
The two were also talking here constantly, laughing and laughing.

Nice atmosphere.

Of course.

Riveria is also not good to stay alone with Su Bai for too long, otherwise those elven people will doubt themselves again, and she will be speechless.

You really are.

We just don’t have anything at all.

I’m already a hundred-year-old woman, and my mentality is very old, bah! Wrong! She is not an old woman, she is a beautiful girl!

Black lines appeared on Riveria’s forehead.

Why is she even black.

After a while.

“Well, does Riveria plan to come to the house as a guest, for me I have more the warmth of home with Lisa, and my positioning in Liyue is more like an alchemy workshop.”

“Although every once in a while, a female guest gives me a massage.”

“Obviously, in order to make her experience better, I proposed to cover it with two towels, but she instantly scolded her for being a pervert and ran away with a red face, which may be too epoch-making for her to accept.”

“Or maybe I’ve been told by Estes too much lately, so it’s really a little, impossible, well, that’s right.”

“So Yelan shouldn’t come during this time.”

“Then it’s still at Lisa’s, ah, there are more and more people visiting the door, and the original house space and rooms are becoming more and more inadequate, or else, when the time comes, build me and Lisa’s mage tower in Mond.” ”

Su Bai thought.

Can it also be called the Magic Guide Tower?

It’s the same anyway.

In that case, when the time comes, the mage tower will be built, and the space inside will be even larger.

Alchemy workshops, magic laboratories can be built several, and there are also rooms.

I can also use the technique of folding space.

Expand the interior space.

Since they all plan to use the power of space, then, when the time comes, it will be good to connect the space on the second floor of Liyue’s own house with a certain floor space of Mond’s Mage Tower, Su Bai’s eyes lit up!

That’s a good idea.

In this way, the two families are connected, and one step forward, in fact, they come to another country!

Lisa makes tea at Mond’s house in the morning.

In the afternoon, you can walk over, come to Liyue’s house, and take her shopping by yourself.


The power of space is so convenient.

“By the way, this is also completed, Yuheng Armor.”

At this time, in Su Bai’s hands, there was a thunder light object similar to a magic mirror, although it looked calm, it actually contained amazing energy.

And this time Su Bai put a little more effort into it.

Like the previous Thousand Rock Army’s Four Saint Armor series, it belongs to the one that was immediately used to summon armor and fight.

But this [Thunder Mirror] is itself a kind of combat alchemy prop.

You can use many mirror spells and thunder spells, and you can attack and defend, which can be described as infinitely useful.

Recently, I have been a little interested in the style of mirrors.

So Su Bai disappeared here in an instant.

Keqing at home.

I saw that she was still dressing herself in front of the mirror, as an aristocratic lady, she would maintain the minimum luxury of this identity, after all, if you really dress too shabby, then it will be over.

One of the top managers of Liyue, dressed like this.

It’s a joke to say it.

So Keqing doesn’t like to be too gorgeous in terms of dressing, but for this reason, she will maintain a certain degree.


Recently, when she and Su Bai were sometimes able to deal with things together, she began to take the initiative to worry about her appearance and makeup, so every day in this regard, she would squeeze out a few minutes.

Dress up well.

At least.

Can’t let Su Bai look at it and frown, right?

If he praises, then he must be very happy in his heart, but on the surface, he will not show too obvious or something!

The result is at this time.

Seeing Su Bai appear instantly from the mirror, it startled her, and her makeup was almost scratched!

She was immediately angry.

“Su Bai, what are you doing, you are trespassing on a girl’s house!”

“You have to say hello to me first.”

Su Bai blinked.

“Well, I’m sorry, originally I was successful in manufacturing alchemy props, and I forgot about it when I was excited.”

“It seems like you’ve had a similar experience before.”

Then Keqing watched Su Bai disappear instantly, so there was a knock outside the door.

“So, cute Keqing, can I come in?”

Keqing: …


If I remember correctly, I disturbed Su Bai and Zhongli last time.

What is this, is it reproduced in the past?

It really frustrated her.

“Come in, and don’t call me that, weird.”

“So, call you uncute Keqing?”

“!!! I didn’t mean that! Don’t bully me, you scoundrel! ”

Looking at such an annoyed Keqing, Su Bai smiled.

Three words, let Yuheng Xingji stomp my foot for .jpg

“Actually, I’m here to give you this thing, the jade heng armor that I said last time, it’s exclusive to you.”

“Come, spirit binding.”

Looking at that alchemy prop, Keqing suddenly became stupid, and the whole person was petrified.

At this time, Su Bai was still introducing.

