"On the contrary, you, the god Odin who would have perished in the twilight of the gods, this time, I will send you on your way!"

In front of the enemy.

Esders is a battle maniac and queen aura, both arrogant and domineering!

Like the Queen of Ice!

That gentle and like a little woman's side was only shown in front of Su Bai.

At this moment, her eyes became sharp and majestic.

A hand was directly extended.

There were golden points of light constantly converging in front of her.

"I, ah, am no longer the same as I was last time in Norse Persona, well, thanks to my husband and Morgan's good sisters."

"Let's have a battle between guns!"

Her chant sounded here.

"Holy gun, pull the anchor!"

"It is the anchor of the storm that tears the sky and connects the ground!"

"Here, show your might!"

The golden light continued to gather, and a shining divine spear was gradually formed in front of Esders, and the brilliant golden brilliance was continuously released.

When it falls to the ground, the handle of the gun is a little, forming a golden energy aperture.

The terrifying aura burst out directly!

Bafang vibrate!

Especially after Estes put his hand up and held it, the more amazing momentum roared, and the matchless storm continued to burst out with her as the center, which made Odin's face change, and also summoned a storm to resist.

It was his wind of death!

But it was directly defeated.

And as soon as Esders raised his hand, a large number of golden streamers burst out, directly killing the other party with great momentum, and she herself turned into a blue light, wrapped in golden light!

Odin also shrank his pupils, and his expression was too cautious.

"What an amazing weapon, or is that thing really a weapon?"

"So what the hell... It's something. "

He also wielded a magic gun and confronted it!

This is the battle of the gods!

This is a battle of sharpshooters!

The attacks released by both sides caused a roaring mountain and sea at the beginning, a big explosion of blindness in heaven and earth, and flames burst into the sky, fortunately this was placed here, otherwise the outside would have been destroyed long ago.

After all, this is just the beginning!

But it was enough to annihilate everything around it, and the turbulent and majestic shock wave continued to spread wave after wave.

In such a battle, Odin suffered a direct loss.

He also no longer kept his hand, and the huge spell power far beyond many gods of obedience erupted, bringing a sense of oppression and coldness that froze all space.

In mythology.

It was in the cold winter, as the pioneer of the wild hunt, leading the existence of many fierce warriors!

In the roar, an eight-legged divine horse was summoned, it pulled the chariot, let Odin rule, and constantly galloped and killed on the battlefield, bringing victory to the Protoss!

That was Odin's mount, Sleipnir.

It is also the offspring born of legend that Loki turned into a mare and mated with the god Maswadilfali!

At this time, his aura grew again, reaching the peak state!

The Eternal Spear in his hand also lit up, ready to move.

To begin the bombardment that tears through the sky and runs through everything.

"Huh, mount?"

Seeing this scene, Estes caused the power of the holy spear to spread, forming a holy and pure white divine horse, full of sacred and solemn equipment, she jumped directly and rode up.

Also holding the holy spear, he launched the charge that devastated and decayed!

The two launched a galloping and rampant killing of heaven and earth, and powerful divine power was constantly colliding.

Today's Estes is much stronger, and has been getting stronger, in addition to the origin power of ice, there are also several more conventional powers.

This is all thanks to the rocket that Luo Hao personally rewarded.

Luo Hao: you! Treat me like a fat sheep again!

It really made Luo Hao's face green, and the newly acquired power was directly pumped by Esders, and it was hard to imagine what kind of mood she was.

Itchy teeth!


Is there any reason for this?

And here, too, their roar was heard.

"The Spear of Eternity, Gunganir!"

"Go, shine in the final gun!"

The battle plunged into extreme and terrifying fever.

Morgan is fighting the god of time and eternity, [Zurwan].

The other party is an ancient god wearing a lion stone mask, and there are snakes on both sides of the mask, which makes Morgan recall the information about this god in surprise, good guy, but really unpopular, not ordinary unpopular.

Let's talk about Tivat.

I remember that there seemed to be a flower spirit with this name.

Flower Spirit [Zuerwan].

Yes, this god in front of him is the prototype of the flower spirit, and if you trace back to the origin, it is this guy.

It's quite a coincidence.

The prototype of the Red King is also here.

Well, not only that, but even the king of Canrea, the one-eyed king [Ilmin], is based on Odin.

People are here, too.

It's amazing.

Even if you don't talk about upside down, one-eyed, and a series of other things, the name [Ilmin] refers to Odin in mythology.

Morgan sighed that the continent of Tivat, where Su Bai was located, was really a hodgepodge.

