Speaking of this, everyone also has an impression.

They chatted cheerfully.

"That's right, there is indeed such a game, I was 20 draws directly out of Hill, happy to die, that is, the big move is a little flashing eyes, light pollution."

"Dog to death! Why am I so crooked! I didn't even draw a special weapon! "

“? What Hill, when the time comes, kill all those who shout Hill, people are called [Xi'er]. I find it easy to get these two names wrong. "

Anna Kushina is a stall hand.

"After playing for a long time, I feel that my mind is full of rules that are used to break, it's too magical, fortunately I chose the heroine, cute pinch."

Others were surprised.

"Ha, isn't it in the name of Landau to forge this aspirations? Or maybe such a big diamond for you? "

"I'll dissipate with the butterfly, Phantom of the Old! Oh, and that help me! Mr. Shvarro! This is even more brainwashing, and it appears at every turn. "

"In fact, the cave is a fantasy, a long dream! This one also has that sense of culture. "

"Why is it that human beings have never hidden their desire to master the starry sky?"

"Hey, how come there is still a Himeko, kick it out!"


This made Tsuchima unconvinced, and it was very forked waist without the "eight six three" language.

"What are you doing, what's wrong with Jizi, isn't it nice to fry chicken, it's just planned to be poisoned, why is Jizi's popular character always persecuted."

Tian Tong Mu even raised the glasses that did not exist.

Made a detective posture.

"Is there a possibility that Himeko actually began to gradually gain some popularity and rise because she died?"

It can only be said slightly.

"Because only when pulling Himeko out to whip the corpse and reminisce about the past, there will be many people whining Himeko is so pitiful, I like Himeko so much, usually not many people say it." In fact, not many people care about Himeko. "

"Like a great applause or not, in fact, Himeko's fan base is not very large."

Tsuchima was speechless for a while.

But she still doesn't overdo it.

"I disagree with this statement!! Anyway, I just like Himeko. "

Luo Hao mentioned other aspects.

"Indeed, the star gods in the Star Iron World are all too strong, and some can destroy the universe. In this worldview, Tianli used to be a small soldier. "

"Don't talk about the star god, the envoys below are all capable of burning the galaxy, and if they are benchmarked against the Destruction Maharajah, they are all the stars that start from the combat power of the galaxy annihilation, and the pioneers of the legion under him all the way."

The star gods are all out of the way.

After all, it is a story set in the universe and stars.

Su Bai smiled lightly.

"Yes, so I don't want to encounter a world similar to Star Iron, for now, it is too early, Tivat will be crushed in an instant." In fact, it is more suitable for the world of Honkai III. "

"But even that kind of world is more than one street away from Tivat."

After all, there are everywhere immovable laws and power starters, what pre-civilization and collapse energy, various factors, stigmata, and can also hold the god key of the former civilization for battles and experiments.

That's all built at the core of the former civilized lawyer, which can urge power.

Start high.

To be precise, people stand on the shoulders of giants, not ordinary people to fight, and the quality of each one is very high.

All kinds of messy things.

Like Urandale, that is, Genkiana.

When he was very young, he was hit in the head by flying debris from a height of several kilometers, and then fell directly into the snowy mountain.

Such a situation is not dead.

Normal people have long blossomed, and the kind that dies everywhere.

And later Otto found out that she could fix it slowly.

So Otto saved her, and the only sequelae was the only sequelae.

The hair has changed.

So small, the physical qualities are like this.

The other Kiana was able to jump from a height unharmed.

At that time, people were not even A-class Valkyries.

The Valkyrie of Destiny itself also has armor and Honkai energy, and women are more likely to become the best containers and converters of Honkai energy, and men are.


Again this classic situation.

Tendo Mu smiled even more.

"Yes, oh, it's similar to my gut world, cursed sons are only women, but in many worlds, this is normal, right?"

"There are some women who can use powers, or women can drive mecha, be elves or something, and then suddenly a male protagonist appears, as the only male can also do this kind of thing."

That is, the protagonists of their respective worlds.

So the world where beautiful girls are mainly active is actually quite strange.

Thou Bean spoke up in confusion.

"I remember that Broken Iron also has the theory of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, do they travel through one world after another or how, isn't that also across many worlds and sea of stars?"

Tsuchima shook his head.

