This question directly sank Anna Kushina.


How could I possibly know your name, let alone tell you a story?

Who let you bring such an outrageous name!

The other group members looked at Anna Kushina silently, and they couldn’t help laughing in their respective worlds, hahaha, no, it’s too engaging, and it was suddenly overturned by people.

Just ask you to be embarrassed.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun watching it.

However, Anna Kushina also hurried to speak up.

The former third king: “Ah, I’m sorry, I can’t see your name, so, can you tell me, what is your name?” ”

“Maybe you can tell your story and save you from the tragedy.”

Others are more interested in this.

God came.

That’s right.

These three new group members, both of them can very straightforward see who it is.

Only this one.

Who is she?

And the beautiful figure who had been sitting on the jade throne and wearing a veil revealed a sly smile that she had not appeared for a long time.

“This group, there is a problem.”

“The group leader and this person have doubts, and the little burial, it seems, said something missing.”

So in the group.

Everyone also saw the identity of this new group member blowing himself up. Lan). ”

“The center of the Celtic gods, but killed by the demon king called dystopia, is now wandering and fleeing, there is no one around, if you can help me.”

“At that time, I can give you the position of god of the Celtic gods!”

The Sect Leader of the Apex of King’s Landing Martial Arts: “??? ”


How does it sound like a feeling that I am Qin Shi Huang, v I 50 resurrected terracotta army?

And then make you a big general?

The painting style is so weird!

A cute girl who likes to bite bamboo tubes: “Impossible! You are not Queen Maeve, who the hell are you? How can a god have such a thing, let alone you, are not you gods, but gods? ”

The true savior: “Hmph, isn’t this showing the horse’s feet, how can you know what you say about me?” ”

“It’s clear that you’re a crosser too!”

“And I didn’t say too much wrong Oh, in the Celts, many are acquired gods, this is to be seen according to their different local myths, after all, there will be a feeling that the Celts are not like gods, but more like heroes.”

“As for the other heroes, they are demigods with divine nature.”

A cute girl who likes to bite bamboo tubes: “…”

Hell’s blowing snow: “Thou beans carry cauldrons!” ”

“It seems that this is a very smart little friend, not bad.”

Ice Queen: “It’s a pity, I haven’t even flirted much, it’s over, and the words buried before have also exposed some ah.” ”

“Those who can be saviors are really not low in intelligence.”

“It also makes me more curious about who you are now.”

The former third king: “Wait, what’s the situation, why can’t I understand it all of a sudden, you beans are also crossers?” ”

“No, how many crossers are there in this group?”

She was dumbfounded.

What the hell.

Did this group get something wrong.

Didn’t it say that the normal chat group was good, how suddenly the painting style suddenly changed, and it became this cloud and fog, which made her feel unreal all of a sudden.


My crosser perks are gone, I can’t spoil it!!!

Luo Hao: “I changed my name, so, I suddenly had a very incredible idea, could it be that this group is all crossers.?” ”

Anna Kushina: “!!! If you say so, Luo Hao you too? ”

Luo Hao: “Yes, and the undefeated army god and that ancient god king were defeated by me, and naturally there was no birth of the seventh god killer Kusanagi Godo Hall.” ”

“Hmph, after all, why should I let the target be taken away by others?”

Anna Kushina is autistic!

You, you!

Doesn’t it mean that I just now, just now, I was still trying to play spoilers on you without knowing it?

Finish the calf.

Lost the dead!

Is there a seam in the ground, I want to get into it!

Faced with this scene, everyone in the group laughed, which made her feel even more ashamed.

You people!

Bullying and teasing me as a little girl is excessive!!!

The real savior: “I also have the biggest question, since they are all crossers, then everyone will lose the feeling that they originally knew, and they will become unpredictable.” ”

“In other words, everyone in the group is a blank stranger for each of them.”

It stands to reason.

This should be instantly alert, and the atmosphere in the group will be very strange.

will change from knowing the bottom to a bunch of strangers who don’t know the details, so why can the old members of the group join forces to tease them?

And the relationship is still so good.

There are also group owners to help group members, which is also very unusual.

The real savior: “I always feel that I missed a particularly critical place, which is the central point of everything, and it is the truth of this chat group.” ”

“Presumably, this answer lies in the group leader.”

What is the reason for maintaining this good feeling?

Is it what everyone is today?

Liyue First Alchemist (Group Leader): “Okay, you can change your name back, don’t play anymore, after all, even if it is a new group member, we people are the most trustworthy and dependable.” ”

“It’s a back-to-back relationship that is absolutely trusting.”

The true savior: “Absolutely trustworthy? It is impossible, how can there be such a existence, in my case, some are just betrayal and reciprocity. ”

“Even the humans out there won’t be much better.”

Riveria: “It’s annoying, I’m going to the dungeon, but I really want to know, who this savior is, ah, can’t be distracted, I’d better wait to look through the group records.” ”

“But one thing can be assured, no matter what you have experienced in the original world, how many capricious, insidious and evil guys there are, and they can’t betray you at every turn.”

