“Well, I want to think, did Blowing Snow invite me to her world?”

“It’s okay, I haven’t seen her in a while recently.”

“I don’t know which plot she got there, and how she mixed up in the Hero Guild.”

“Hey, I don’t need to worry about this, her own strength is already very good, plus there is a sister, easy double sister lineup against the enemy, what is this, the hero association is invincible ~ sister flower?”

After yesterday’s events have passed.

Su Bai taught Shenhe Demon God-level elemental martial arts-the [Ice God Fury] among the seven gods’ anger, and the wind god anger used to blow snow before was the wind attribute – wind god anger.

In the future, if Lan Yuan Yanzhu can finish cultivating the Fire God Leg, then he can also teach her [Fire God Fury].

And Shen He also agreed to be studied by himself.

And usually brought back to the [Shenzhou Secret Realm] by Esders, where to practice and fight, can be regarded as another of her little friends.

A secretary with him, the kind that can carry a boulder.

However, just as Su Bai was about to leave, he received a message from Zhongli.

Then I went to another place.

“Heart of God? So that’s the case, and this matter, I didn’t pay much attention. ”

“Okay, then I’ll take care of the handover. After all, last time I was in Mond, I had already met the lady. ”

Deep in the Northland Bank.

At this time, the lady was walking around, and the dark red tail dress with black embellishments draped over her shoulders was noble and elegant, thus revealing her fair neck and silky skin like milk.


The falling black metal forks affect this beauty.

Look to the source.

It would be found that it was a mask like an iron crown on her face, covering a small part of her face and one eye, her blond hair curved upwards, and her long black and white dress.

As I walked, my slender white legs kept looming from between the skirts.

Most of her height is on her legs.

It’s just that she is in a very bad mood now, or she is restless, originally Liyue’s side is fine, it is logically a normal immortal ceremony, and suddenly the development suddenly caught everyone off guard.

The whereabouts of the executive son-in-law, Dadalia, are unknown and he is defeated and captured by the Thousand Rock Army.

Dr. Executive, there are many slices falling.

It is suspected that none of them remained.

Doesn’t this mean that something has happened to the two executives, after all, she knows that these two are involved in this Liyue incident, after all, it also caused Qian Yanjun to come to the door to ask for guilt.

The intention is to arrest all the other fools.

Anyway, with a lot of effort, coupled with a series of negotiations and reparations, the Northland Bank barely survived here.

But the lady’s heart sank.

Perhaps, Liyue already got what they wanted from Dadalia.

Only that’s it.

Hunters will let go.

After all, in fact, Her Majesty the Empress still has a contract with that rock god, and on this basis, it is impossible to do too much, so she is also waiting here to get the heart of the god and then leave here.

Always feel.

This Liyue is like a terrifying giant beast that only shows the tip of the iceberg, and if it is not careful, it will devour all their fools.


After the contract is concluded, I am afraid that the branch of Northland Bank will also be .


It’s none of her business.

She just wants to take the Heart of God and run away, there are already two executive officers who have an accident here, she doesn’t want to be the third!

And at this moment, a voice came from outside, and then a figure walked in.

This shocked the lady’s spirits.

“Morax, you’re finally here, take out your Heart of God, huh?”

After seeing the person’s face, the lady’s face turned pale.

Frightened, he took two steps back.

“Su, Su Bai?”

“It turned out to be you, Dr. Fei didn’t bump into Morax, but because of you?”

Su Bai walked in and walked towards her with a light smile.

“Madam, I haven’t seen you for a while, your tone is still so arrogant.”


As Su Bai got closer, the lady’s body trembled, and she kept retreating.

It seems that she is very afraid of Su Bai, those white legs have also lost their cool, walking has lost their discipline, and they are very messy.


Until the lady hit the rear wall, she found that there was no way back.

And the next moment.

Su Bai had already appeared in front of her in an instant.

This made the lady subconsciously block her hands in front of her, and she spoke out in fear.

“What do you want to do? No? ”

A delicate creation emerges in the palm of the hand.

