And the series of types transported from [Shenzhou Secret Realm], the taste is far more than that, called top [woody pork], top [ice and fire crab meat], top [ancient sun fish meat] and so on.

Such a series of divisions.

Of course.

Recently, it seems that because of the different grades of dangerous species, it seems that the grades are going to be redivided, and it has nothing to do with ordinary top meat.

It’s about the difference between dangerous breeds.

Liyue has also built many farms, specializing in breeding and improving varieties, both on the ground and in the sea.

A lot of jobs are available.

And plan to cross some dangerous points with dangerous species with small numbers of races, but delicious meat, and ordinary creatures to see if they can produce a second generation and steadily expand production.

Yae Miko is silent, and your Liyue tricks are too ~ too much, right?!!

There are still many people on our Inazuma side who can’t eat meat every day, look at the editors, they all occasionally come out to eat a barbecue, barbecue – whatnot.

Eat every day, that has to be a big family!

Not only have you already eaten vomit, but you are not ordinary meat, but top-notch meat.

It belongs to the kind that ordinary people can’t afford to eat.

The most outrageous is.

Why is it called “top ordinary meat” by you?

Top and average.

How did these two words come together?

A little too outrageous.

What’s more frightening is that there are more advanced dangerous varieties of meat in the back, and the quality is several floors.

Get one’s dander up!

The Inazuma people are still on the first layer, and the Liyue people have reached the seventh layer!

No wonder there are so many people who smuggled into Liyue.

This alone is comfortable to die for.

“Guest, do you want to come more, after all, although the top ordinary meat is popular, but the meat of dangerous varieties is still in short supply, even if we Liyue, there are many places that do not have it.”

“So at present, there is no official intention to flow into other countries, it is our local characteristics.” Enjoy it. ”

“It can only be said that Lord Su Bai is a god, this alchemy alone has greatly improved our life in Liyue, even the emperor can’t do it, cough, the emperor is also very great.”

“However, Lord Su Bai still brought countless changes in a short period of time, and in this regard, he is even better than the emperor.”

After all, it was previously claimed that the [Shenzhou Secret Realm] was a small world created by the Rock King Emperor, and everyone also believed it, but later many Liyue people went to it and found a stone stele.

There was a man who “accidentally” activated that stone tablet.

Unexpectedly, the secrets of the past and the past of the emperor and Lord Su Bai emerged, which were the things left by the emperor, and everyone clearly heard and saw the appearance of the emperor, revealing the origin of this secret realm.

As a matter of fact. The [Shenzhou Secret Realm] was created by Lord Su Bai!

And the emperor said that Su Bai’s ability had already far surpassed him, and he was a great god and mana, so he planned to pass the position to him.

Didn’t think about it.

Then that happened.

“Hey, why did the emperor and his old man go, obviously if he is pensioned now, isn’t it very good, being able to look at today’s Liyue, getting better and better.”

“And Lord Su Bai, he, he really, we cry to death.” There is no need to put this on the head of the Rock King Emperor, even if it is because of his sadness and want us to remember the Rock King. ”

“But there is no need to cover up all your achievements, right?”

“I can only say that no matter which one, they are great people. So guests, don’t say bad things about any of the above two in Liyue, something will happen, especially Lord Su Bai, remember! ”

Yae Miko: …

I’m not eating nothing, what are you scolding Su Bai for?

That’s a ruthless man who has shadows and generals! Oh no, the wrong wording, it’s a ruthless person who can lie down on them!

How it feels weirder and weirder.


Don’t talk about this anymore.

In fact, Su Bai also knew about this matter, it was a long time ago, and the person who was “careless” was actually Zhong Li.

After all, Zhongli’s personality is like that.

For things that are not him, being put on his head, that will definitely be explained back.

That is an old man, and he doesn’t like to compare and compare or something, he will only say, where does this unexplained comparison come from.

Since he was going to retreat, he would give it all to Su Bai.

He gave him the position of emperor again, and he personally got a stone tablet to explain that this was completely entrusted to Liyue, so he retired early.

Now the boss of Liyue has been Su Bai since a long time ago.

You can also often see the picture of Lord Su Bai and other Liyue Seven Stars traveling, guiding and supervising the work.

Anyway, Su Bai doesn’t care about this, it was Tu Yile, as for now, if you are known, you will know, what is wrong with creating a world, who has the ability to jump out and beat him.

So now, Liyue has been rushing towards a new era!