"No, it's just a theory, just like Otto was able to discover the tree of imaginary numbers, it is not surprising that people in other worlds have developed hypotheses about the tree of imaginary numbers, but it is clear that they do not have the depth of Otto's research."

They just think that the relationship between the universe and the galaxy is a trunk and a leaf. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But in fact, the tree of imaginary numbers is a multiverse construction.

This is related to the worldview of Star Iron itself, because galaxies and galaxies are full of rich imaginary energy, resulting in blockages.

Only the Star God forces can travel through various regions and travel to other galaxies.

To meet many civilizations.

So their one to open up one [world] after another, essentially refers to going to other galaxies and visiting planets where intelligent civilizations are located.

It's like the train set where the protagonists are.

The first destination is [Arilo VI], which is an ice and snow planet, which is icy and snowy all year round, the cold wind is roaring, the temperature is extremely low, and there is only one city left of human civilization.

It's just that kind of survival.

That's it.

Star Iron itself is a universe, and many forces are constantly moving around this universe, using this world as a stage.

They themselves are a world above the tree of imaginary numbers.

But when it comes to ice and snow civilization, there are also a lot of them, the past Mond, the first Persona belt, the second Persona belt Nordic mythology, this is also a land of ice and snow, and now another one.

It can only be said that it is really related to ice and snow.

You beans suddenly realized.

"Then I understand, in this way, Otto is still very intelligent and scientific research ability."

"But looking back, how these worlds are higher than one, Tivat, then Collapse, and then Star Iron, so Tivat has a long way to go..."

Estes also sighed.

"Of course. After all, Otto held the second god key [One Thousand Worlds and One Multiplication], and was able to observe other worlds, remembering that in that series of worlds, there was Twalin's figure flashing. "

"The Thousand Realms is worthy of being created with the core of the Law of Void, and everything can be observed outside."

"Not to mention that when Tianli came out to suppress travelers, many people called this not the Law of Emptiness, it looks too similar, and even the abilities are highly similar."

Those who don't know thought it was the empty law of the three collapses, and came to Tivat to establish and develop.

But in reality, this may not be equated.

After all, in the collapsed iron, there are also characters such as ducks and ducks, and Himeko.

It is indeed not the same person as those of Honkai III.

It's different individuals.

But the world of Tivat was indeed observed by the other party, and maybe how many worlds can do this kind of thing, especially once it returns to the tree, it ushered in a large map.

Su Bai also mentioned this.

"Speaking of collapse, the ability of the lawyer is also excellent, the upper limit is very high, their power gradually has that sense of conceptual power, very developable, and it is very good if it goes on all the way."

"It's good if you can get it, after all, I don't need it, anyway, getting stronger is equivalent to me becoming stronger, so naturally let you gain strength."

Everyone gave him a blank look.

You goods!

How does it sound like a breath, rich woman, hungry, food or something.

It's amazing to have the ability to share.


And Su Bai also thought, like Tiantong Mu, didn't he choose the Eye of God of Rock and take the road of rock element?

Ask her, she said that she is obsessed.

Just because it was Su Bai as a rock, she also chose a rock by the way, and she really had a good impression of Su Bai since that time, which moved Su Bai and pressed it under her exclamation.

Mu is also too cute. 0.9

As her own woman, it is not bad to make her stronger, compared to the normal rock god, the power of the rock law seems to be good, a little can't remember, the rock law seems to have created a black hole, sunk a whole Mu continent or something.

It's hard to go on and on.

In this alone, it is already much stronger than the rock god.

And that's far from the upper limit.

The words of the rock god itself, like Zhongli has been stuck, and there has been no growth for so many years.

Not to mention building black holes.

The upper limit has been fixed.

"So I'm actually looking forward to it, if only there was a female Su Bai plus group of Honkai three, of course, even I, the group leader, don't know who will be next and how long it will take."

"Then my next plan is to develop my Liyue."

Su Bai said his idea to everyone.

When the time comes, instill the knowledge of the starry sky and cultivate a series of outstanding talents, the college itself is such a role.

Didn't Riveria see Sky City being built before?

In fact, it is the airport port and city prepared to build [Xianzhou], and it will be directly named [Liyue Sky Port] at that time, and the port built first to welcome the future star sea.

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