Are you sure it’s not a hodgepodge there, how can you have everything.

Isn’t it a bit too many concepts involved?

However, this made Blowing Snow also refresh the impression of the continent of Tivat, it turns out that the Tivat people are not the kind of ignorant natives in their impressions, in fact, they still have certain fantasies and understanding of the sea of stars.

It’s not that narrow-minded.

Rather, too.

After all, Su Bai grew up in this world, so he knows more and more in detail than everyone who has just played the game.

I know the stories and biographies in those bookstores.

At a glance, it is not less turned.

And so it goes.

Even if the knowledge of the Star Sea is popularized, doesn’t it mean that the people of Liyue are easy to accept and understand?

After all, in this way, their situation is very similar to their own civilization in their previous lives, such as there are various fantasy things in the novel, although they have not appeared, but they have indeed produced many fantasy works.

And then really after that, everyone’s more reaction, should be ecstasy, right?

Like Reiki revival?

Su Bai nodded.

“It can also be said that there are not many Xinghai works, and different things are still popular in various countries after all, such as the legends and adventures of Mond, the martial arts and immortals of Liyue, the warriors and wanderers of Inazuma.”

“After all, it just stays in terms of words, and there is no real sense of the picture, so even if the starship is placed in front of people, everyone’s first impression will only be that it can fly!”

Blowing snow means that this is true, but it also has a good foundation.

After all, Tivat’s astronomy and astrology are still very popular, such as that Mona, the other party is from Fontaine, and Fontaine is popular in astrology and the temple or what organization?

Even the Lido Brahma Academy of the Apostol, that is, the Mingzhi School, also used the starry sky as a research center, and many scholars of astrology emerged.

For example, what 523 Layla, Haibashia, and Setarei are all people from this academy.

For astronomical astrological signs, Tivat does not start at 0.

And just as Chuixue was thinking, Su Bai suddenly spoke up.

“Your sister is here.”

Blowing snow: ?

Didn’t I say yes to her birthday in the evening?

It was naturally handed over to Su Bai during the day.

I’ll join you again in the afternoon.

Why did Sister Tornado come so early?

It didn’t take long for even Blowing Snow to feel a familiar aura flying in the sky in the distance, and her face twitched.

“Ah, Su Bai, or I will go back to Tivat with you, I don’t want to be disturbed by such a happy day today, and I want to spend a good time with you, but my sister’s words, she was angry last time and almost destroyed my family.”

“Because she feels that I was deceived by a bad man of unknown origin, deceived body and mind, and did not agree with you at all, anyway, without her consent, I am never allowed to have any inexplicable boyfriend.”

“Wasn’t I too tired from martial arts last time and sweated, so I took a shower after you left. As a result, after being seen by Sister Tornado, she, she thought that I and you had been… It made her explode in anger. It took me all kinds of explanations before she regained her composure. ”

Blowing snow with a wry smile on his face.

Because it’s really innocent, nothing happened at all.

Maybe in the eyes of the tornado, he has long been with Su Bai, and he still lives together or something.

As a matter of fact.

It is only today that the boyfriend and girlfriend relationship is confirmed.

Hold hands formally.

Not as exaggerated and outrageous as she thought.

So Blowing Snow feels, I am so wronged!

Sister, don’t misunderstand me!

I want to too.

But it really didn’t.

“Oh? Don’t explain it to her (cdbh) first? ”

Blowing Snow shook his head.

“Isn’t the good mood of this day all ruined, it must be to fight, then it is better to save it for the next time, after all, there is no point, it is such a happy day for me, Su Bai, you go first, I will apply to come to your side immediately.”

“It’s okay, listen to you, just be happy.”

“Hmph, thank you for your understanding, my good boyfriend Su Bai. Well, I always feel inexplicably ashamed to say it like this, hey, just leave it to me. ”

Soon, a ringing bell sounded outside the door.

Blowing snow went to open the door, and then looked down, only to see that her sister Tornado was full of alertness, and directly flew up first and rushed into the house.

“Huh? Blowing snow you open the door so fast? Could it be that what I thought was wrong, that you weren’t with that man during the day? I’ll have to look for it. ”

“I was really angry before, what is the origin of that man, using the resources of the association can not find any information about him, not even a trace of information, useless association!” It is impossible for the other party to jump out of a stone. ”

“Or is my sister in a relationship with an alien?”


“Wait, two chopsticks, the birthday cake after eating, the stool that was moved, just the number of two people, ah, ah, blowing snow, you still said that you were not with each other?!!”

Tornado full of black lines and anger on the forehead.

Glared angrily at herself as a silly sister.