“This is much higher than those four holy armors such as green dragons and white tigers, and it is still a lot of abilities that I have specially created for you, including you like it.”

“Hey, you are, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, Qing’s face was red and indignant, and her eyes were complicated and angry gritted teeth.

“You, do you want to recreate the things that happened to the previous stratum abyss?”

“It’s not, it’s mainly to give you this gift, if that, it should be my joke.”

Looking at Su Bai, who was smiling freely and gently, Keqing’s heart moved fiercely.

She bit her lip.

A look of aaaaaaa

Then she did not take the equipment of this [Yuheng] armor, but instead walked towards the wall, with her back to Su Bai, looking a little nervous.

“Come on, last time you and I were in the bookcase, so we got closer, right?”

“It’s the same against the wall.”

“Hurry up! No, don’t keep me here for too long, I’ll tell you! You bad guy, I’ll walk away in a moment! Don’t try to bully me ha! ”

“At most, it’s just a sticker.”

Still duplicitous arrogant Keqing, the next moment exclaimed.

“Why did you just hold me, you, woo-woo, you bastard!”

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a while, Su Bai left here with a smile.

Keqing is so cute.

Although verbally resisted, in fact, he let himself hold it, and the two were like a couple.

After a while.

Only then blushed and drove himself away.

Say what to continue working, also, don’t think too much!

Only, there is nothing!

And by the way, she also snatched the Yuheng armor from his hand, saying that this was the reward she asked for, so let’s do it.

It’s funny.

Obviously Su Bai just said, send it directly to you.

Nothing else is needed.

Obviously, the tsundere has retreated from the environment, but Keqing is still so cute ah0…

And just when Su Bai was about to deal with the next thing, he was suddenly surprised.


“Is there a new group member to join, there is more than one, well, I hope they don’t tease the new partner too much, after all, it is also a female Su Bai.”

“Hey, say what to restore the original name first, deliberately to deceive, to routine a wave of newcomers.”

“What a bunch of guys with black bellies.”

“Riveria also agreed, could it be that she has been teased by them, this anger, she also wants to get back from the newcomer?”

Su Bai was speechless.

Chat groups.

[Ding, the real savior joins the chat group. 】

[Ding, the former third king joined the chat group. 】

[Ding, the sect leader of the apex of King’s Landing Martial Arts joined the chat group. 】

Is there wifi: “Wuhu! It’s amazing that three new group members came! ”

“Welcome, very welcome!”

Eulari’s strongest magician: “Well, welcome the three of you, here is a chat group that connects many worlds, we are all beings of different worlds, don’t panic, just get used to it.” ”

“It’s easy to get used to.”

“After all, I was also shocked at first, how could there be such a magical thing! It’s incredible. ”

Seeing this information, the three who had just joined the group inexplicably wanted to laugh.


How could we not know.

Isn’t it just a chat group?


I didn’t expect them to have the opportunity to join the chat group, which is really emotional, and two of them who have lived for a long time are sighing inexplicably.

One showed a very interested attitude.

One watched silently, without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

However, this one was also sitting on the jade throne, slowly speaking out.

“New changes, then, let me see.”

“After such a long time and years, I almost forgot who I really am, how far away.”

“Far away and painful.”

And the other group member looked at Riveria’s words and also spoke up.

The former third king: “It’s okay, the world I live in is also a world of science and technology, and I can understand it immediately.” ”

“So, can I ask, has it not been long since this group was created?”

“I don’t feel like a 4.0 person.”

Tiantong Family Sword Ghost: “Let’s just say that originally it was me and Blowing Snow, as for Estes and Riveria, they are both members of the second batch, and you are the third batch.” ”

“So it didn’t take long to say that you could.”


In fact, Tian Tong Mu knows better, and it has been so long.


Let’s do a wave first.

And her words also made the new three group members get a lot of information.

For example, a silver girl in the fourth division of the family registration division of the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau, also known as Scepter4, although she is not old, she wears a majestic blue official uniform.

At her waist, there is a long sword.

In the distance were other clan members, working on their own work.

Looks organized.

She also thought silently in her heart.

“Sure enough, these people are Tiantong Mugen, the blowing snow in one punch, that ice queen is Esders, Eulari’s strongest magic guide, naturally Riveria.”

“And the other few in the group, the girl who likes to bite the bamboo tube, is You Bean.”

“Is there wifi, buried in the soil, no, what the hell is that group master, the first alchemist of Liyue?” It’s a little too far-fetched, where is the alchemist from Liyue, not Mond? ”

“So it’s the crosser?”.

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