It has entered a stage of rapid development.

So Yae Miko is all tongue-smacking.

This Su Bai’s prestige in Liyue is outrageously high.

No matter.

Her own words, originally came to play and eat, so she packed a lot and ate as she walked.

Anyway, it’s all the manuscript fee of Ying, no need to use it in vain.


I’m really smart.

When the editor-in-chief of Yaedang was Shuang, he let Ying provide a lot of inspiration at the beginning, and then let the authors under him conceive, and as a result, the book was sold, and the money did not reach Ying’s hands.

Who allowed himself not to find her.

Isn’t it up to her to use it?


As for finding Ying when the time comes, think about how to fool her and swallow most of the manuscript fee, right?

Yae Miko covered her mouth and snickered with a very crumb face.

Next is [Yae Miko の Wonderful Ligetsu Trip! 】

After walking along the street, Miko noticed that there were many shops that she had never seen before. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


It’s so fresh and strange to make yourself feel like the first time you came!

How did you get yourself like a village girl in the countryside entering the city?


No way.

It’s almost the same when she changes to a shadow, she must be dumbfounded than a village girl.

At this time, Miko also found several adventurers holding a companion with a broken hand and covered in blood, using a stretcher to support an official pharmacy, and it seemed that something had happened when he encountered a monster or explored a secret realm.

For adventurers, this is commonplace.

Maybe the child will become an orphan.

However, even if it is a treatment, one hand is gone, I am afraid that I will withdraw from the ranks of adventurers in the future, and I can only live a daily life, and it will be very inconvenient.

And yet something magical happened.

I saw that the medicine master inside scolded them a few words, saying why they were so careless, but the tone was not too heavy, it was obviously saying why they didn’t send it earlier.

Then he took out a potion.

After letting them hold their hands up, the pharmacist poured the potion, only to see that the hand miraculously began to heal and took it again.

Then the pharmacist first washed him with water and then constantly bandaged him.

And instructed this wounded man.

Do not engage in strenuous activities during this time.

It is best to recuperate at home.

Everyone quickly nodded, paid a large sum of Mora, and left gratefully.

Yae Miko was stunned.

What the heck.

Can a broken hand be cured and taken back?

And this store seems to be officially opened, how do you feel that there are everywhere, that is to say, the pharmacy in front of you is also a very ordinary one, how can you treat such a serious injury at will?

That potion, what is it?

She walked in curiously.

“So, this pharmacist, can you ask what kind of potion you just used?”

The other party glanced at her casually.

A little sigh.

“Why do you foreigners always have to come up and ask, fuss, although they look surprised, right? But I’ve answered dozens of times recently, so tired. ”

“That is a high-grade elixir, which can repair people who have broken arms and missing legs, broken bones or something, and can also heal, but if the hand is eaten by a monster, it will not work.”

“I also have a series of healing elixirs, recovery elixirs, elemental elixirs, dream elixirs, etc., are you interested, you can buy it.”

Yae Miko took a look.


So expensive!

Aren’t your prices a bit outrageously high?

Even if it is a healing elixir and dealing with minor injuries, it has reached the point where it will make the adventurer’s flesh ache and reluctance, right?

Not to mention going up.

And this high-grade elixir, that is even more expensive!

However, if it involves your body and injuries, you can understand it yourself.

Then under the proud introduction of this medicine master, Yae Miko understood, this is still related to that Su Bai, he vigorously advocated the cultivation of herbs and spiritual medicine, and promoted a series of spiritual medicines.

From a series of small colds to this kind of injury.

All can have a corresponding elixir and can be treated.

And Liyue also built a new city in Guiyuan, cultivated a large number of glazed lilies and various precious medicinal herbs, and built an academy there to teach medicinal herbs and train pharmacists.

It is a veritable city of plants and trees, a city of medicinal herbs, and exists as a sacred place for medicine masters.

So it has a straightforward name.

Immortal Grass City.

Yae Miko also became curious, or would he have time to visit that city later?

And this medicine master also said that he heard that on the high-grade elixir, there are also thousand and universal elixirs, as well as immortal elixirs.

It can be reborn with broken arms, live dead human flesh and bones, and even save people from dying.

It’s an amazing miracle medicine.

It’s just that this is only heard, perhaps because of the low output, or perhaps because of the shortage of raw materials, so today, the average person can’t see it.

Now it is popularized to the level of high-grade elixirs.

It should continue to develop in the future.


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