"In the future, more immortals will emerge in Liyue, and the legend of the immortal family is no longer a legend, but a common and become a part of what everyone is used to, which also provides a support for future plans."

"Among human beings, immortals can also appear, and when the time comes, they will be called [immortal soldiers] and [heavenly generals]."

Hakushu thought thoughtfully.

Is this the name and ~ position of the Thousand Rock Army further after that?

What he actually didn't know was.

Regarding Su Bai's [Immortal Boat] plan, most of them will be immortals Yasha, which are all immortals, and in the previous Liyue and Demon God War, there were many immortals.

Immortals, immortals!

And it can only be counted as an intermediate combat power.

A large number of immortals, nothing unusual.

At that time, the immortal boat is full of immortal Yasha, and it is too monotonous, and many immortals will also emerge on the side of the Liyue people, which will be better.

And this kind of immortal who took the immortal potion [Giant Spirit God] and promoted to an immortal can only be regarded as an ordinary immortal at most.

Immortal Soldier Unit.

It is incomparable to an immortal with small magical powers.

Not to mention those who have great powers, they can sweep a large area of these ordinary immortals, which is not a level at all.

Like Yelan, it is a great god immortal specially cultivated by Su Bai.

But anyway.

This is also an immortal.

As a start and a start, it's already good.

Moreover, Su Bai could see that this potion combined two powers, which would cause the immortal to continue to practice, but because of the power of the giant, it would slow down the cultivation efficiency of the immortal power.

To put it bluntly, the water and soil are not convinced.

After all, it is a giant in Norse mythology.

This is something that the academy needs to continuously improve and make up for in the future.

Immortal [Giant Spirit God] unit, good at power.


Inexplicably, Su Bai felt that a series of places such as carrying heavy loads and building [Liyue Sky Port] were very good, simply good labor, veritable tool immortals.


This is not said bluntly.

After all, at present, whether it is Liyue's own immortal system, or the martial arts path that he spread among the Thousand Rock Army and achieved martial immortals.

All are stronger in terms of comprehensiveness!

And taking the Immortal Family Elixir [Giant Spirit God] still has the possibility of failure.

In this case, let the Qianyan Army first produce a batch of such ordinary immortals.

Those generals are better off letting them break through the Martial Immortals.

As for now, anyway, there are alchemy equipment, many of them are immortal combat power, even if they do not reach the level of immortals, but this is the strength of the equipment.

So Su Bai also looked at Bai Shu.

"Very good, White Art Teacher, this time I will credit you with a great credit, so that you and the Immortal Art can also be exchanged for the later."

"As long as you continue to work hard and contribute, I believe that you can also greatly shorten the time at that time, and continue to become stronger and recover your strength, I am optimistic about your future, come on."

Bai Shu was also very excited.

"Thank you for your generosity, Bai Shu will go all out to overcome a series of difficulties!"

He also didn't expect that in this way, he would be able to speed up the acquisition of the later content of that [Snake Immortal Law], which means that when the time comes for him to become a snake immortal, it will also be advanced, and his immortal life will also be able to recover a lot of strength.

At that time, I will be able to help more people.

After all, he is a pharmacist.

Sacrificing oneself to save others is his vocation, and as a medicine master of Shen Yugu, he is this kind of supreme type that does not see the sufferings of the world.

Not to mention that the people of Liyue are becoming more and more noble and tenacious now.

For those who are kind-hearted, they will become more and more eye-catching.

Therefore, even if Bai Shu knew that it would take a lot of time and energy to create this potion now, he would still continue to work hard.

After Su Bai also toured here, he left.

At home.

"Too Void Phoenix! Phoenix manifestation! "

"Ah, why is it still a white giant chicken, could it be that I am not suitable for cultivating this elemental martial arts? But I obviously feel that the liquid fire energy in my body has been converted a lot, and my strength has greatly improved. "

"I also repaired my body, and now I feel better and better every day, and the evil eye is completely unneeded."

"Obviously, if I continue to cultivate like this, I can indeed cultivate into an immortal, and I can automatically master three small magical powers, and can automatically form a large god power, and there are many other abilities."

"Does this mean that I seem to be a genius in this area?"

Rosalyn fell into deep thought and self-doubt.

At this time, she was on the negative floor of the Liyue House/Mond Master Tower, where there was a huge training ground, which was very convenient for practicing and honing a series of her skills, which made her sigh.

So convenient.

How can there be everything in this house.

It's just that looking at the white giant chicken she released, she was powerless to complain.