Who ever thought of her shyness and gentleness, and then nodded.

“Yes, he and I were here just now, sister, you listen to me first, it’s good that our sisters have had a relationship for so many years.”


At this time, Chuixue was shopping hand in hand with Su Bai.

“Hey, Su Bai, isn’t Morgan by your side?”

“Not today, she has her own world to manage, and sometimes there are quite a lot of things, not to mention that her research is continuing, so it’s normal to not see her occasionally.” The same goes for Esders. ”

“On the contrary, the tornado is there, you didn’t make any contradictions, did you?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Recall the relationship between tornadoes and blowing snow in the original book.

I don’t remember it well.

Tornado for blowing snow is closed protection, too distorted, coupled with that personality + tongue, it is difficult to talk well, communicate normally or something, when the blowing snow is hard to grow a little.

Tornado’s judgment is that when the spirit of blowing snow is mature, then there is no need for any friends.

I think that the members of the snowblowing group are nothing more than a group of parasites.

My sister couldn’t make up her mind and let her clean it up.

The two quarreled and fought, and Blowing Snow was directly knocked unconscious or what, anyway, Su Bai was more profound about the style of comics.

This made Blowing Snow couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Yes, the original version of the comic is the same as a graffiti and mess, especially the dragon sister, which is even more dumbfounding strong drawing style. But rest assured, my relationship with her is not as bad as you think. ”

“It’s still very good to get along.”

“Hey, let’s go, I want to have fun with you all morning, in the afternoon, let’s celebrate my birthday with everyone, well, I’m still quite busy, and my sister is still in the evening, take a walk.”

A new day.

Riveria came to Su Bai’s home, which is a daily visit and discussion of cooperation, plus she thinks this side is also very interesting, so she will often come to visit.

And Lisa they also got acquainted.

It’s just that Riveria also has her own troubles, and the elves in the clan always feel that they went to find Su Bai because they were secretly falling in love and fainting to death.

This group of melon skins.

There are other guys booing.

Speechless died.

Isn’t it normal for me to have a good relationship with him, why do I have to be involved in this?

Sometimes she was annoyed by the questioning, she directly gave those guys a fist of the elf, angry she thought to herself, you guys like this, then I really fall in love with Su Bai!

But she herself was so frightened that she quickly shook her head.


What are you thinking?

As a traditional elf, she is not so perverted, even if she is actually Su Bai, but as an elf who has started for a hundred years, she also has a set of cognition belonging to elves.

Never mind.

Not to mention this, the age of the members of the group is more outrageous than the other.

She’s a sister.

If you talk about age, the little burial bastard will laugh at himself again.

At this time, she was elegantly pouring tea, with a flowing motion, and then gently placed it in front of everyone, even Rosalind, even Lisa was amazed.

“Riveria, you know a lot, and you are also very elegant, a smell of nobility, no, maybe this kind of nobility, should say royalty?”

“It’s really peculiar, and you are very good at taking care of people, able to pay attention to every detail, quite considerate, I really don’t know which man will be so blessed in the future, you will definitely become a rather virtuous wife.”

After all, when she was at home, Lisa wanted to get an alchemy material, and Riveria handed it over.

King Dacishu wanted to carry some books, and she also came to help.

I haven’t thought about buying groceries yet.

Riveria had already brought it over.

She will also help start the alchemy washing machine, although she is red and panicked about the marks on the clothes, but she will also help dry the clothes later, as if she can’t be idle.

When Mu got up, she would help comb and tidy her hair, saying that she had long wanted to try this.

It can be described as all aspects, quite thoughtful.

It can be used as a lubrication and auxiliary positioning, perfectly embedded in everyone’s life.

Give Lisa a sense of matriarchy.

So good at taking care of people.


If only as a wife, she would be too virtuous and dignified.

What is this cute guy hesitating about, can’t take it quickly?

She is also too suitable for this family.

Instead, Riveria was stunned and shook her head with a smile.

“No, I haven’t thought about finding a man, it’s good to live like this, well, maybe judging by the age of the elves, I’m past the age of falling in love.”

Tiantong Mu stuffed a loaf of bread in his mouth and sighed faintly.

“Yes, you are only in your early hundreds, this is too young for an elf, you see that Nasida is still a child at five hundred years old, although she is a god, she also looks like an elf.”

Riveria: … I didn’t mention my age earlier.

Lisa also has a smile in her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, don’t think about the little cute, after all, everyone can be trusted, and you are also very compatible.”

This really silenced her.

Su Bai, you guy, are the women around you so good, help you be a wingman!

“There is a saying that stabbing you in the back is not necessarily a knife.”

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