“According to the previous generation contract, I came to deliver the Heart of God to the Ice God Messenger, why, what do you think I am here for?”

As a matter of fact.

When she was in Mond before, she met this Su Bai, when she came to take the heart of the wind god on the order of Her Majesty the Empress.

It’s just that because of Su Bai’s affairs, she is much more low-key.

But while walking on the road, a blind girl bumped into her without knowing whether she was alive or dead, and although the other party quickly apologized anxiously, her face still became cold.

I was already in a bad mood and came in the way.

Damn it!

So she immediately wanted to slap the person to the ground, but the next moment her hand was grabbed, and the other party made a cold sound.

“Are you used to being a blessing in your usual manners, ma’am, do you even want to beat ordinary people?”

At that time, the lady blurted out in annoyance without thinking.

“What are you…”

As a result, she immediately felt deaf, and the whole person was hit into the wall on the side, and she felt severe pain all over her body, so she must not be convinced, and immediately burst out the power of the ice evil eye.

Outcome. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was still directly extinguished by the other party, and even the fools who came to help were all shocked and flew out.

Then she was pinched by the neck and felt like she was dying.


It was that Su Bai.

You can even hear the clicking sound, her struggle is getting weaker and weaker, or the blind girl anxiously spoke, please Su Bai spare her life, after all, she accidentally bumped into someone.

Su Bai shook his head.

“Madam, thank you, you picked up a little life.”

“In this world, after all, there are still many good people.”

Then the other party left.

In this regard, the lady who finally fell to the ground and could catch her breath was full of fear in her eyes, and her strength was suppressed by him, and the two were not at the same level at all.

Almost, almost died.

That time she faced death.

No matter how arrogant and invincible he was before, but when he really faced this scene, he could feel fear and creepy fear all over his body.

It makes her struggle, makes her not want to die.



This was her first impression of Su Bai.

As a result, the blind girl at that time also groped over worriedly and helped her up, all kinds of care and worry.

“This, this young lady, are you okay, you are not injured, do you want to drink water?”

“Or shall I take you to the next doctor?”

The lady bit her lip and shook her head in a low voice with a complicated face.

“No, obviously I wanted to hit you just now, but you still came to help me?”

“Ah, it’s okay, isn’t it not happening, not to mention that I can’t sit and watch someone fall to the ground and turn a blind eye.”

“I’m also grateful to the gentleman, but I think the day of mutual understanding between people will come, right?”

These words made the lady pause.

After all.

You are obviously a blind girl.

And it’s familiar.

So the lady stood up with difficulty, whispered an apology, and left, and then she asked Wendy to take the Heart of God, and the gray slippery went back to winter.

And now, she has come to Liyue.


Once again met Su Bai.

Let’s be honest.

At the first sight of him, the lady was covered in hair, which is why she subconsciously retreated.

If you think about it this way.

Perhaps, the executive officer who disappeared in Liyue has something to do with him.

After all.

This guy is so ferocious.

I almost clicked myself at the beginning, and I can only say that I really picked up my life because of the blind girl, which is a shame to say, but it is true.

And look at this heart of God.

She gradually let go of her heart, yes, was it because of this matter?


The other party is the chosen heir of the rock god, and even the heart of the god is sent by him.

Does it symbolize the perfect transition between the previous generation and this one?

So like a frightened animal, she looked at Su Bai vigilantly, and then took this Heart of God from his hand.

Watching finally arrive.

The lady also fell to the ground with a stone in her heart.

After all.

As the empress’s messenger, if you escort the heart of God, it means that you will at least not die and be safe.

So she said in a slightly soothing tone.

“Since I have already got it, then Mr. Su Bai, you can leave.”

“I beg your pardon for any lack of hospitality.”


As a result, Su Bai couldn’t help but laugh.

“Interesting, is this still the arrogant lady from before?”

“Maybe there is a big horror between life and death, and it will also make people change.” In that case, then I advise you to be less empty-eyed. ”

“The province has left his little life to the next god.”

“If you are obviously friendly to others, the situation will be much better, just like a hedgehog, this will only be beaten by the knife.”

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