She swept her eyes and found that the goddess Izanami had recovered from the state of the comb, and the other party was holding a strange and quaint, but very long wooden stick.

Throw it straight and blast it towards her!

And Izanami exerted the power of space, and she was already hitting her!

Although it does not seem to carry any authority, it is unremarkable.

But Luo Hao actually felt mortal danger.

As a warrior at war with myths, who has browsed countless epics and legends, she reacted instantly!

The essence of this thing, what the hell is.

In mythology, the Far East Island Country at that time was in an ocean, like grease floating, and the earth had not yet formed at that time, so the gods ordered Izanagi and Izanami to stabilize and strengthen.

And gave them the spear of heaven.

Then these two gods came to the floating bridge suspended between heaven and earth, inserted this spear into the grease and floating objects below, stirred back and forth, and then the stable earth appeared!

It was here that the two gods built a palace and began to have children.

Eight islands and six small islands were also born.

And so many gods.

At the beginning, Luo Hao felt that this myth was really ridiculous and absurd. Ikujima is also a strange thing.

And in his original god-killer world,

There is also such a myth and legend, much the same.

What is shown is the [Heavenly Rebellion], which is a divine tool, which imitates this legend and can create wonderful divine tools on land and islands.

But now this is the same source as the Heavenly Reversal, but it is not the same thing at all.

It’s clear.

This is the terrible weapon held by this Izanami, or her display of power, to re-enact the myth here, which can bring herself this powerful 333 strong threat.

The effect should be – since the earth can be created, then it can also be the other way around!

Return things to the dirt!

Return yourself, the god-killer, to the earth, dust to dust, earth to earth?

If you look at it this way.

Whether you break yourself down or refactor it, it’s too dangerous!

And the other party has burst out with all its strength.

Being able to notice that Izanami has withered, this guy has injected his own life force into it.


Do you want to emulate the Salvation Knife?

Recharge it?

Not to mention that the three last kings once again urged the divine knife and seized this opportunity to kill, even if they avoided this attack, then there was theirs, double kill!

Any god killer who comes will die!

Even she has consumed too much spell power under the enemy’s deliberate wheel battle, which is a terrible killer weapon that has long been prepared, and such a state can easily be in either of the two.


“But who am I, I am Luo Hao, Eternal Tribulation Return, launch!”

Before she goes back, kill this Izanami before using that big move!

Themselves do not allow such developments, do not allow such a future.

Then start all over again!

However, just after she launched, it seemed to trigger some terrible changes, and an amazing suction force appeared in this world, swallowing this area with Luo Hao as the center, and swallowing the last king and Skaha all!

All the forces are invalidated, and it happens instantaneously, and there is no room for reaction at all!

The eyes of the last kings showed joy.

It worked!

It’s waiting for you at this moment!

Having consumed so much power, launched so many terrifying powers in a row, coupled with the face of crisis, attention is on this, there is no better way to pull you in than this time!


Luo Hao was also taken aback.

In an instant, she found herself in a field where there was no scenery, as if there was an endless black world, and there was nothing else, not even space and time.


In this world, there is no time.

There is also no timeline.

However, she still reacted the fastest, first killing the exhausted Izanami in an instant, and the Heavenly Qiong spear naturally did not hit her, and everyone was sucked in.

With the death of this goddess, one of their ace killer cards was scrapped.

It turned into a point of light and disappeared.

At this time, one after another disobedient gods holding divine swords looked at her with a fierce eye, surprised that these guys were not in a hurry to attack, but Luo Hao was still shocked.


This amount.


You guys are too fierce, how many worlds have you turned over, it’s really ruthless.

Previously, the three of my own words were not afraid.

Five and run.

Now you’ve found four more.

This is completely eaten by her, after all, the main thing is that this divine knife is too fierce, and the words of the gods are general.

It is the ultimate steel, capable of slashing the earth, penetrating the sky, and crushing everything! If you fight it directly, even the god killers will be destroyed, and they must try to fight and dodge.

It has absolute terrifying power!

The power to slaughter Campione with just one hit!

It is completely the natural enemy of the god killer!

Even she has to be extremely cautious and wait for it!

And these last kings also have the blessing of the covenant Dafa, which is the corrective power that fate is helping them, which can make the last king’s divine power continue to soar, such as their spell power is 10.

It can soar up to more than 100.

The original covenant, that is, the Great Law of Annihilating the Demon King, soared according to the number of demon kings existing in the world, but Luo Hao’s existence led to breaking this rule for the first time.

