“Is this preparing cooking in the kitchen?”

After all, in her eyes, Su Bai is like a chef, wearing an apron and a white chef’s hat, no, this picture looks too funny.

Full of sense of discord.

Running the wrong set is the same.

She couldn’t help it.

In this regard, Su Bai shrugged his shoulders.

“There is no rule to say, you must wear battle armor, god costume or something, this is called when you have a certain degree of training, and have your own game understanding.jpg”

“And what to wear, it will not affect your combat power.”

For example, there are always people who see the executives in front of the fools and think that they are businessmen and weak.

I feel that people can’t even beat those with the eye of God.

Or, whoever has the eye of God can beat any rooster, the rich or something.

Simply take people from their appearance.

Subconsciously feel that people are weak.

According to this logic, the sweeping monk is going to laugh.

That cute Keli, looking at her appearance, ordinary people think that she is a little girl.

In fact, people are still Mond’s strongest combat power.

“Of course, that’s not the point, I originally planned to make some food and wait for you to come back and eat.”

“Who would have thought you were so slow.”

Blowing snow is helpless.

“No way, after all, I don’t live in J City, you see other S-class heroes, many of them are in other cities.”

“So it takes some time to rush over. 243”

“Even if it is teleportation, the farther away the distance, the more energy-consuming, so generally I won’t use it, after all, it’s not you, a big pervert, who casually crosses the country and the surface.”

“I’m skeptical about cooking.”

Looking at such Su Bai, Blowing Snow’s strange and suspicious face, everyone is Su Bai, who is naturally not good at cooking, are you sure that the food will be made later.

Don’t let us see the black face?

Can I only reorder takeout?

Su Bai paused for a moment before speaking up.

“Well, Lisa made it in advance, I’ll just warm it up.”

Looking at him like this, Chuixue couldn’t help but laugh.

What’s going on with being a little cute?

“Okay, okay, then wait for me for a while, I’ll go and wipe out the remaining few fallen Abyssal Clan, after all, you killed the Abyssal King, then I always have to clean up some trash fish.”

“Your spatial power is becoming more and more proficient.”

“Well, I’ll wait for you.”

The two also disappeared here at the same time, except for the words of blowing snow in the air.

“Genos, the people will be appeased by you, and it will be fine.”

This unfolding made everyone look confused.

What a situation.

How could such a terrifying monster disappear all of a sudden, and that mysterious man could make space upside down and displace?

What a terrifying power!

Even the space seemed to be like glass shattered, and many people saw it just now, (agde) that monster was directly cut into pieces by the intricate space, and did not react at all.

Especially after the space broke into a big hole in an instant, sucking the monster into it.

It startled everyone.

So frivolous and solved?


However, Genos seemed to hear a hint of the man’s voice at this time, coming from a certain high point in the distance. “Is it still raining in the city, or it’s rainy and sunny to make people feel better, well, rain or something, stop.”

The next moment.

The black-pressed clouds and torrential rain outside really all receded at once.

Bright eyes and the sun appear here.

Genos was stunned.


What is this ability again?

What a powerful man.

There is both the ability of space, and the amazing mechanical ability of scientific research, and this kind of power to change the world and make the rain recede.

He seems to have met a very incredible character.

It’s just that Genos noticed that the others didn’t seem to notice this, they thought it was just a normal weather change, and the rain was clear.

On the contrary, it didn’t take long for the crowd to boil.

“God, what did I just see and hear?”

“That mysterious man, it seems to have said, wait for Lord Blowing Snow to come back for dinner?”

“Could it be, they live together, if you look at it this way, that man is so handsome, even if he has the costume of a chef, he still can’t cover his amazing temperament and aura.”

“It seems that even the sweetheart Kamen adult is far inferior.”

Some wailed.

“Ugh. Isn’t it, my icy and jade Blowing Snow Lord is not single, but already has a boyfriend? ”

“I thought she might come together with Sweetheart Kamen Lord, after all, how suitable she is.”

“Come on.”

“Obviously, Lord Chuixue has a better eye, and the men selected are more excellent and unusual.”

“But my heart still hurts, my goddess, they left me like this, woo-woo, I hope that after they finish eating, there will be no exercise after dinner.”

“Get out! Don’t talk nonsense! Maybe it’s just friends, or they’re here to fix the plumbing! ”

“Don’t tarnish the beautiful image in my heart!”

Genos: …

This group of citizens is really boring.

What kind of mess are you paying attention to, is it actually arguing about the relationship between the two?

Obviously, the strength of the other party is even more terrifying, right?

That’s an even more incredible ability than any kind of power and storm.

And remembering the distance between the city where the blowing snow is located and here, hiss, can he come here all at once?

How horrible.

These amazing things, they don’t even pay attention to? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Genos also served.

And in the tornado in another place, she also looked at the information broadcast on the screen, and her eyes sharpened.

Brow furrowed.

“Blowing snow, I actually lived with a strange man I had never met???”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“No, I’m worried, I have to go through my investigation and approval, not everyone can be my brother-in-law!”

“Under the sky, how can there be such a good thing!”

Snow blowing home.

She was serving dishes with Su Bai in the kitchen, smelling this wonderful fragrance, and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Lisa’s cooking skills are so good, Su Bai, you are also too blessed.”

“There is such a good woman.”

“Just thinking about eating such a good meal every day, I feel that it is too happy, and it turns out that being together in the kitchen can really have that effect of promoting feelings.”

Before blowing snow, I didn’t understand why it was easier for men and women to heat up when they were in the kitchen together.

But this time.

She looked at Su Bai in the hot dish, standing on the side waiting for him, and could talk happily, this kind of feeling was so good, it would inexplicably have a sense of warmth at home, which made people relax.

But she was taken aback and quickly dismissed the idea.

Just now.

Is it a substitute for the girlfriend, or the wife’s idea?


This is also too shameful, how can you think of this.

Obviously, Su Bai is afraid that he has been loving Esders and Duen for a long time, and he and him are just normal relationships.


I regret it now, is it still time?

If only he hadn’t run at the beginning, but had taken the initiative to stand up and stick it.

Strong A go!

That way.

Maybe they are really boyfriends and girlfriends now, right?

“Promoting affection? Blowing snow, you don’t think I’m snubbing you, no, we’re good partners with souls,”

Blowing snow hurriedly exclaimed.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that.”

“How do you feel a little nervous?”

“Ah, I’m really nervous, huh? I, but, maybe it’s too hot in the kitchen. ”

Originally, this sentence was fine.

It’s just that when Chuixue was originally thinking about it, he was suddenly said by Su Bai and subconsciously replied, causing a moment of silence when he said a certain word, so it was instantly wrong.

Blowing Snow: …

Su Bai: …

The two were silent for a moment, and then they acted as if what had just happened had not happened.

Instead, Blowing Snow blushed and was about to close himself.

Is your brain broken?

How, how can you talk like that!.

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