On the surface, it seems to be a countdown to cultivation, waste firewood, but it turns out to be a cultivation genius.

There is also a huge amount of chakra.

Kakashi cried enviously, okay?

And the Nine-Tailed Chakra.

There is a demon fox sealed in the body.

On the Master's side, it is Kakashi again, and he is one of the three Shinobi.

What forbidden arts, fairy arts, spiral pills, ordinary people can't learn at all, dream away.

What a hot story of crane tail success through hard work.

Later, you find out, it's blood.

But it was actually Hokage's son who became Hokage.

You tell me this is called a grassroots counterattack?

The real grassroots have already cried and collapsed in the toilet.

It's fun.

He has a characteristic in class, looking at those knowledge headaches, oh don't want to learn, that's not willing to remember at all.

This product is actually not working hard.


It is similar to Kiana, who is unwilling to use her head.

And then behave.

I don't know anything about theory, so I like to be reckless and rely on body memory.

Kiana did the same thing, just recklessly!

And everyone seems to have monsters in their bodies.


Such a comparison, how can it be so fun.

Kiana: "...

I'm not, I don't!

You bean: "Since you said this, did Su Bai, who has seen more of it, say that Boruto turned around and burned?"

Buried in the soil: "Don't ask, ask "five seven zero" is I don't know." "

Connor: "+1. "

Saying this, everyone shook their heads.

Who knows.

After all, it's impossible to pay attention to that thing often.

Isn't that self-deprecation.

So even if something happens later, naturally I don't know.

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): "And speaking of Kiana, I remember that in the later plot, Kiana will be stuffed with the Quiet Gem in her body, which leads to the awakening of the Void Law and the destruction of the world. "

"Since it is still before this time period, you can come to my side at that time and see if I can completely master the core of the void law and start to reverse your fate."

"But now, I'm studying the Immortal Boat and preparing for Liyue's exploration of the Quantum Sea, and I may have to be busy, if you are in a hurry, you can call me directly at that time."

Kiana: "Okay, okay, it's just, Liyue?" Why has the continent of Tivat begun to explore the Quantum Sea? "

She was shocked.

That's outrageous.

It is completely different from the Tivat in my own impression.

How much have I missed!!

Doesn't Tivat stop at the traveler's journey to find relatives and travel to seven countries?

I remember that I arrived at the fourth country [Meru], which was very slow!

If you thank you, you won't be able to reach the winter!

Why is the stride so big now?

And Liyue, to put it bluntly, Liyue belongs to the kind of country that is economically prosperous and rich, but it should not be very technologically developed, right?

It's clear.

Meru, Fontaine, Solstice, Canria's techniques are all more than Liyue.

As a result, Liyue began to take such a big stride, which was terrible.

Is this the group leader.

It is obvious that he, Su Bai, has brought a series of changes.

I don't know what his strength is now.

It should have the power comparable to the demon god.


Do you control the core of the void law, what if it causes a collapse disaster in him, once it brings terrible casualties, it will only make her feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

As a result, after saying those few words, this group leader Su Bai was silent again.

It seems that he should be responsible for quite a lot of things.

Instead, others spoke.

You Bean: "You can trust him, after all, no matter what, even if the gender is different, everyone is still Su Bai." I'm a Vulcan now, but I'm better at fighting. "

You can't handle this anyway.

For her.

It's better to just dry the rack!

Luo Hao: "That's right, isn't it the law of emptiness, I also have a lot of spatial power, and Su Bai's guy is very strong, he is already a primordial person, so you can just look for him at that time." "

"It's good to go to Tivat to play by the way, life is this kind of thing, you just need to relax."

"Don't say it, I'll go to the fight."

Kiana fell silent.

Why do you feel that many of this group are battle freaks?

What's going on with you guys.

And the face says I'm a paramecium?

Oh, there is also a Skaha, good guy, even if she is also Su Bai, I am afraid she likes to fight, right?

After all, the Celtic environment.

You don't fight, are you waiting for someone else to come and take you away?

And the original man.

It really scared Kiana.

Is it the original one I thought?

She looked shocked.

Why did you grow to this point?!!

Tiantong Mugen: "Since there is still time, Kiana, you can come to check in and study other functions, to be honest, I envy you, we Su Bai's cooking skills are not good, but there is a bud clothes next to you." "

Yes, there is not a single line.

Ling Mu complained even more.

What's going on.

As a Tiantong Mugen, even the original one can't cook, Kiana is the same, how can it be so fate.

Kiana: "I see it, then I'll try it, maybe I will draw a powerful ability, I think I have good luck today, maybe I will have a good start!" "

She was a little excited.

Still happy with Goldfinger.

[Ding, group member Kiana signed in successfully, got 80 points, and the tail charging skill"】

Kiana: "Ah this, what use do I want this technique, I don't have a tail, I don't use electricity, it's a collapse energy!" "


Angry fall!