Because of her mess, it led to chaos.

It was judged that her existence was comparable to a group of god killers.

The last king of this combination + the World God Knife, Luo Hao still doesn’t put them in his eyes, even if the three of them are together, and she also has a method specifically for these guys, how can you let you play the resurrection battle to kill me?

Know what a godkiller is?

Ben is a warrior against fate!

Challenge impossible.

Create miracles!

But these guys also know that they can’t die, so hugging to death, can beat this (cdai) so many last kings into huddles, Luo Hao is also a strange person.

However, seeing this amount and the other party’s posture of winning steadily, Luo Hao also felt hairy in his heart.

This fish is a little too big. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s going to overturn!

She quickly posted a sentence in the group.

Luo Hao: “Su Bai, come and help me.” I’m in big trouble. ”

Liyue Subai (group leader): “What’s wrong?” ”

Luo Hao: “Skaha and I were blocked by the nine last kings and trapped in a space, and we haven’t tried to run away, but my intuition tells me that there is a high probability that we can’t run.”

“Either look for you, or try to use the ability of chat groups to hide back in the leprechaun world.”

Liyue Subai (group leader): “…”

Other group members: “…”

This really silenced everyone.

I grass!

Do you know what you’re talking about, what is the concept of the nine last kings?

A bunch of god killers will be beaten crying daddy and shouting mother, all of them will be annihilated.

In the original work, the last king [Mitra] with the savior knife violently killed all the god killers in his world, even the gods who did not obey did not let go, and put an end to the appearance of god killers from the root.

Peerless and ruthless.

Anyway, when he was there, there were no gods and god killers in the world!

This is the last king.

And Luo Hao, the original last king of this world [Rama], people don’t want to fight, they want to strike, but they are tied up by fate and driven to annihilate the god-killing demon king.

He’s all rotten.

None of the gods like Guinevera would find his sleeping place.

Rama: I’m tired, can you let me go! Whoever the god killer loves will kill!


What black work, work that never ends, work to death!

Even the God of eternal life cannot stand it.

It’s also too torturous for God.

You can’t quit yet, the big boss of fate just wants you to keep working, keep working.

So there is a big difference between the last king of positivity and the last king of possibility.

The result is now.

Are there nine positive one-of-a-day kings, or have they joined forces?

It’s not a simple 1+1.

Thinking about that scene, it is terrifying and terrifying!

Whoever goes, will be seconds.

Tsuchima buried: “Can’t be saved, wait for death!” It’s terrifying, why did the godkiller world become like this. ”

“I feel that my everyday world is really good, ah, moving, tearful, sure enough, plain is true.”

“The ancients sincerely do not deceive me!”

Luo Hao: “…”

Stinky little burial!

You are the skinniest in the group!

Living in the everyday world of technology makes you float like this.

Inside the female Su Bai, you are very naughty!

And what Luo Hao cared about was not this, she panicked, she sent an invitation to Su Bai, why didn’t she move, could it be that she had a bad attitude towards him last time?

After all, I stunned him.

Plus this time is really too dangerous.

So he doesn’t come either?



Could it be that you can only try to escape and give up this godkiller world?

After all, it will be here next time.

Only squat spring water.


Play everywhere. Finally at the end?

Just as she wanted to contact Skaha to go together, a voice suddenly came to her head.

“Don’t go, I’m already here, right on your head, they didn’t find me.”

“Well, the problem is okay, Luo Hao don’t panic, I can’t see you dead, I don’t want you to encounter such a thing, after all, you are all Su Bai.”

“If the group is reduced, then it will be my dereliction of duty as the group leader, and I will be ashamed to take the sharing and not do things.”

Luo Hao: !!!

Su Bai is coming?

Why didn’t I find out myself?

Good fellow, you are so strong in concealment.

But think about it, the last power [Susano’s Comb] was improved by him, and it was able to evade the enemy’s cross-world lock, which was a means that several last kings joined forces.

Want to lift, only kill them!

And Skaha also received this message, and posted a sentence in the group that I know, and there is no need to turn back and make eye contact with Luo Hao.

This is communication directly under the nose of the enemy.

At this time, one of them, wearing an eye patch and two crows on his shoulders, laughed.

“Hehe, Luo Hao, you can’t run away, don’t worry, you definitely can’t get out, because you will be buried here!”

Luo Hao: …

I’m so scared!.

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