This loss, she ate.

I’m still not strong enough!

In the future, you should practice harder and harder!

It really lived up to the expectations that Lord General had of himself, and Kujo felt that he had disgraced Lord Shogun.

It’s hard to feel guilty.

Feeling her injury, she exhaled with difficulty and poured the potion into her mouth, since the other party is such an incredible strong person, there should be no need to give the bad one to her.

After all, it seems that he does not want to completely offend the shogunate and Inazuma.

As a result, in just a moment, she felt a cool intention constantly swimming in her body, and all the injuries she suffered were recovering quickly, which made Kujo Yura’s eyes widen.

“It’s amazing, what kind of potion is this? ~”

“The effect is so amazing?”

When she looked at the Liyue fleet again, she realized that the people had left.

She also stood up.


Left here with the shogunate army.

Above the Southern Cross fleet, people who were hiding also came out.

It was the traveler Ying and Paimon, and the wanderer Kaedehara Manyo, who had long escaped to this ship.

Hokuto laughed.

“Awesome, Yanzhu! Your strength is much stronger than mine! ”

“Are you interested in joining me in the future to slay the behemoths and sea beasts?”

“You know, in the past, Su Bai and I have gone out to the far sea and fought against that terrifying undersea behemoth, which can be described as a great harvest!”

This made Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s eyes light up.

“Really? Brother Su Bai still has such a past? ”

“Then I’m also interested!”

Even Kaedehara Wanye spoke out curiously.

“What kind of person is this Master Su Bai? Even when I was in Inazuma, I often heard stories about him. ”

“Didn’t you expect that he also spent the long sea and storms on this fleet?”

As soon as he said this, Beidou’s eyes were full of light and memories.

“He is a gentle and reliable person who knows a lot, knows a lot of astronomy, geography, and sea knowledge, which makes all the brothers on the ship admire.”

“And at the critical moment, he is a very domineering figure, when facing the giant beast, he directly jumped up, punched and kicked like thunder, fast as lightning, and fought with the giant beast in the sea!”

“It can be described as a man with amazing momentum, extremely confident in himself, and always shining with light!”

“Moreover, we once hunted down and killed the wife of the ancient demon god in the distant sea, which was a magnificent battle, much more terrifying than the giant beast of the underworld “Sea Mountain” that I killed. ”

That’s right, it refers to the wife of the Vortex Demon God.

This is why Su Bai said that this thing has been solved a long time ago, and there is no need to care at all.

Because this was his time with the Southern Cross fleet.

It’s been a long time.

Speaking of this, the rest of the crew were shocked.

Exclaimed excitedly.

“Yes, it was really a dark battle, that terrible monster, able to make the sun and the moon lightless, there are dark clouds and tsunamis everywhere, which is very unfavorable for us in the sea.”

However, Lord Su Bai directly reversed the situation, faced the monster alone, and hit the other party with the intention of escaping. Later, Big Sister Beidou also rushed over. ”

“The two of them fought side by side and killed the Demon God’s dependent, the Demon God’s wife!”

“It’s like a mythical story, but unfortunately when we talked about this by the dock before, everyone didn’t believe it, and laughed, saying that the wife of the demon god, how is it possible?”

“How can manpower deal with it, how can it be done by the immortal family!”

Speaking of this, they were angry, they didn’t believe it! To say this is nothing more than bragging.

What a blind dog’s eye!

It was time to cheer up the crew!

However, when Lord Su Bai became more famous later, everyone came back to their senses, and they were shocked, and more and more people believed in this, and these crew members also spat out their eyebrows!


Let you not believe, a bunch of rat-eyed guys.

Ying and Paimon were both surprised, the feelings Su Bai had been so amazing before, such a genius character, really had already become a blockbuster.


How do you feel that when Sister Beidou talks about Su Bai, she has a good impression?

The corners of Ying’s eyes suddenly twitched.

Wouldn’t it be again?

Probably not, I haven’t heard Su Bai say this.

That charismatic guy, can’t he restrain his personality charm well?

And Wanye was also amazed and mesmerized to hear it.

Is it so powerful?!

In a short period of time, he has practiced martial arts to the extent that he far surpassed his predecessors and ancestors, and has innovated and become a grandmaster!

Wanye is full of admiration, anyway, he is far inferior.

Because this kind of character, when put in Inazuma, is at least at the level of Otemon Araki, Yin no Iwazo, Nagasa Kitain, and Kiriki Takayama, which can leave a strong brush in history.

But this Su Bai did it at a young age.

This is not the end of his life, just the beginning of life, still moving forward and creating miracles, too terrible!

Just thinking about it is shocking enough.

What an astonishing thing.

It is only natural that he will be favored by that rock god and chosen as the heir.

Because of this kind of character, maybe there will be no one for thousands of years.

Inazuma didn’t anyway.

Only an ancient country with a long history, vast surface, abundant resources and many personnel like Liyue can have such a magnificent treasure. The environment of people and spirits can give birth to such strange people!

Wanye is also pleasant, such a country, I really want to see it.

After all.

Inazuma doesn’t have to stay any longer.

Just with the help of the Southern Cross fleet, and then go to Liyue to disembark, to browse and visit Liyue, to see what happened to the recently rumored divine rock country.

And after docking at one place, they disembarked.

Beidou looked puzzled.

“Ying, don’t you leave with us? Do you have to meet that Raiden General? ”

“But now you’re wanted, right?”

