Morgan really glanced at Su Bai angrily.

You must have run to Mond before me and bullied her fiercely, so you were driven back to Liyue, right?

After all, the husband is too strong.

Lisa’s words alone, hmph, can’t do it at all.

“In other words, husband, the people on this street respect you so much, good fellow, didn’t you say that you didn’t actually become a rock god, how do you feel that they are still so reverent?”

“Such a high prestige-, worthy of you.”

“The design of this Liyue card is also very interesting, and the virtual god Nuwa, well, interesting, but I want to know more about your past here from childhood to adulthood, that is a very interesting thing.”

“I remember before, I also liked it very much in Liyue, after all, the alchemy platform is convenient, but I don’t remember the others, it’s too long ago, I remember that Liyue also sold 50,000 Mora a lily of the glazed lily.”

Su Bai nodded.

“Well, yes, the female miller from Qingcezhuang, she came up and asked if you wanted to eat tofu.”


This made Morgan’s eyes sharpen, and he hugged Su Bai’s hand a little harder.

“Husband, you won’t even eat people’s tofu.”

Su Bai: ???

“You won’t be jealous, people really sell tofu.”

Morgan rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

“Ahem, no, I’m never jealous, after all, I know that my husband you have more than one sister, oh yes, remember that Captain Beidou, wearing an eye patch, did he hurt his eyes in the past?”

“What a blunt skill in changing topics, and you have a worse memory than Your Bean.”

But too.

Morgan has been living in the leprechaun world for thousands of years, too long, too long.

It is estimated that some of the original memories have been almost forgotten.

“Beidou is just to avoid the darkness and adapt to the dark environment at sea, which is actually good. None of Tivat’s three blindfolds are blind. ”

“If this is placed in a previous life, someone will scold you Yun.”

“Hey, that’s the case, hmph, I just forgot, besides Kaia, who is the other blindfold?”

“You guess.”

“Guess a hammer, stinky husband, you know I forgot a lot!”

The two were giggling.

It’s already very husband and wife.

When they got somewhere, there was the sound of shouting and iron strikes.

“Cold Blade Iron, for you!”

“Huh? You broke your sword again, this, you have damaged the guests more than a dozen times in a month, sometimes you don’t have to fight like this, right? ”

“I heard that you have emptied all the commissions of the Daun Family Association in one breath, which is really powerful!”

“But don’t worry, I will definitely fix it for you, after all, you provided me with two good ores.”

“If you don’t think about it, buy our family’s weapons, the quality is absolutely guaranteed!” Sharpen iron like mud, into the wood three points! ”

At this time, the voice of embarrassment of the girl was heard.

“No, no need, repair it and continue to use it.”

“Isn’t there an old saying in your Liyue, three years for the new, three years for the old, and another three years for patching, hahaha.”

“… Guest, that means clothes. ”

Morgan was surprised.

That blonde girl, isn’t this Voyager Ying?

She smiled and stepped forward and patted her gently.

“Hello, hello,.。”


Why do you all call me that?

The last one was still Su Bai’s friend.

And now, on the contrary, it is a royal sister with silver hair and blue eyes, her face seems to have a kind of queen’s majesty, which makes Ying stunned for a moment, and when she looks at it again, it is the other party who smiles.

It looks very kind.

At this time, it is a strong sense of a big sister again, a wonderful person.

As a result, Ying looked at Su Bai next to her, and her face was also dark.

Wouldn’t this good-looking big sister have anything to do with you?

Morgan smiled.

“Well, you are Su Bai’s friend, I am his wife – Morgan, first meeting, please advise.”


Are you special!

Su Bai, you are shameless.

How many women are there!!!

At first, Mond’s mature and lazy Lisa sister, she heard that it was Su Bai’s woman, and the two had long lived together, very affectionate and envious of others.

Then in Liyue.

Remember it was a tall blue-haired royal sister, right?

Called Esders?

The other party also called Su Bai a dear, and it was a couple like paint.

Then there was that Yuheng Xingqing, just by watching them fighting, he knew that the relationship was not ordinary.

I don’t know if there are more.

Anyway, just what I saw, there were three or four bottoms, and now there is another one?

Yingdu was shocked and dumbfounded!

I never expected that Aquaman was by my side! .jpg

And, moreover, this guy also bullied himself, very bad!



This guy is terrible, he has to stay away from him, when will he be recruited, he is a pure girl.

So when she wanted to slip away.

Morgan looked strange and sighed.

“My God, why are you still using a bladeless sword, you are too diligent and thrifty, for adventurers, a good weapon, but it can help a lot.”

Paimon also helplessly spread his hands.

