair of white beautiful feet, it feels really good.”

“And Ning Guang is actually very shy, obviously bold invitation, but in fact he is forcibly shy.” Interesting. ”

And it didn’t take long.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Su Bai looked at the strange woman he had never seen before, and smiled.

“Recently, how have you returned to your female appearance, although it is not the original you, but at least it is much better than using a male appearance.”

“This bone-shrunken martial art is really interesting.”

The strange woman looked puzzled and puzzled.

“Master Su Bai, what are you talking about?”

“I just heard from a friend that I could get you for a massage, so I came up to visit you.”

“Please don’t say something that I don’t understand.”

“Okay, okay, come in, you can really play, but I also like your duplicity.”

At this point, the strange woman’s quietly beautiful eyes whitened at him.


Do you have to take advantage of me even with your lips?

Anyway, I use the appearance of a strange woman, which is very good.

Don’t think I’m using my true face!

After that.

“In this case, Zhong Li’s immortal sending ceremony will be completed, right?”

“I really didn’t expect that even the rock god would usher in a passing day?”

“In terms of universal rationality, it is not surprising that the original Tivat had the original seven gods, but after a long period of time, five of the seven have died.”

“As a result, now, only the original Wind God remains.”

“Are the six gods no longer there?”

A certain yellow-haired girl sighed with emotion.


In this way, perhaps among the seven gods today, there is no enemy that he encountered at the beginning.

The hostile God.

It is possible that the goddess hung up.

It’s also possible that she’s not the seven gods.

Anyway, there is very little information at the moment.

Look again.

This person is naturally Ying.

After being released, she began her trip to Liyue, but met a very strange person, who was planning what to send immortal ceremonies, and the other party also thought about her after seeing her.

And said.

You are the traveler released by Su Bai.

Ling Ying was dumbfounded.

How does everyone know her?

Then the man named Zhongli also said that Su Bai had told him that there was a yellow-haired great wrong: People who have been wronged like to be helpful.

Along the way, whether it is an old man, a child, a blind girl, a future knight in training, an uncle who lost a key, etc., she can get her help.

It’s the great good guy among the great good.

I was embarrassed to hear it.


It turns out that Su Bai, the hateful and narcissistic guy, will also praise her so much?

Therefore, Zhongli invited her to join the process of organizing the ceremony, which will also become part of her journey, increase precipitation and accumulate insight.

Ying said no problem!

Su Bai is right, I am such a kind person!


The forked waist .jpg proudly

As a result, I regretted it after two strokes, Mom, what is the situation of this Zhongli.

When they met for the second time, he still didn’t bring any money, and he bought night stones, asking for the highest level.

At least all are candlelight-graded.

Glowing numb.

Listening to everyone on the road, Mr. Zhongli is like this, always forgetting to bring money.

If you do small things, a friend will help.

The larger ones will find excuses to reimburse. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like what.

It is recorded in the account of the past life hall.

Cold sweat broke out on Ying’s forehead.

It’s amazing, how come this kind of person hasn’t starved to death.

How to live without money?

Look at her, Paimon alone will eat 300,000 Mora a month.

Plus yourself.

I can’t afford to support it.

Fortunately, the merchant heard that it was held for King Yan, so he directly broke the bone and gave half the price.

However, Zhongli still didn’t have any money with him.


This, can only be said to be worthy of Su Bai’s friends, genius friends, are all such different people?

And she herself looked at the amount of that money, and her face was directly blackened.

Can’t pay, can’t afford to pay!

She is also very short of money!

Just when this line of people tried to keep accounts.

Su Bai suddenly appeared, took a large bag of Mora there, and paid the bill directly.

And threw a lot of money to Ying, making her look stupid.

Very cheerful and neat.


You were frightened before, give, follow Zhongli to understand the scenery of Liyue well, the extra money should be given to you.

Paimon was stunned.

Shouted at the time.

“Wow, Su Bai, why are you so rich? Is Paimon still missing? By the way, buy one get one free, and send a yellow-haired traveler! ”

Ying looked at Paimon with disdain.

The guy who got into the eyes of money!

I’m ashamed to be with you!


Su Bai just smiled calmly.

“I’m not interested in money. I’ve never touched money. ”

“And I’m not short of money, money, it doesn’t mean anything to me, I can’t lack this kind of thing.”

“Okay, someone is coming to me.”

Then Ying saw a purple-haired cat cat-headed girl dragging Su Bai away, saying something in her mouth, today’s work still needs your guidance, come quickly.


Loaded by you again!

What does it mean not to be interested in money?

You abominable rich man!

My eyes are red.

It’s great to have money.

However, she still sighed and said towards Zhongli.

“Mr. Zhongli, obviously you are Su Bai’s friend, why do you have a special wealth and don’t bring any money when you go out?”

“Hehe, everyone’s personality is different, you can collect the money, Su Bai Xiaoyou does have money.”

Of course, Zhong Li knew what Su Bai meant.

Su Bai is also a rock god.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of Mora.

As for yourself, you have to adapt to the life of an ordinary person.

So just take it.

After all, this should also be Su Bai Xiaoyou he specially sent over, originally he planned to retire, but because Su Bai Xiaoyou has become like this, he sent himself.

It’s also fun.

The new life is also a long-lost relaxation and calm.

As a result, when Ying came to the street after getting the Immortal Gift Ceremony all the way, she found that Liyue seemed to have changed a lot.

First and foremost.

It was Liyue that began to update the way of recording her identity.

The department in charge of the organization by the staff of the General Affairs Department is distributing the Liyue Card, which is a golden and exquisite card creation.

Or is it a rock creation?

It seems to be that compared to the previous form of recording a large amount of paper information like a roster, it is too redundant and voluminous, and requires time and manpower to register.

It can be described as time-consuming and laborious.

So now that the new version has been updated, everyone first needs to get a Liyue card, so Ying and Zhongli are curious to line up, and soon it will be their turn.

The person in charge has a kind face.

“Give, this is yours, just bind it directly.”

He handed over two brand new Liyue cards.


“This? Don’t you need to ask us anything? Like a series of information? ”

The answer with a smile on the other person’s face.

“No, the original information record is still there, but it has shifted from books to a virtual format, ah I don’t know if you have been to Meru, because I used to study there, so I can understand it at once.”

“It’s a little similar to the Void, but it’s completely different.”

“With the efforts of Lord Su Bai and Liyue Seven Stars, all the information of Liyue has been entered into the [Heavenly Dao], ah, you still understand it as a data terminal like the Void Terminal, have you noticed that Liyue has a lot more alchemy towers?”

Ying and Paimon nodded fiercely, I don’t know what happened recently, and a lot of brand new Liyue towers appeared in the distance overnight.

There is both the sense of creation of alchemy and the majesty of Liyue official.

It’s unique.

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