Otherwise, the normal situation can only be good people do not live long.

But Qiqi is not ordinary.

Long life.

And the memory is not good, if she forgets this effect of the secret method, then she will not have to bear a series of diseases, and it will not be transferred.

Thus, immortality, too, can survive.

After all, when it comes to the purest and best personality, it is obvious that Qiqi is also right?

It’s just that Hakushu shook his head.

“No, and I have already decided that I will be the last one, and my long-cherished wish should end here.”

Immortal is also out of voice.

“Yes, no, Qiqi is a zombie.”

Seeing that Ying seemed to be a little puzzled, Su Bai also explained lightly.

“Zombies, they are corpses, in the legend of Liyue, the ghosts that appeared because of the heavy yin qi, even Qiqi, they have long died, it is the will to survive is struggling, there is such a breath that is delayed, plus the immortals each crossed into the immortal power, so that the wonderful birth of individuals.”

“So Qiqi has no life at all, or only a wisp of life, and it is impossible to sign a contract.”

Ying and Paimon nodded in understanding.

I see.

After all, they are not from Liyue, and they don’t know much about this aspect.

Paimon directly clapped his hands with a “three-six-seven”.

“I understand, so the pharmacists can obviously stand by and watch, but they still choose to save people, so they will only usher in a short life.”

“As a result, Baishu you said the last one, so you want to live longer because you want [Immortality] to survive, avoid the next contract, and involve another innocent human life.” But you yourself can’t help but save people. ”

“I want to save my life, I want to save myself, I also want to save the world, Bai Shu, don’t think it’s a little too much for you to say this…”

Even Su Bai slowly sat down and chuckled.

Paimon is right, if you want everything, you may end up getting nothing, just regrets. This is man, more has only become a delusion. ”

Not everyone is a genius.

After all, this is not a Fertile Star God Medicine Master, as long as you make a wish, you can be blessed.

Not to mention the Mond warning.

It’s a hunting base.

Of course, this is a string, don’t care about this.

“But I came this time to give you an opportunity, since I came to invite you to move, then I will naturally take out a little benefit, which is exactly the spirit of Liyue’s contract.”

“After all, I have a way to do things that you and Yaojun can’t do.”

“To be honest, in my eyes, immortality will become like this, it is indeed a little undeserved, snakes are creatures that will not succumb and die, and in other worlds, they have mythological colors in many myths.”

“Being able to constantly molt and grow, sleep in the cold winter, and awaken in the spring, in the spring that represents death and life, symbolizing the cycle of death and regeneration, and at the same time possessing the blessing of life and the blessing of death, as an immortal holy beast and fetish.”


How do I feel, you’re talking about my dishes?


I can’t do this cycle of life and death, and I disgrace the snake!

I am a cabbage snake.


And at this time, Su Bai was also surprised.

“Hey, you listened to me talk about this, didn’t you have any inspiration and deep thought, this is already a very amazing fairy concept, if you can understand a little, you can get better.”

Both Bai Shu and Changsheng fell silent.

Even Ying and Paimon are the same.

Can anyone really study amazing immortal arts just like that?

Isn’t everyone’s understanding a little worse?


Su Bai smiled dumbly.

“Okay, amuse you, I’ll pass on a method to you, that is the most suitable immortal method for snakes, which can constantly cycle in the realm of life and death, so as to constantly recover and grow.”

I saw him so gently.

There was a golden light on his finger, and it suddenly flew into the eyebrows of Bai Shu and Changsheng.

This left them all sluggish, receiving and feeling the information.

Changsheng also let out shock and amazement.

“Incredible, such a wonderful immortal art, this has involved the concept of life and death, yin and yang, which can make it cross life and death, achieve wonderful immortality, and make the strength stronger and stronger through continuous molting.”

“Wait, what’s down there, why isn’t there?”

“Just the beginning?”

It was dumbfounded.

Bai Shu regained his composure and spoke up calmly.

“I see, it’s equivalent to us doing things for you, as your subordinates, constantly handling things and conducting research, and then contributing all the way in exchange for the immortal law of the next few steps, right?”

Su Bai drank tea, calmly and lightly.

“Needless to say so bluntly, I’m just developing Liyue and digging talents, and if I want to get the complete immortal law, maybe you will have to work for a long, long time, which is not an extraordinary person can understand.”

“Through hard work, through work, to achieve step-by-step contribution.”

“In essence, it is the extent to which I use immortal methods to hire you, and as for where you can go in the future, it depends on your own creation.”