Did you realize it wrong?

Can't you call the white giant chicken immortal in the future, right?

That's outrageous too!

Forget it, I'm tired from practicing until now, go up and wash your body.

At this time, she was covered in hot sweat, and her clothes were soaked, revealing her bumpy beauty.

Not a big problem, though.

It's all girls, it doesn't matter.

Only, there is only one man.

This made her embarrassed, she should not meet Su Bai, after all, she is already the thickest at home.

Like Lisa them.

Sometimes with Su Bai, you will see their particularly bold side.

Ling Rosalyn covered her face.

Is this life between lovers?

After coming to the first floor, she wiped the sweat on her head with a towel, and this time Rosalyn heard Lisa's shouting.

"Little cutie, can you come over and help my sister, my sister is stuck in the alchemy machine."

Then Su Bai seemed to pass.

This made her look puzzled.

The alchemy machine is so big, it's impossible to get stuck, right? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What did Sister Lisa do?

As a result, after she finished washing, changed into new clothes, and read the book for a while, she felt that an hour and a half had passed, why were Su Bai and Lisa still in that area?

Could it be that he was repairing that alchemy instrument?

Didn't you say okay, today I want to teach her a new alchemy?

What about people.

Rosalyn wanted to go over and take a look, but Tian Tong Mu next to her touched her with a smile and reminded her friendlyly.

"It's better not to go over."


She was very puzzled, but she still went there, but only halfway through she ran back with a red face and honestly sat back in her original position.

This made Mu more couldn't help but laugh.

"Let you not go, don't listen to me, Lisa is very good at teasing Su Bai, after all, she is Su Bai's wife, and the love in her eyes can be described as rich and will come out."

"Of course, I also love Su Bai, but not so bold."

"That's right. Wait for me and Su Bai to go to Mona's house, it's a witch I recently met who is good at astrology, do you want to meet it? "


"Right. She settled in Mond. "

"Then forget it, I'll continue to study at home."

She is already a little tired today, it's better to stay here, she doesn't want to move, especially when she goes over with Su Bai, she always feels very embarrassed.

As a result, Yimu was still whispering playfully in her ear.

"What's wrong? Still thinking about what you just did? Or you go after Su Bai, in fact, you are also a big beauty, maybe next time you will be there. "

Rosalind's eyes widened in instant in shame.

My face is red!

"Wood, wooden! What are you talking about!!! "

"I never thought about it!"

"Please don't say this again!"

She took the book and hid back in the room, and closed the door, which made Tiantong Mu sigh even more.

"Ah, the wingman failed."

"Forget it, don't bully her, next time." It's so cute. "


Mona's house.

"Hello, is anyone there? Strange, why did I shout several times and there was no sound. "

"Obviously, I made an appointment with Mona before."

"I, I'm in."

Originally, at the door, Tiantong Mu was still puzzled, but a moment later, a weak female voice came through the magic array at the door.

This is still a magic array transmission.

Otherwise, you can't hear it.

"Straight, direct: Come on in. Mu Geng, I, I gave you, to die. "

"Keys? You said it earlier! "

Tian Tong Mu directly took out a key, which was given to her by Mona last time, symbolizing their friendship and coming often when they have time.

So she opened the door and walked in with Su Bai.

In a room full of books, Tiantong Mu found that Mona was lying hungry on the ground, as if she had no strength, which made Mu Geng shake his head for a while, speechless.

"Mona, did you spend your monthly salary again?"

"Didn't you keep a little? Is it true that even Mora who eats is not left? You are more strange than my sister Mito, she at least has money. "

"But she used to starve herself a lot, maybe you'll be very good at that."

"Wait, why did I seem to be like this before?"

"Absolutely, all three of us are weird."

Mona raised her head with difficulty, barely showing a smile.

"That, that, originally I listened to your suggestion, but didn't Liyue launch a series of astrological disks and planetariums, I really don't understand why Liyue suddenly made this."

"Aren't their country better at ancient books and the ore industry? How to get into this aspect. "

"So I found that Liyue is circulating better than the latest version of the astrolabe I used, so."

Tiantong Mu more:.....

Mu looked at his own man behind him in surprise.


It turns out that you are the culprit.

"So can you give me something to eat?"

Mona originally thought that the Mu better sisters would take food to feed herself, after all, it was like this before, but this time she looked at Mu more sighing and walked over.

"Maggie Stusqing, next time if I'm not there, won't you starve to death?"

"Let's give you a warning. So that you will be honest. "


"Woo a

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