This kind of sister can’t be wanted, bury it.

It’s really bad to hurt her all the time, it’s just bad oil.

If she didn’t want to disturb the good things of her sisters, she would have rushed in to criticize Ning Guang a long time ago!

Yelan, who shook her head helplessly, hugged her chest and walked away~, she is still the most kind.

And wait until you get past today.

Look how you laugh at me.

You who are pampered like this must be much more unbearable than me, and you will be disgraced in front of lovers.


More than once, for sure.

The World of Godkillers.

“Whew, in other words, Luo Hao, your world is poisonous, how many waves of disobedient gods have we repelled?”

“Crossing from one world to another, tossing and turning, all kinds of killings, constantly changing places, everyone else is scared back, and now it’s just me and you.”

“God-killing beast! Monster! Beasts pervert you will die today! Countless worlds will not have a place for you! ”

“Oh, there’s another one.”

“Through the Gun of Death”

With the indifferent and frozen whispers of all life, a terrifying magic gun was thrown out with a bang, directly nailing the unobedient god to the space, and then the second magic gun that followed directly killed him!

It’s just that before the other party died, he roared angrily.

“Don’t think about power!”

Then he seems to have activated the ability of something to determine the death as suicide.

The Celtic warrior Skaha, who was armed with a magic gun, watched this scene faintly.

Shake one’s head.

“I’m not a god killer, I can’t get power, really, Luo Hao, did you push them too hard, and even the mechanism for obtaining power against god killers came out.”

“Remember that in the original work, the god of non-obedience cannot commit suicide, either killed by the god killer, or go to the ghost world, the realm of life and immortality, as the middle ground between the present world and the undead realm, for seclusion.”

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to return to the myth as you wish.

Breaking away from mythology, coming from the [realm of immortality] to this world, receiving flesh on the earth, becoming a god of disobedience due to madness, and wreaking havoc on the earth, this is the origin of the god-killer world’s god-killer god.

This is, one-way distance.

On the other side, not far from her, a peerless beauty stood here, on her body was a Liyue-style dress, cardigan straps, and some modern changes and elegance.

The aesthetics have risen a lot.

While not losing nobility and elegance, it is also particularly tight and flexible, which is very convenient for combat.

That slender body stood tall, as if the absolute hegemon between heaven and earth, with the domineering and powerful of the only person in the sky and under the world!

This is exactly the god killer – [Luo Hao]!

Absolute pinnacle of martial arts, the apex of King’s Landing Martial Dao!

At this time, she also withdrew her hand and smiled beautifully.

“Well, you can’t blame me, who let several wise gods join forces and try to fundamentally prevent me from becoming stronger?”

“So after a lot of time, they researched this very disgusting secret method, and spread it out, making it difficult for god killers to appear, but for me, it is not absolute.”

“As long as you kill first, or fix the other party’s consciousness.”

Skaha: …

That’s still hard.

The other party is almost ahead of my gun, this is no longer a conscious reaction, but a premonition that it will die and automatically launch, right?

After all, she was sure, with her own skills.

The god who did not follow the god just now did not react and was thrown by himself.

This is the confidence of legendary warriors who have killed countless gods and undead, stepped into the divine domain with their bodies, and claimed to kill gods between palms!

“Forget it, Luo Hao, your consumption is a little big, activate the power to go to the next world.”

Luo Hao also thought so.

“Well, I already feel that a new wave of enemies is coming, retreat, what to fight without gain, it is simply a waste of my time.”

“I didn’t even get a single power this time.”

“It’s a bit of a loss.”

“Obviously I got two last time.”

With Luo Hao unleashing power.

The power of time and space surged, and both of them disappeared here.

A modern world.

There are high-rise buildings and traffic everywhere, large screens are still broadcasting a series of information, and many pedestrians obey the rules and watch the traffic lights, waiting to cross the road.

In a tall building, the figures of two women emerged.

And Skaha spoke out to Luo Hao.

“You rest first, don’t resist, I’ll use the power [Susano’s Comb] that I extracted last time, turn you into a comb and put it on my head, and then let Scati come out.”

“She is a goddess, so she should be able to avoid the gods who are killed, after all, I used the Lune rune to cover up my appearance and figure, and by the way, I can also take down the intelligence.”

Luo Hao was surprised.

“In this case, can’t the other party still lock me in this world, and that power is useless?” After all, I’ve used it before. ”

“What I drew is the version I got from Su Bai, he improved it, and told me a series of information about how to get it, which can temporarily block your existence, and your [Space-Time Mountain and Sea] power has a similar effect.”

“He should have guessed your situation long ago and tried to improve your set of powers.”

This made Luo Hao’s eyes shine.

“That guy, the group says he’s a genius, so let me see it.”

A moment later.

Scati, the goddess of ice and snow, appeared here, holding a small stick in her hand, looking at the world nobly and like a queen.

“Well, the world is good, so let me be outside for now.”

Then she had palpitations and patted her heart.

“It’s true, I’m going to be frightened and stupid by your madness, there are gods everywhere, and I still meet and kill without saying a word, I really can’t stand it, I want to go back to the Ice Fairy Domain.”

