From the very beginning, the scales of victory have been toppled.

What Kiana has to do is to keep getting stronger, getting stronger, and seizing strength, and then the other party will become weaker and weaker, and it will be more and more difficult to dominate her body.

One trade-off.

So Kiana waved her hand vigorously. Clench your hands into fists.

Her eyes full of determination and sharpness were revealed.

"I want to use my will to embrace the future!" Void Lawyer, exit! "

At this moment, her strength continued to increase, and the fluctuations in her body became more and more amazing, and even the Void Law Person's face was shocked and unbelievable, as if she had discovered the reason and found it difficult to accept this fact.

"Nope!! Why, why did Core choose you? "

The two launched a charge and kill again, causing a drama~violent energy vibration.

The explosion is created here.

But this time, Kiana stood there steadily, but it was the Void Lawyer, and it already looked like she was about to die.

Her voice was also much weaker.

"After all, your will is better."

"No, it's several, thank you."

Kiana's words almost congested the brain of the Void Law.

She couldn't sustain herself anymore.

In an instant, it turned into mirror-like fragments, fragmented and constantly turned into nothingness, completely annihilated in it.

The personality of the law of emptiness, defeat!


It was like being by Kiana.

This also made Kiana shake her head.


Your psychological stress is also too low.

For herself, she will not say anything goodbye to a series of words, in the final analysis, only one of the two can survive, which is an absolute mortal enemy and contradiction, so she is a female Su Bai.

Of course there will be no sensationalism.

That's it, that's it.

At this time, she also felt that the power of the core continued to flow to her.

This is the power of the Void Law, the power of the Broken Second Law, and now he is taking back all his power more and more.

Become a complete body.

Without each other, well, I feel a lot more relaxed.


If you succeed, it's time to get out of here.

So in the eyes of the outside world.

It didn't take long for a space door to appear in front of Su Bai.

One with a dirty face.

It was all dust and could not be seen, and the female figure on her body, which was all broken into pieces of paper and strips, jumped out.

It looked as if she was a wild man who didn't know where to pop out.

It's like living alone on some isolated island for a long time.

At this time, even her eyes became sharper and sharper, and then she returned to the joy of that girl.

Cheers for it.

"Su Bai, I succeeded!"

"It has eliminated Celine's consciousness, well, although in essence, she and I belong to forks in different directions, but after all, there can only be one."

"Well, I know, but you should pay attention to your appearance first."


She originally wanted to rush over to share her joy happily, only to find that she couldn't cover her clothes.

She blushed.

He screamed and covered his body.


I almost forgot about this stubble.

Or Su Bai snapped her fingers, and Kiana returned to her original cleanliness, and even her clothes reappeared.

He sighed.

"It's true, after you become an empty lawyer, can't you reconstruct your clothes, the lawyer automatically masters the transfiguration skill, and each set is different, and it is new at every turn."

Kiana scratched her head embarrassedly.

"Then, that, didn't I just gather all my powers, I was worried that if it suddenly became an empty law, it would not bring you any danger and cause collapse here."

"After all, you are Tivat, not my original world."

Tivat, there is no collapse.

If she became the leader of the road party, causing the collapse to flow into this world, then she must not regret death?

The main thing is that this situation is really special.

It's hard to say.

The world of Honkai III has long had Honkai energy.

So Kiana not only did not release her power, but continued to contract.

Su Bai whispered.

"Don't worry, no, as long as I don't go back to the tree, there will be no collapse disaster here, not to mention that I still have a backhand."

"On the contrary, thanks to your blessing, I have completely mastered the power of void law, and I have also synchronized."

"An updated version has begun."

"From the stage of elemental force, we have come to a new stage."

Kiana looked at Su Bai's hand in surprise, and there were seven kinds of light circulating.

It looks weird and gorgeous.

That was the power of the seven elements of Tivat, but now it merged with another force and began to slowly turn into a new energy.

"Hey, isn't the elemental force collapsing?"

"No, to put it more bluntly, the original power of this world of Tivat existed before the First Throne of Fañez came, but it was more brutal and direct at that time."

"Today, elemental power and collapse can be fused into a completely new power, and in that case, it is called"

"[Imaginary number can]."

"Since it is relying on the system on the side of the tree of imaginary numbers, then it is naturally a new imaginary number energy, after all, the collapse energy is also a kind of imaginary number energy."

It can be said that the collapse energy is a kind of imaginary internal energy.

A branch of imaginary numbers.

And Su Bai's elemental force is another force, so when the two are superimposed, it becomes a brand new [imaginary number energy].