Ying also nodded.

“It’s okay, please trust me, after all, this is my goal to come to Inazuma, and if I leave, it will be for nothing.”

“So Paimon and I will work hard.”

As a result, here on this remote coast, the people in charge of receiving them brought bad news.

Toma was caught, and as the “lucky one” of the hundredth eye of God, he could be said to have won the jackpot! And because the shrine and the Kamisato family are involved in large-scale propaganda of the Heavenly Dao terminal, they will also be held accountable by the general.

Ying’s face changed drastically.

She was guilty.

“How could it be, it was my idea to encourage Ayaka to promote the Tendo terminal and enhance and enrich the entertainment of Inazuma residents. In this way, you can also establish business cooperation with Sister Beidou. It’s clearly a win-win situation. ”

“But now, I hurt them.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That Raiden General, why did he forbid this so inexplicably, for the sake of so-called eternity, as for?”

“No, I have to go and get them out.”

As soon as she said this, the faces of the people on the ship all changed.

“Wait, don’t worry, the shrine and the Kamisato family may not have trouble, they are one of the three practices, maybe in the end verbally and slightly punished, will not be driven out of this rank.”

“Yes, there is a high probability that the society will make meritorious contributions and work hard.”

“At most, it was that Toma had an accident.”

“It’s too dangerous to face that God.”

“We are all given for nothing together, and as Liyue’s fleet, it is best that we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and each country has the right to manage independently and do not interfere with each other.”

But Ying still made up his mind.

“Yes, I can’t let you guys get involved, I’ll just go alone, after all, I’m not from any country, and if I’m alone, it’s convenient to sneak in.”

This made everyone sigh and frown.

Only Tina, who had sleepy eyes, wiped her eyes at this time, took out a mask from her body, and comforted her softly.

“Big sister, then you bring this, this is Su Bai’s big brother’s alchemy prop [Ten Thousand Transformation Mask], which can make your face change the appearance of other people, and your blond hair can also change color, but you need to be careful with the masters of elemental perception.”

“But Inazuma doesn’t feel very strong, Tina feels that 99% of the main combat power is on that Raiden General, so not many people should be able to see through it, maybe plus the Miyakoshi of Narugami Taisha Shrine.”

“If you put it in Liyue, you can see through a lot.”

And she nodded.

“I have alchemy props that contact big brother, it’s like a cell phone, after all, I’m from… Ahem, don’t talk about this, anyway, I will contact and communicate with him first. ”

“Be careful, remember that your life matters most.”

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was shocked.

“Wow, I also want this ever-changing mask, why do you have it alone, woo, why is Big Brother Su Bai so good to you.”

In this regard, Tina just spread her hands.

“Maybe Tina is more well-behaved, obedient and sensible, unlike Yanzhu, you are very skinny.”

Lanyuan Yanzhu: …

Where did she skin!!!

You are slandering!

Ying couldn’t help but laugh, everyone’s atmosphere was still so good, she was also moved.

“Thank you, I’ll be careful.”

“With this mask, my dive would be safer.”

“Then say goodbye here, you can’t affect you to also fall into danger, after all, Sister Beidou, you are only here to do business and business.”

So Ying rushed in the direction of Inazuma Castle.

After putting on the mask.

Her appearance has also changed, and even her hair has changed from yellow hair to pink hair.

Clothing has also changed.

The pink-haired girl is new!

Ying was also stunned, what a magical thing! It’s as if there is an extra layer of camouflage and projection on the body, which is a very good disguise!

Since the appearance is disguised.

Do you want to use a pseudonym as well.

Well, think about it.

It’s called March 7, anyway, it’s my own random thought, it sounds very strange and inexplicable, and I can’t think of the name of anything else.

“Tai Yi split lightsaber!”

With a loud shout, the amazing sword light split out and flattened the shogunate army here!

The golden sword qi spread.

Knock them all away!

Then Ying untied Toma, as far as he was tied, they didn’t see it, it seems that they held this first, so save Toma first, there should be no big problem!

All of a sudden, the shogunate troops who rushed from all directions were swept away by the flying swords summoned by Ying, and there were flying swords everywhere, constantly flying here, and the sound of swords kept ringing.

It seems that this is already more than hundreds of flying swords.


Extremely numerous!

Ling Ying herself was amazed.

The Taiyi Split Lightsaber is also too easy to use, group battle artifact, I feel that I can fight a group of troops alone!

Of course.

She was referring to the Shogunate Army, definitely not the Seniwa Army!!!


Definitely not afraid and heartfelt, just because the Thousand Rock Army is friendly.

Paimon was dumbfounded.

Say yes to sneaking in?

How do you go up and open big?

And at this time, a cold snort suddenly came.

“Hmph, bells and whistles!”

A dull and frightening thunderstorm suddenly sounded, and the amazing thunder light slashed, causing Ying’s flying sword to be instantly defeated, and even Ying himself was almost struck by lightning.

She quickly looked up.

I saw that in the sky, a majestic expressionless god slowly walked down.

And looked at her with indifferent eyes.

“Who are you, why are you trespassing here, what is the sword in your hand, why didn’t I see your God Eye?”


Ying was stunned, no, he was in disguise.

Don’t be afraid of being recognized.

So she spoke deeply.

“My name is, March Seven, just a beautiful girl who likes to take pictures!”

After saying this, she immediately turned around and hurriedly spoke.

“Toma, let’s run!”.

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