You and I are Padophelis.

Connor: "Ahem, it's mine, after all, I'm a thunder dragon (laughs)." "

So, can you extract a random ability?

Tsuchima: "Hahahaha, no, laughing makes my stomach hurt, Kiana don't cry, we used to smoke, wood and other skills, get used to it, it will be fine." "

Maybe when will you get a power.

Then Luo Hao will be green again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

[Ding, group member Connor signed in successfully, got 30 points, and the skill summoned the storm"]

And Connor's eyes lit up.


This is good, who will be in the group?



Kiana: "Damn, I want this too!" Why did you give me a useless one, it seems that there is a mysterious lottery, is that good? "

As a result, everyone's answer is basically, look too much at the face.

Very pitted?

Don't get your hopes up too much?

Because this thing has no guarantee mechanism, it is really random, and a single pile of useless things in countless worlds is enough to make people's scalps numb.

This made Kiana look silent.


But it doesn't hurt to try it, try to upload some things and techniques, such as their Kaslana family's gun fighting!


Uploading to the group does not spread to the outside.

This behavior, no one should laugh at her filial piety, right?

Anyway, whoever dares to laugh will burst his dog's head!


Ten consecutive draws are enough.

So Kiana began her mysterious lottery, only to see a dinging sound in her head.

【Ding, spending 1600 points successfully, congratulations on obtaining the following items...】

Kiana was silent.


What is this?

[Smelly socks: Note, it's really stinky socks that no one wants.] 】

[Shi Jiyuan green onion: As you can see, this is a wild green onion that grew in the ground thousands of years after humans were petrified...]

[Damaged tableware: Comes from a student of the Far Moon Tea House Cooking Academy, discarded tools. 】

[Compass: A lost item from the God Eater world. 】

Kiana sighed.

Good guy, what are these things, but this compass is Luo Hao's world, right?

Wait a minute.

God Eater?

That's okay.

What else is there [a recipe that even a fool can learn] [a mysterious potion that will make you unlucky all day]

Oh no!

This mysterious draw is outrageous!

And the remaining ones.

[Ground pith: An ore that provides heat and is produced on the planet Arilo 6 and is necessary for the local population to sustain life. 】

[Warm black wire: perfect warmth performance, even in the case of cold weather, will not feel a trace of cold. Note: Belloberg Technology, you deserve it! 】

[Thermodynamic Manuscript: If you want to mine, then join us.] 】

[Cali White Recipe: A well-known drink that is popular in the stars, the uncrowned king of soft drinks! ] Hey, listen, sell to Interstellar Peace for a lot of money! Or use it yourself. 】

Kiana's eyes twitched.

Do you think I haven't played the Honkai Star Dome Railway!

Of the four of these, the first three are all things called [Planet Arilo 6].

But it didn't work for her at all.

That planet is a snow and ice planet that needs to be kept warm and mined.

She Kiana didn't need it.

As for this Cali white formula, hehe, it doesn't match it at all, well, it's all the materials of that world, what kind of exchange leaves, rich saliva, where to find it!!

Can only watch.

The formula that cannot be made is essentially the same as waste paper!


This raffle is a good pit!

It has the feeling that all the ten companies were blue sky and white clouds.


Since there is no guarantee, isn't it more pit than Lao Mi's?

Oh, my God.

It turns out that it is such a happy thing to have a big guarantee?

It's amazing!

After a few more pumps, Kiana's face turned dark, there was no rescue, bury it.

The odds of coming out with something good are too difficult, and now I finally understand what everyone means.

And at this time, they were still talking about something else.

What March Seven room, can see Pam without clothes.

Let Kiana 5.1 see black.

I often don't fit in with you because I'm not perverted enough!

What Wen Fu Rui Ke is addicted to fox girl, good guy, this name is really right, what Furuicon.

As well as shock!

The Goethe boss of Tivat actually opened the hotel to another universe?

Or maybe there is also an 8-year-old child named Timmy there in Xingtie, who saw something called a pigeon from ancient books, but there are no birds underground, and he daydreams every day.

But Timmy in this world, his parents turned out to be alive!

Kiana: ...

Well, this group is full of Su Bai's words, and it feels completely different from a normal chat group.

Is it time for Tivat and Honkai III to fall, you guys, all start talking about the Honkai Star Dome Railway.

Although I don't know where the collapse is.

Even Connor, this guy, chatted very harmoniously.

And at this time, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Because she saw a message.

Liyue Subai (group leader): "Kiana, I will be free soon, you can come over now, come on, as the host, I will take you to play and study the Honkai and the core." "

That's great.

Let yourself see Liyue and Tivat.

Anyway, compared to the three worlds of Honkai, it must be more comfortable in the original god world.

Although she was a little hesitant, she initiated the application.

Soon, her whole person disappeared into St. Freya's Academy.

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