“Drinking tea and chatting with Su Bai and Queen Morgan and living a stable life is true.”

“And I can also get closer to Su Bai, let me feel his masculine charm, as my husband candidate, I naturally have to continue to become more intimate with him.”

“Nope!!! You stop me! ”

The Skaha inside her turned dark again.

Scati smiled and didn’t speak.

It’s fun to tease Skaha occasionally, it’s really rare to see her like this.

Playful! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Luo Hao was in the comb on Scati’s head, and at this time she was in it, curiously looking at the space surrounded by seven colors of light, not very large, on the contrary, very small, the area was only a place for a person.

So she sat cross-legged here.

And surprised.

“Transform this power into a super small space of its own, the smaller and more hidden, so that I will need to spend a lot of effort to get out, isolate all existence, or even completely seal me off.”

Otherwise, the normal situation can only wait for the power user Skaha to let her out.

“Even, such a move is equivalent to me being completely out of this world, and even the cause and effect, fate, and curse marks are separated, which is not something that space and ordinary world can do.” Otherwise, it won’t be called cross-world chasing! ”

“That guy Su Bai, is he still so interested in cause and effect and fate.”

Well, that’s not right.

The probability is that it is obtained synchronously from yourself, and then study it, right?


He really is a big fat sheep!

However, Luo Hao still showed a smile.

Not bad.

Su Bai, you are good.

Sure enough, as a best friend, he is still very reliable!

And Scati and Skaha in the outside world are discussing, and used [Primordial Lune], changing the breath on his body to change from a simple god to a god who is closer to the god of non-obedience.

Very nice and perfect!

Skaha also nodded.

Imitation of the god who does not follow, small meaning.

When they were chatting in the group before, everyone talked about god killers and powers, and under Luo Hao’s explanation and invitation, they went to Luo Hao’s world, and many group members followed them at that time.

Skaha smiled.

Everyone is quite confident.

As a result, after coming to that world, the group members found that this was not the original God Killer World at all, but a very desolate and lifeless parallel world.

Then everyone learned from Luo Hao’s mouth.

After she became a god killer, she wantonly searched for the gods who did not follow, constantly killing these gods who did not follow and seizing power.

and conduct various studies.

So it went a little overboard and triggered a series of changes.

Anyway, that world can’t go back for the time being.

Make everyone unable to complain, you opened the multiverse in advance and ran around, right, but this was the late finale, the godkillers gradually gained the ability to travel to other worlds.

However, when everyone asked Luo Hao how much she had done, her eyes flickered and passed.

It means that the problem is not big, it is all about the gods.

Let the group members look at her speechlessly.


Who is with whom, can you not understand you?

You girl!

Absolutely stabbed!

As a result, not long after chatting, a bunch of gods who did not follow the world chased and killed, what made everyone’s faces green was that the first wave of thirty gods who did not follow the bottom, how did they fight?

No wonder Luo Hao said that it may be a little difficult to obtain power.

You call this a little?

Whoever pulls out the original god killer comes here, he will definitely die!

That’s right.

Even what kind of grass beak protection hall is the same, the beginning will be evaporated, after all, people are also the type of people who can’t play and pick up lives, I will feel very good when I see it, you kid also likes to pick up lives?

Not to mention that there has been no such goods for a long time.

So the group members still hit a wave hard, to avoid being seconds, and hurry up to moisten first!

This battlefield is terrible!

Battle of the Gods!

The earth cracked instantly, the ocean evaporated directly, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the sun and the moon had no light, and you could feel the world wailing!

There is a sea of fire everywhere!

The boundless divine power is boiling and exploding!

In the end, it was Skaha and Luo Hao who were killing wildly, but after they finished the first wave, the second wave had already come, and the battle did not stop, either leaving this world or constantly killing!

It’s really life, and the battle doesn’t stop!

Anyway, it took a long time to fight until now.

And when Scati was not long here, another wave of disobedient gods arrived, about fifteen, and they felt it in surprise, and their faces were ugly.

“The other party disappeared again, either hiding or hiding in other worlds.”

“After all, that guy can cross many worlds at once, and the traces left behind at every turn are just a trick to confuse and delay our time.”

“Damn, you can hide more than a mouse! They all blame those gods of time and space, who have nothing to eat, give heads and power to each other, so that hateful beast has obtained such a tricky ability! ”

As a result, more than half of the gods who did not obey left this world.

Keep chasing!

After all, this world is also a way for the other party to leave traces and try to delay their routine.

Crossing different worlds is actually quite time-consuming, and it is very troublesome to be distanced!

For the rest, they found Scati and came to her.

This made Scati look wary.

“Ru wait?”

The gods of disobedience first used their abilities to sense, and then relaxed.

“The gods who are not subordinate, our companions, seem to be the gods of this world itself, and the gods such as the god killer and me have a common relationship of sensibility, and they can detect it when they meet.”

“Hello, we are from the [Alliance of Gods Against Luo Hao Annihilating the Demon King]!”

Skaha in the body: …

What a loss!.

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