The equally mighty Estes answered.

Then she disappeared instantly.

I saw that Sigrud on the battlefield was suddenly bombarded, smashing several woods in a row, and was directly bombarded to the mountains.

It created a shocking hole.

Smoke and dust!

Looking back, I found out.

It turned out that in the position where he was standing just now, there were huge and numerous ice picks that gathered into an iceberg, and they directly hit it!

Then Estes slowly stood here.

Looked around.

Majestic shouted.

“Soldiers of the Thousand Rock Army, you go to deal with those giants and monsters, this enemy, just leave it to me!”

“Yes! Got it! ”

After Estes shot.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then they were shocked, and they hurriedly went to suppress the other giants.

The stone in my heart fell to the ground at once.

Is such a terrible enemy also under Lord Estes, falling into the downside?

Worthy of Lord Esders.

After all, the previous battle.

But it really made everyone’s heart palpitate, and they were terrified and terrified.

Some soldiers couldn’t help but swallow their saliva, and their hearts were really hairy!

Whether it is the numerous Yasha Armor Army.

Or a few generals with the armor of the Four Saints.

There are also countless flying swords in the sky to support.

Everyone joined hands, so much combat power, it stands to reason that no matter what kind of enemy you face, you can knock it down, right?

After all, this is them who have alchemy weapons.

Gradually generated self-confidence!

In front of me and the Thousand Rock Army, there is absolutely no opponent!


Gradually, the victory along the way, even these Thousand Rock troops swelled.

After all, starting from the empire, the other party still has any imperial tools, and as a result, everyone’s alchemy weapons, in terms of quantity and nature, completely crushed them.

Beat the Imperial Army to the ground!

The funny thing is.

Their imperial tools also have restrictions, whether they can be used in accordance with the wavelength or something.

There are very few imperial envoys.

But the Thousand Rock Army who stepped on the flying sword and appeared, easily hundreds of them, laughing to death, this quantitative gap is enough to sweep the other party.

Not to mention anything else.

And at Liyue’s invitation to the Immortal Ceremony, even the executive of the so-called fools.

Wasn’t it crazy before?

The result?

It’s not a dead dog beaten by everyone!

It made the Thousand Rock Army very happy, it turned out that the fools bragged about the bullish executive, that’s it?

It seems that this is not enough.

A few more, everyone will also take it!

Not to mention that with the development in the future, the executive is a fart!

It is also like they treat them as treasures in winter, and they are very hanging.

Then there are the giants here, and it really scares everyone, people are tall, it seems that the strength is amazing, if they are hit by a punch, people will turn into meat foam, right?

And when it comes to war, it’s really powerful.

But everyone is more than one, and gradually regain their self-confidence.

The result was not expected.

Suddenly such a terrible enemy appeared, as if it was not a level of existence with everyone at all, and with a single riding momentum, he instantly defeated everyone’s military momentum!

Everyone was puzzled and shocked.

Which fierce general is this!

It is worthy of being known as a place of mythology, even if Lord Keqing said that this place can only be regarded as a mythical remnant, but it still cannot be underestimated, there are still quite terrifying guys!

It was also this Zigrud who poured a bucket of cold water on the Thousand Rock Army.

Calmed them down.

It turned out that even if they had alchemical weapons, they were not so invincible.

I still can’t swell ah.

You have to face it with a normal and serious attitude!

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.


Doesn’t this work?

And Zigrud here.

He came out of the smoke, straightened his neck, and then made a gloomy and tyrannical sound.

“Don’t think this is the end, if you have the ability, beat me to death!”

“Anyway, either I beat you to death, or you beat me to death, come on!”

He raised his magic sword, turned into an extremely fast figure and swooped over, carrying that cold and brutal killing intent, and rushed directly towards Esders.

This made Estes smile disdainfully.

“Arrogance, you also need skills, let me loosen your muscles.”

Then on the battlefield where the Thousand Rock Army looked back from time to time, there was an amazing battle that made them all tremble.

Two streamers, one red and one blue, crashed together, causing an astonishing shock and aftermath.

The two streamers are constantly fighting, interpreting the stunts and techniques that are difficult to capture by ordinary people and the naked eye, and the magic sword and the ice sword are constantly clashing and colliding, and amazing sparks and clashing sounds appear.

Blizzards evaporate for it!

The invisible waves of qi were like waves, setting off huge ripples, and the aftermath of the rapid spread made everyone a little breathless.

They were shocked to find out.

It turns out that the enemy is not serious yet?

Until Lord Estes made a move, he was forced out?

It’s also terrible!

However, this thought was not over, the red streamer was instantly defeated by the blue light, and flew out fiercely, not only that, the blue light instantly appeared in the red light, as if grabbing the other party’s neck with one hand.

Smash it down!

In an instant.

The ice and snow earth roared and cracked for it!

Countless ice cubes flew out in an instant!

The ground is wailing!

Then a large number of terrifying giant ice picks, constantly crashing into the ground, blowing a tattered figure out, and the other party couldn’t help but scream.

The scene was once violent!

Qianyan Army: …

Or Lord Estes is the most perverted.

Outrageous. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Such a terrifying woman, only Lord Su Bai can control it, right?

After all.