“Big sister, there is no way, Ying and I have no money, and our pockets are shy, so we can only tinker with it.”

As soon as these words came out, the blacksmith was shocked.

“But didn’t you commission so much, why didn’t you save money?”

Ying was a little gritted through gritted teeth.

“It’s not because Paimon is too good to eat!!!

“Last time I completed a big commission, she turned out to be a picker for expensive points! I eat my face green! The point is that most of it was eaten by her! ”

Paimon: …

Weak-hearted, she instantly widened her eyes and hid behind Morgan’s back.

A very embarrassed scratch of his head.

“Hehe, nothing!”

“You must be mistaken, I Paimon eats very little!”

Su Bai was a little speechless.

“It’s actually because of this reason, forget it, you come to my alchemy workshop, let you pick a hand.”

“It’s also a testament to our friendship.”

“As for this bladeless sword, you should keep it for collection and souvenir at that time.”

This made the blacksmith [Old Zhang] look sideways, a traveler’s expression that you can’t see, let’s steal the fun. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Go quickly, traveler, Master Su Bai is a quite, quite powerful figure.”

“He’s our Liyue… Ahem. ”

“Anyway, any weapon is much stronger than in a blacksmith shop like me!”

Ying was also stunned.

“This, not quite right?”

Morgan took her hand.

“Oh, my husband is very powerful, anyway, it’s better than a bladeless sword!” Walking around, I had never seen his alchemy workshop before. ”

“This time by the way, I also have a long understanding.”

Paimon also quickly flew over.

“Wait, wait for me!”


0 ask for flowers

An alchemy workshop for forging weapons.

As soon as he stepped in, the hot wind on his face surprised Ying, and then the air was filled with a strong smell of iron, which was quite pungent and refreshing.

You can really feel that this is a forging place.

Fire, heat, iron!

Everything but the kitchen sink!

The temperature is much higher out of thin air.

And there was also the sound of metal clashing and forging, and each hammer fell hard, making both Ying and Paimon puzzled.


Could it be that there are other people in Su Bai’s alchemy workshop?

I haven’t heard of any assistants he has.

If Su Bai really recruited some alchemy apprentices, I am afraid that he would instantly detonate Liyue, right?

The person who lined up alone had to line up from the south of Liyue to the north.

So Ying looked over curiously.

Only to find out that some rock alchemy puppets were holding iron hammers there, beating hot stones, turning ore into steel with a furnace, and then constantly shaping and deforming them into the appearance of long swords.

It is cooled with water and emits a crisp evaporation sound.

Braving with burning white gas!

Then, after thousands of forges, the alchemy puppet would throw this sword into the sword pool.

Go back and repeat the previous behavior.

It can be seen that the sword pool is like a magma-like place, with a particularly large area, densely packed with swords, and it seems that there are hundreds of swords.

From time to time, there are waves of fire and hot magma tumbling, which is terrifying.

Ying shocked!

You’re doing this, it’s too big!

And strangely, there are unknown fluctuations and traces that continue to emerge in this pool.

As if transforming and nurturing these swords, they are engraved with the Dharma Array, hidden in the sword.

From time to time, there is also the power of the rock element emitted, which is continuously absorbed by the sword body.

Right at this very moment.

One of the long swords, as if it had been conceived, emitted a clear sword roaring sound, flew out directly and automatically, and exuded a rich rock element, and then automatically inserted into the wall above.

Don’t move anymore.

Paimon only found out.


There are more swords inserted in this wall, and they all seem to have been built.

Ying saw it.

She lost her voice.

“Isn’t this the rock attribute flying sword of the Liyue Thousand Rock Army, why are there so many, and it is still automatically forged? A large ??? ”

“Sure enough, those are your masterpieces.”

“And now, don’t you need to forge it by hand?”

Su Bai also came over.

A raised eyebrow.

“Yes, this kind of low-level flying sword, I forge one by one, you have to exhaust me.” For me, this level of alchemy equipment has long been uninteresting. ”

“You don’t get exercise and honing your skills, it’s just repetitive actions.”

“So I engaged in such a set of alchemy project assembly line flying sword forging, how about, was I stunned by my genius thoughts?”

“Free your hands, starting with you and me.”

“Don’t look at the number so much, the number of Liyue Qianyan Army armaments is not very large, after all, they have to make merit to redeem it.”

“What you get by your own hard work is the most cherished.”


Not much of your sister!!!

Last time, I was overwhelmed by these Qianyan Army who stepped on flying swords, and they were chased and killed as embarrassed as they were!

That amount.

My scalp is numb!

And also!

It turns out that you bastard made me so miserable!!!

What are you doing with so many flying swords!.

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