“But we alone, you can definitely trust.” When the group owner changes his name back, you will know. ”

The figure on the jade seat was silent.

Tiantong Mugen: “Suddenly, very sad feeling, you must have suffered a lot of grievances.” ”

Luo Hao: “After all, this name of the savior alone, it must be a lot of burdens, along the way, there will be continuous sacrifice and parting, and the pain will only continue to accumulate.” ”

And it didn’t take long.

Su Bai spoke up.

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): “Okay, let me say some necessary words, I am Su Bai, the people in the group are Su Bai, yes, you are not mistaken.” ”

“You are all from different parallel universes, another me. This can be applied to anyone. ”

“And I’m Liyue, well, when I’m the new rock god, it’s okay, but I’m constantly moving on the road to the original god, plus I can share your strength, Luo Hao, your many powers, this is a big help, thank you very much.”

“So, true savior, if you have any busyness, you can try to find me, maybe there will be a surprise.”

After all.

When synchronizing to the abilities of the three of them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Su Bai.

I have already guessed who this person really is.

That water mirror magic is too obvious.

Not to mention the emergence of super magic – the God Creation Weapon [Holy Spear Lengominiad] manufacturing method, as well as the Chaldean summoning technique, the transfer of the spirit son, and so on a lot of magic information.


I also guessed her sadness.

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): “Because I am now in the critical stage of fusing power, all my mind is on it, and I may only occasionally separate a trace of my mind. ”

“So let’s talk first.”

Luo Hao: “Wait! Not to mention your Su Bai name, I was already stunned, what is it to be able to share strength! ”

“You have all my powers?”

“Hey, you’re cheating too, aren’t you!!! That’s a harvest that I have hunted for so many years and did not follow the gods! ”

At first she was taken aback.

It doesn’t matter if you find out your strength.

But this information really made her strained, this group leader, too much!

Is it still human?

She is such a domineering king, but today she was actually prostituted in vain?!

Who believes this!

Liyue Subai (group leader): “‘Well, I’m sorry, but I really thank you, and your power, how come there are a few of them from Marquis Voban?’ ”

Luo Hao: “I robbed his monster, that’s all, but you, explain it to me clearly!!! ”

“Come out and single out!”


She’s going to be!

Add a group, and the ability is completely copied by others.

Who can stand this.

The fire is all over the place.

She can’t wait to give him a few punches now, but this Su Bai is silent, and she is numb.

Anna: “All, all of them are Su Bai?” I’m blindfolded! And this kind of thing? ”

“Then let me ask, what model I used in my previous life.”

Blowing snow: “…. Don’t pull it, in a previous life we were all airports, what is there to say about the model. ”

Anna Kushina was silent again.

As she continued to ask a few questions, and found that everyone could answer accurately, her face became darker and darker!

Bastard bastard bastard bastard!!!

You Su Bai, deliberately changed the name of the group, and then teased us newcomers, you must be very happy, right?

Be an individual!

Birds and beasts are not as good!

The real savior: “So, do you still want to know who I am?” Look at how much you guys are discussing. ”

Anna Kushina: “Yes, of course!” ”

Luo Hao: “I also want to hear it, since you are another me, if you are wronged, you can find me, I will help you slap them to death.” ”

“Hmph, no wonder they get along so well.”

If everyone is a traverser, indeed, this is the only possibility to be able to communicate so cheerfully without any gap (Zhao Li Zhao).

She Luo Hao also tried,

That’s right.

This is definitely Su Bai, which is really unexpected.

But it became interesting all of a sudden!

Tiantong Mugen: “I’ve already pricked up my ears, you can say it quickly.” ”

The real savior: “Well, I am Morgan, Queen Morgan, not the Morgan of pan-human history, but the one who took Morgan as a persona and obtained the information, memories and missions transmitted by the other party.” ”

Morgan: “As the queen of the goblin kingdom of Great Britain, she has been in this world for thousands of years, well, not two thousand years. ”

Thou Bean: “Who is Morgan?” ”

Morgan: “? ”

Anna: “Ah this, ruling Britain for thousands of years, doesn’t this seem embarrassing to the Dull King of Mao?” ”

Blowing snow: “??? Who is insulting the hair, dragging it out and beating to death! ”

What’s wrong with you the quilt king!

Others were taken aback.

Tsuchima buried: “I lean!” You turned out to be Sister Wang, woo, my Sister Wang, a living Sister Wang. ”

“When I think of your story, I can’t help but burst into tears!”

“Oh no, you are also Su Bai, you shouldn’t be the same as the original Queen Morgan, so miserable.” Obviously, you can choose to stand by and watch, right? ”

This silenced Morgan.

On the contrary, it was unexpected, and it was Su Bai who answered this question.

Liyue Subai (group leader): “Because of [kindness], because you can’t turn a blind eye, among the goblins, there are originally those individuals who are good to you, and you can’t abandon them.” ”

“You want them to live, and you’re shaken in the face of them like that, right?”

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