Of course, these archetypal gods are truly powerful and terrifying. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For example, this [Zurwan], unlike the flower spirit of Tivat, is the secret god who controls eternal calamity, infinity, and fate, and is a branch and possibility of Zoroastrianism.

What ordinary people can think of, the probability is the Zuerwan of FF14 side.

And the strength of this opponent is basically related to the attack of time and space, fate, etc., originally he was proud a few times, and in the cold and merciless fluctuations, there was a blunt voice.

"Although Ru is very troublesome, and he has an extremely amazing weapon, but under the infinity and fate, it will usher in destruction."

"Under the eternal calamity, what can Ru do?"

As a result, when his power was bounced off several times by the blue lotus that suddenly appeared on Morgan's body, his seemingly emotionless and mechanical voice was filled with anger.

I couldn't hold back.

"What the hell is this lotus of yours, disgusting to death!"

"Whether it is that copper coin, or this lotus flower of yours, it is full of the breath of that myth, but the aqua blue divine lotus, what is this ?!!"

Because with Morgan as the center, there is a dream-like sacred lotus phantom guarding her, which looks like aqua blue and brilliant dreamy colors, beautiful and unique.

Morgan smiled.

"Why can't you help me? I'm no longer a crispy skin, this is a secret treasure specially prepared for me by my husband. "

At the beginning, Su Bai was planning a [Chaos Green Lotus] project.

Borrowed from the name of something in mythology.

Its most outstanding feature is that it can give birth to lotus seeds and cultivate other varieties of lotus flowers.

The design he initially gave was the merit golden lotus, the karmic fire red lotus, the black lotus of extinction, and the creation of the green lotus, and then Morgan said, should it be expanded into a seven-element god-made lotus?

So the lotus flower with other elements was added.

What appears on Morgan now is the god-made weapon [Eternal Tribulation Blue Lotus], and the ability of this lotus itself is the ultimate defense, making the user invincible and invincible.

Listen to this to know what doom and time lapse attacks.

It won't work on this lotus.

Completely overwhelmed the god in front of him.

After all, Mo is relatively brittle at all, which makes Su Bai laugh, how come you only have to ask for mercy early in that aspect in addition to defense brittleness?

To Morgan's shame.

Stinky husband, go to death, you know to bully me.

However, she was super moved, in order to make up for her shortcomings, Su Bai equipped her with such a defensive type of divine weapon, so that she can now easily stand here.

There is a battle.

Also, she is armed to the type of teeth.

Now he is holding the God-made weapon [The Stick of the Stars], plus a series of abilities, which makes this god feel extremely troublesome, and Morgan looks at him with a smile.

"~Do you think this is gone?"

The next moment, the divine weapon [the crown of ideals that had been reached] appeared on her head, which was a testimony to being a queen, and a canon appeared in her other hand.

God-made weapon [Eternal Goblin Code].

This is a thing that is a treasure of the world in the fairy world, and it will fall to the level of a god-made weapon outside, but even if it is so, it is enough to make the other party crazy.

In the ensuing battle, Zurhwan let out a roar of anger and corruption.

"Bastard! Why do you have so many powerful weapons? "

"Damn, how can there be a guy like you, enough is enough!"

"Oh? You were very arrogant with power before, why didn't you say it? "

Zurhwan fell into silence and a moment of resignation.

There is that lotus. (Okay)

You can't hurt each other at all.

What else to fight here?



Zeus was punched and flew out, and Luo Hao twisted his neck and made a disdainful sound.

"Is that all?"

"Didn't you still talk about it before, think you deserve it?"

At this time, she is wrapped in golden power light, which is the first powerful Vajra divine skill, which pays attention to a powerful miracle, which is easy to use.

And Zeus, who struggled to get up and roared, had terrible lightning in his hand, crackling.

In mythology, this is the weapon [Thunder] created by the cyclops, which contains great power that is enough to deter the gods!

"I'm going to kill you, slut!"

The surging power of thunder and lightning turned into a sea of thunder that shrouded the world, terrifying and full of supreme divine power.

That represents the mighty power of the God King at a glance.

Under the humiliation, he has become more and more crazy.

Vows to kill Luo Hao!

Looking at such Zeus, Luo Hao looked down at Cai indifferently.

"I originally planned to use that trump card, but it was specially used to deal with you who held the Salvation God Knife, which is no less than my super killer weapon for the return of eternal calamity, but now that it is like this, there is no need to use it."

"Thunder, hehe, in that case, let you see my other powerful power!"

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