Everyone has also seen that this terrifying and majestic Lord Estes is like a weak woman next to Lord Su Bai, very gentle and considerate.

But who would have thought!

People are actually furious, a terrifying comparison!

It’s terrible!

Fortunately, such a strong man is on our side.

And Morgan is very calm to watch, after all, there is nothing strange, even if Zigrud as the prototype of Zigfei, a series of influences have amazing combat power, is the top hero.

Be able to fight God.

But the Esders he faces, even if it is placed in God, it is also a strong man.

Naturally, it will be crushed!

Beaten up!

Stand to reason!

It’s just that her face suddenly changed.

“What is this breath? Impossible, how could that Scati have this skill? ”

She directly summoned a strange gun that exuded divine aura, but was stopped by Su Bai at this time.

“No need to throw the holy gun, I’ll just come.”

Even Esders, who was located on the battlefield, felt a strong heartache, which did not come from Zigrud, but farther away, there was an attack that firmly locked her.

It’s coming!


It seems that there is no way to hide!

It was as if she had been locked since before it was sent, this strange feeling, even if she teleported to other places, would not change anything, strange, the power of cause and effect?

Estes was shocked, but she grinned anyway.

Less kidding!

Let’s go straight to the next step!

But Estes most likely felt that the attack could really kill her, so she also used all the seriousness and strength in this life, and the terrifying ice power began to operate!

Even the heaven and earth here have intensified the wind and snow!

But at this time, Su Bai appeared in front of her and directly stretched out a hand.

In an instant.

The dazzling white light turned into an invisible barrier, and the raging magic gun turned into a surging and smashing energy impact, just the moment of collision, everything around it was shattered!

Atmospheric vibration!

The ground is shattered!

It was like the impact of the sun bursting, illuminating this heaven and earth, turning it into an unmatched exaggerated tsunami, madly rushing in all directions!

The original ice earth was overwhelmed, and it soared into the sky like a whirlwind between heaven and earth!

Set off a scene of destruction!

Such an impact, even happened twice, the terrible vibration ushered in the most intense and terrifying climax in the second time, as if ushering in the end of the world, you can feel that there is nothing ahead!

Some 0…

Just that crazy burst and raging purple and black energy!


No matter how terrifying this attack was, it was firmly blocked by Su Bai’s white light, unable to advance in the slightest, and was directly stopped, no matter how turbulent it was ahead, it was still calm as before!

Morgan’s eyes sharpened in the rear.

“This move, with such power and skill, is indeed a spear that runs through death!”

“It’s not Cuchulain’s move, but a stunt that combines the spear that pierces the dead thorn and the gun that pierces the death into one, nailing the enemy to space, and then the second shot is even more powerful, go all out”

“Annihilate the enemy with this!”

“Such demonic power and power, even the gods can stab to death at once, this is a blow to kill the gods.”

But she was also confused.

It stands to reason that the goddess Scati is an existence with only a slight nature of Skaha, and the two are different.

There is no memory of Skaha either.

But also because of the fusion.

Scati can use one of Skaha’s treasures, remembered as the Gate to the Death-Overflowing Magic Realm, which can suck enemies into the Shadow Realm under his domination, and if the magic and luck do not withstand the judgment, they will die immediately.

After all, even if you can break free, you will consume a lot of strength because of this.


How did it appear, is it another ability?

And here in Esders, Su Bai in front of him said softly.

“Don’t worry, I can’t let you have anything, after all, you are the wife of Estes I love, you maintain me everywhere, always think about me, such a gentle and considerate woman, I just want to love you all the time, give you happiness, and make you happy.”

“So don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Esders’s eyes were moist, and she was very moved.

“Thank you, husband.”

In the smoke in the distance ahead, a presence with a queenly posture, like a noble goddess, slowly walked, waving a small stick in her hand, and floated a tattered figure.

I saw that it was Zigrud whose masks were all broken, his face was covered in blood, and his body was covered in dirt.

Completely beaten like a dead dog.

The goddess spoke out flatly.

“Useless stuff, but it’s good that you’re not dead 5.4, or that Scati guy is going to have a headache, so honestly roll aside.”

She waved her hand casually.

Zigrud was thrown away like rags and debris.

It fell to the ground with a bang.

It kicked up a lot of dust.

There was also a sigh of exasperation that Zigrud was annoyed, and he raised his head with difficulty.

“Stinky woman, hateful goddess, has the ability to kill me! If you don’t have the ability, don’t come out and call, you useless, surviving goddess! ”

“What icebreaker…”

When he was about to curse in a rageous manner, the goddess casually held a Lune rune that shut him up.

“Huh, trying to provoke me and kill you?”

“O Flame Giant King who occupies the great hero Sigrud, do you think I don’t know that you are Surut, as long as I kill you, you can return to the sun and summon the body.”

Then this Norse mythological world was destroyed again and ushered in the end. What Asgard scenery reappears. ”

“You think too much, I’m not Thor, the god of thunder, and there is no Hela here.”

The goddess didn’t care about his side, just bound it in circles.

Then she looked at the place where the magic gun had just been thrown.

“Well, sure enough. The person I can’t see, this time chose to make a move, did he actually block it? ”

“Being able to block my prying eyes does have a good skill.”

“Just let me see, who are you?”

But when she looked at the man, she was stunned.

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