Kiana was stunned.

It's still like this.

I'm getting stronger.

But you get stronger.


It turns out that this is the meaning of synchronization, you are waiting for my stable power.

And not the previous incomplete gesture.

So Su Bai also mastered the power of the Void Law at this moment? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What a pervert!

Doesn't this break the only phenomenon of the power of the lawyer?

But Kiana was also very happy.


The stronger the power on your side, the better.

Who doesn't want friends to be stronger.

Not to mention that their relationship is still so close, well, when she thought of what happened just now, she blushed and quickly shook her head, no, what I like is Bud Yi.

Can't mess around.

And Su Bai already has several.

Kiana is a little weak-hearted, why does she feel sorry for Bud Yi.

Illusion it.

Ahem, just as if nothing had happened before.

It shouldn't be like that next time.

But she did feel that the other party was also as Su Bai, and the attraction to the female Su Bai was so great.

The perfect object after all.

No wonder they like it.

This is still his own bud clothes, otherwise I must have a lot of good feelings in this wave of changes and hearts.

So yourself.

Should.. It shouldn't happen the same thing in the future relationship, right?


Be worthy of the bud clothes!


And imaginary number energy also made her complain about it.

It seems that there is indeed no problem, [Honkai: Star Dome Railway] directly uses imaginary number energy.

There is one.

Crossing the collapse, ushering in the feeling of taking a step forward.

From a stage, ushered in the kind of background of a big stage.

For Tivat.

It also seems to be particularly appropriate.

How to say that, the era of elemental power has passed, and now it is the era of collapse energy!


Just kidding.

It can only be said that his side has also ushered in new changes.

Elemental Break!

The next moment, the two appeared here on a mountain.

From this perspective, you can see the prosperous and prosperous Liyue Port, as well as the endless sea and waves below.

Su Bai also looked at Kiana.

"Try your new form, now you are the queen." Queen of the Void. "

"Strange, is it a little too much to see the queen along the way, hehe, forget it, I still don't care about this."

Kiana was stunned for a moment.

"Is that okay? It shouldn't cause anything else, right? "

"Of course not, don't you completely control this power, what you have to do next is to continue to develop and grow, which is equivalent to this power really belongs to you."

"As for the rest, Tivat will be fine."


As the power began to use, Kiana's blue eyes turned into golden pupils, and began to become majestic and sacred, and between the rays, the clothes on her body also instantly switched.

Basic Skill of Lawyer: Dress-up Max!

Compared to the previous kind of dress.

Today, Kiana looks much more gorgeous and powerful, and her clothes are mainly black and white, with some purple areas added in the middle.

On his head he wears a strange black cross-star headdress, which is like two golden flower leaves.

With that slender white hair, he has a particularly proud temperament.

There is a hand with purple energy flowing, which is the power of the collapse energy, which is the hand of the lawyer and a manifestation of cross-dressing.

Behind her.

On one side, there are three strange mysterious spears suspended here, mainly black, white dotted, plus golden light, which is the [Yakong Spear] generated by the transformation of imaginary numbers.

On the other side, at least four golden energy wings emerged from the back.


There is a continuous flow of brilliance, as if forming a cycle.

This adds more to the overall aesthetic.

She also floated gracefully, lying down with her head supported by her hands.

Kiana the Void Lawyer.


Moreover, her appearance did not trigger any fluctuations and other collapse energy reactions, and even she herself seemed to feel the wonderful state of the world of Tivat, and her eyes showed surprise.

Because she has the power of empty law.

Perception of space is her specialty.

This made Su Bai on the side smile.

"Congratulations, then do you want me to say something, celebrate, the queen of emptiness who knows imaginary numbers and transforms inner energy is born." She transcends space, crosses worlds and quantum seas..."

"Stop, stop, don't do this."

Kiana didn't hold back directly, and quickly stopped him.

And fell to the ground.

"That's too embarrassing, don't bother." And how can you say that, obviously you are much fiercer than me, well, there are many monsters in my world, I should be more modest. "

"And, thanks to you this time, isn't it? In the trial, there are not only combat trials, but also cultivation trials, and mood trials, etc., otherwise, how could I master it so smoothly. "

"Whatever, I just provided you with a platform, it was you who crushed the other party with your will, and more of your own efforts, Kiana."

The two boasted of each other for a meal.

As a result, a certain yellow-haired girl in the distance, after seeing Kiana the Law of Emptiness, directly froze and petrified, and the pure heart in her hand also fell to the ground for thousands of years.

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