The idea of Power [Eternal Tribulation Return] appeared in her mind.

Do not allow the future that you do not want, absolutely do not recognize such a result, cannot recognize the reality that such a failure and the material does not follow the god has lost its effect!

So she specialized in hunting the god of time and space, and after gaining the ability to cross worlds, she extended her hand to other worlds.

Anyway, after a lot of hardships, many dangers, I almost killed myself many times.

Constantly jumping across the boundary between [life and death].

Extremely difficult.

Finally, the power [Eternal Tribulation Return] appeared!

With this divine skill, it means that the god who failed in the first experiment would have exploded and died, that is, the research materials that were scrapped at one time, and he could pull him back.


Moving on to the second study, hahaha!

From one experimental opportunity, can be more than a hundred times, as long as you grasp the time and scope of backflow and rollback, just the role of such a small range, but also just the individual.

It saves a lot of consumption than affecting other large ranges.

Luo Hao was ecstatic to death and laughed.

It means that she is not only a peerless beauty, but also a peerless genius!

And this ability is also a combat auxiliary divine skill, once it does not achieve the effect you want, or falls into the downwind, you will return to play again, and then continue to move forward when you are satisfied.

Many disobedient gods were taken by her.

So, the research began.

Of course, this does not mean that good power can be taken for granted, whether it is the adaptability of power, compatibility, or 23 birth of extreme quality, conflict, anyway, there are many aspects to consider.

Sometimes, feasibility needs to be found in thousands of trials.

In general, it may also be a lot of success.

But that is at most a slightly stronger power, the change is not too big, for people like her who want to create extreme and powerful power, this result is definitely not satisfactory!

The more against the sky, the more difficult it is.

She complained, this is much more difficult than brushing holy relics in her previous life, and that probability is simply a younger brother when put here.

So every time he came out of the ultimate power, Luo Hao was super happy.

Call it out!

As for the gods who were experimented by her, they will be reversed and rolled back, erasing all traces, sometimes she is disassembling the experimental steps, implementing them in batches and different individuals, anyway, the other party cannot tell her real data.

And what about this goddess in front of you?


That’s still her power [Eternal Tribulation Return] just came out, and she hasn’t continued to improve, plus this goddess herself also has the power of time, so other gods who don’t follow don’t remember.

It’s just that she can remember some of the leftovers.

For example, how many times she Luo Hao has studied, how many times she died, how many times she exploded, how many times she became a monster, how many times she twisted, etc., and even remembered some pain.

Luo Hao wanted to erase her.

It’s a pity that at that time, the gods who did not follow the killing came, and this goddess hung up in the aftermath, and Luo Hao consumed a lot at that time, and launched the power to jump the world and run.

It led to such an unlucky bastard, and the second appearance still remembers something.

It’s really a sigh, in fact, Luo Hao wants to say it.

[Sometimes, if you forget, it won’t hurt anymore.] 】

Anyway, she is not guilty, heh, this goddess is already cruel, why should I sympathize with the enemy, and she herself can erase her own memory?

Obviously I have forgotten a lot.

It is true that he alone retains his hatred for her Luo Hao.

But forget it, after all, what this goddess doesn’t know is that he has experimented on her more than four hundred times, and she doesn’t remember half of it, which is gratifying.

Skaha: …

Or you are the most outrageous!

And there is no end to this step, there is still the next development.

And also?

Everyone in the group exclaimed?

You’re not up to heaven!

In addition to this idea, Luo Hao also has an idea, that is, mythological fusion, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Sumerian mythology, Persian mythology, Indian mythology, Mayan mythology, Aztec mythology, Roman mythology and a series of large mixtures.

In this way, the gods will mix, merge and produce all kinds of strange new individuals.

All-in-one words.

There will be new powers and many strange abilities of the god of disobedience.

Strong power will also appear.

However, she did not do this, it was difficult to achieve and there was no need to provoke them, but in order to annihilate her, the god of disobedience found the last king with the ultimate divine knife.

There is more than one.

It’s about killing her.

And there are many gods who do not follow, which can be called a terrifying melee battle.

That battle affected the original world, and her original world, like Erica and Liliana Grand Knight, had long been under her command.

In order to avoid the destruction of that world, Luo Hao used a very special power.

Let that world fall into a state of Schrödinger, a wonderful state of existence and non-existence, and thus disappear, that is, locked by her in absolute nothingness.

Freeze frame.

Luo Hao, who had no worries, began his own world travel and constant battle.

The gods her off.

So she began to find ways to make a lot of god realms and mixes, myths began a hodgepodge, a mythological field that will never intersect, it stands to reason that the two myths are in parallel, and this crosses.