“Maybe there will be not only a medicine lord by then, but also an additional white snake immortal.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Immortals, in the future, Liyue will not be rare, but more and more, becoming a veritable immortal country.”

It’s just that snakes, researchers, seek immortality, white snake immortals, and then continue to recover and become stronger after immortality, able to become bigger, giant snakes, well, this series of elements adds up.

How inexplicably there is a sense of déjà vu.

Bai Shu readily agreed.

“No problem, I have already read this information, even if it is only a little, it is enough to make us reluctant to let go, I have to say that you are really amazing and incredible, and you have specially researched the Immortal Method of Immortals Exclusive to Immortality.”

“And as a symbiotic, I can also get feedback and practice together, which can be regarded as rubbing a trace of immortal fate.”

“Even the occult can affect and improve, and add new content, although it is only a catalog, but it is enough to make me firmly attracted, in that way, how many terminally ill people can be saved.”

“Today’s elixir involves many diseases, but other terminal diseases and incurable diseases need to be worked hard and overcome by us pharmacists.”

Since this is an immortal method that can prolong life, and continuous practice can last forever, which also means that he has to spend more time in this industry, so why not.

Even if it’s two hundred years, three hundred years, four hundred years, it’s a thousand years.

At this point, Bu Lu is also moving.

There will also be one more teacher at Guicheng Academy.

Then Su Bai set her eyes on Qiqi, just now she was still holding up the medicine basket a little, pouring out those herbs, and sorting and placing them…

“Well, the next thing is the matter of Qiqi, which has to be dealt with.”

Paimon was taken aback.

“Deal? Could it be that Su Bai wants to bury her like Hu Tao? ”

This startled Qiqi and quickly squatted down.

A small head is exposed.

I was terrified.

“Qiqi, I don’t want to die.”

Su Bai looked at Paimon speechlessly, why is this kid always so humble.

“What are you thinking, I came to teach the Seven Seven Immortal Method to help her get better, different from immortality, it’s another, I just said it, Qiqi died a long time ago, and now it’s a zombie.”

“In fact, she is a special individual [Immortal Zombie] in the zombie, her real name is to save the suffering of the real king, and she rises to the dead and returns to the skeleton boy.”

“However, compared with the real immortals, she has great limitations and has many drawbacks and shortcomings, you should be able to see it, right?”

Speaking of this, Ying also nodded in agreement.

“That’s right, Qiqi’s memory is very bad, and when I came over last time, she had forgotten me.”

“But I know that this is not her intention, and Qiqi also said that she will do more memory exercises and strive to remember me next time.”

Bai Shu was also thinking.

“Zombies are dead corpses, so without ordinary human body temperature, it will be very cold, and at the same time, the body will gradually stiffen and rigid, and eventually it will be difficult to move, so Qiqi needs to constantly do soft gymnastics.”

to keep yourself close to normal.

Not to mention the greatly weakened memory, which is also part of it.

Within three days, people will be completely forgotten.

This state is really bad.

You need to constantly exercise to make yourself not too stiff, otherwise you can only bounce when walking, and you will constantly forget everything in life, and if you delay what you want to do, you will forget, and the people around you will become strangers every few days.

Don’t remember.

Memories are constantly lost, their own past, those beauty, sorrow, joy and sorrow have long disappeared.

What hard work?

It’s all something that doesn’t exist at all.

Qiqi itself, only the constant 0.7 remains to insist on living.

That’s the only goal.

Live simply to live.

For ordinary people, is this kind of immortality really an immortal life that they can accept?

Perhaps, it’s painful.

Past memories are things that do not want to be forgotten and abandoned, that are the proof and trajectory that represent a person.

Although Qiqi doesn’t care about these.

“Therefore, today I will pass on to you an immortal method, which is specially to nurture the breath in your body, constantly absorbing the essence of the sun and moon of heaven and earth, and picking the first purple qi of the sunrise every day, and the first ray of moonlight at night.”

“Come and constantly polish and grind your breath, make it constantly transform and sublimate, and finally create a breath of supreme immortal qi, which can constantly change and revive your body and make it come alive again.”

That breath of supreme immortal qi will become the source of life.

It’s like a source.

Constantly let Qiqi completely change and strengthen, so that it walks in the direction of a truly complete and powerful immortal, which is exactly to first experience death, then conceive life, and use life to overcome death.

At that time, it will naturally give birth to a great god power [Innate Yin and Yang Divine Light], which can rebel against chaos, dawn Yin and Yang, and shake the world!

It is the supreme immortal law.

By that time, Qiqi would be a top immortal, and ordinary demon gods would not be able to beat her.

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