Mythological change, which has rippled countless areas and had a huge impact, began.

As a result, the form of existence of the gods also changed.

Those enemies who were killed by her are actually another god when they come out again.

This is related to the emergence of the god of non-obedience and the change of mythology, such as the story that has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, experienced many regions and changes, and the god of non-obedience two thousand years ago and the future appeared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Two different gods actually.

Even if the name is the same.

Those who were killed by Luo Hao may be new gods when they appear again, some will continue the hatred, and some will not continue.


This makes everyone listen stupid, you are even more terrible than stabbing the sky!

Countless myths have stewed together like a hodgepodge.

What Zeus vs Thor, Brahma vs. Kaos, Quetzalcoatl vs. Cupid, Odin vs. Sun God Ra, Earthly Python vs Apep, even more exaggerated than this, the gods will fuse into it and produce completely new individuals.

All kinds of changes, all kinds of impossible things, you can get it, you can’t think of it.

Just thinking about it, your scalp feels numb.

Luo Hao was chased and killed like this, it was simply a matter of course.

Although it seems that she is not wrong either.

I was really pressed.

On the contrary, Luo Hao laughed now.

“It’s okay, in fact, myths change and change, isn’t it the same, with the development of the region, other mythological gods are degraded as demons, smeared, or all kinds of things are moved around, forming new myths.”

“For example, Greek mythology is the culmination of a hodgepodge of various myths, from all over the world, fusing chaotic myths into such a thing.”

“Myths are like this, I just came to another mythological shuffle, so that only the gods who still stay in the world will not change, but kill them, and they will change when they come out again!”

That is, kill all the disobedient gods who are enemies of themselves and send them back to mythology.

There will be fewer and fewer enemies of oneself.

Finally, clean up those [Last Kings], it’s almost the same.

Most of the newborn gods will no longer be against themselves, no one wants to become less themselves, and some disobedient gods also think so.

That is, solve the problem at the root.

Luo Hao: I just lifted the table!

So Luo Hao is very optimistic, in the final analysis, the two sides are hunters and prey for each other, you want to me, I want to you, for the god killer who is good at fighting and killing.

It’s heaven.

Every fight is bloody!


This is the [Characteristics] that God Killers come with, and their fighting intent and physical fitness will reach the peak state.

Everyone in the group: …..

Although the strength you are not the strongest.

But when it comes to doing things, we’d like to call you the strongest.

This level of martial idiocy.

Ray Movie and the General came, and they were all frightened by liver defeat.

The mentality is also outrageous, and it is completely enjoyable.

Tiantong Mugen: “Actually, you can tell us earlier, why bother to mention it.” ”

Luo Hao scratched his head.

“Isn’t this afraid of being misunderstood by you? I don’t want to cause any misunderstandings when I finally meet such a person in more than 160 parallel worlds, after all, you have also seen it, except that I was angry at first. ”

“Later, I had a good temper and got along with everyone.”

Even with Su Bai, the relationship is very good.

Why is this guy thanking himself recently, saying that [Eternal Tribulation Return] has helped a lot, and there are a series of other powers, it is estimated that he is using his own power to create something incredible, right?

Sharing is really perverted.

This Su Bai was given countless ability support to facilitate and perfect his research.

That’s also a research maniac.

Many abilities have made him rich.

Morgan nodded silently when he saw this sentence, those few things are definitely Su Bai does not know how many times he has returned to the table, plus the power from Luo Hao, he has now made a prototype.

After all, the abilities of the group members provided support to Su Bai with some past alchemy ideas.

Assemble the abilities of many worlds to create equipment.

It’s just that Su Bai will use the name of Liyuefeng, it is really inclusive, every time he praises him, he shook his head modestly, saying that he was just standing on everyone’s shoulders.


Morgan recently discovered that Su Bai seemed to be studying Skahah’s magic gun.

It is estimated that there is a new idea of alchemy equipment.

Like his own water mirror, combined with him, it has become today’s [Kunlun Mirror Gate], and many equipment actually have the shadow of the group members.

Even in recent creations, there are a lot of [Primordial Lune] runes.

It seems that Skaha helped a lot.

On the contrary, everyone complained about Luo Hao.

Blowing Snow: “Actually, it’s nothing, you are a traverser + god, it’s normal to move a little bigger, but we can still be trusted, after all, our past expectations and personalities are like this.” ”

I hope that if only I had my own in other worlds, and everyone helped each other.

As the most reliable partner!

If this were to be replaced by someone else, it might be their own in other worlds, but their personalities and ideas would not have this, and the realization of dreams made everyone smile and gather hands to usher in a common progress.

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