"Haha, it's just that you yourself are too obvious, generally I don't notice it, this is just the goblin's skill of sensing feelings."

Ying glared at him angrily.

You still laugh!

What a bad man!

Do you know that I just cried like this!


Just know to bully me.

You'll have no girlfriend!


Wait a minute.

This hateful bastard, even has several wives.

It's so unreasonable!


And Su Bai blinked and smiled.

"Otherwise, Ying, I'll send you a gift of reparation, after all, you are really frightened this time, and I can't bear it."

"Remember what I told you in the past, when you reach the strength of the Demon God, I will let you choose one of the two."

"Come on, let you choose one in advance now."

Ying was shocked and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Did you say that the Sun Moon Golden Wheel and Nanming left the Fire Sword?"

Kiana: ...

This name, I want to vomit.

Su Bai, what exactly have you built?

"Yes, these are these two, or else, do you still want to choose me?"

"It's not impossible, come on, be bold and say your choice."

Ying gritted her teeth angrily again.

Dead bastard.

Tease me again!

She blushed angrily and grabbed Su Bai and gave him a blank look.

"Why don't I choose you, you want to be beautiful!"

"Oh, in this case, your mood will be much better, it seems that my purpose has been achieved, and the frightened girl has finally regained her previous vitality."

Before Ying's face could be complicated, she exclaimed.

found that he was directly held in his arms by Su Bai.

She was so flustered that she hurriedly screamed.

"Su Bai, what are you doing!! Let me go! "

As a result, Su Bai ignored her struggle and gently laughed in her ear.

"Didn't you say not to choose me, no way, I had to hope to hold you again in the end, what's wrong, don't even want to satisfy me with such a wish?"

"I'm really sad then."

Hearing the sad voice of this bastard, although it is clear that he deliberately pretended it, Ying is still angry and helpless, you !!


She also stopped struggling.

Let Su Bai hold it.

His face became more and more red, so he had to snuggle up with his head down.

And whispered.

"You bastard! I didn't say I wouldn't choose in the future, obviously it was just my angry words. "

"What do you say? I didn't hear clearly. "

"I didn't say anything!!"

The embarrassed Ying was much louder, indicating that there was nothing.

Damn it.

How can there be such a man.

Kiana and Paimon: ...


Ying, this is being pinched to death.

Didn't save it.

Bury it.

After a while, Ying quickly broke free and blushed and looked to the other side.

"Su, Su Bai, don't think too much. This is the last time you said it, don't come up like this and hold me directly in the future." "

"Or I'll be angry."

"But thank you for your comfort, I do feel much better."

"In the future, don't joke like this, it's really terrible, I can't stand it easily."

So after choosing Nanming to leave the Fire Sword, Ying quickly left here with Paimon.

It was clear that Paimon wanted to eat and drink, but he was dragged away by Ying covering his face.

It looks like running away.

After all, she struggled at first, but then stopped moving, just blushing.

As a result, at this time, Ying found that he could easily split the boulder and destroy the heroism of countless monsters, and in Su Bai's arms, only weakly and weakly leaned on him.

Just like a weak woman, the shy will only bury her head.

Really, really!

It's not like yourself at all!

Lost the dead!

Kiana shook her head.

"Tsundere ruins a lifetime."

"But Su Bai, you are really amazing, even Ying is like this, I have a very good impression of you, I didn't even resist the hug for a long time, and I agreed."

"I was brushed with a lot of favorability by you."

"Or you know best."

"It's okay, after all, the more you look at it, the cuter it is, and it's easy to put it down." Hmm, after all, if you put you in my perspective and think about it from another perspective, will you want to bully Ying? "

"Well, indeed. You're right, the screen is an eye-catching type, which makes people can't help but tease. "

So Kiana substituted Su Bai and came to a judgment.

She will definitely make a move too.

But the cute and loving yellow hairy Ying, who doesn't love it?

Yingmei is indeed very good.

Yan is still very capable of fighting.

"So, it's good to chat with yourself, if you change to another woman, I'm afraid you will already start to dislike it." For example, I don't even let go of Ying. "

"Hahaha, of course I won't dislike you, it's so bad that you helped me such a big favor. I'm grateful to you, Su Bai. "

The opening is empty, Wuhu takes off!

This is much more energetic than the third-generation Valkyrie armor "field pretending white training".

After all, listening to the name, you know what level of this armor is.

Beautiful name.

Practice for nothing!

It's so real.

Not to mention that you will never dislike yourself.

"Oh yes, Su Bai, how does my current level compare with the Heavenly Sense Maintainer?"

"It shouldn't be enough. But it is already very strong, the lawyer is actually a demon god to start, at every turn is the level of the seven gods, and it will not take long to surpass the seven gods, it is incomparable. "

"Huh? yes, what about Wendy. "

Kiana was surprised and said the name.

This is not Wendy, the wind god of Tivat.

It's her Wendy, who collapsed the three worlds, the future Fourth Lawyer, the Wind Law.

And there are famous scenes that have been handed down to the world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Take one-to-three.

Against the Kiana trio, these are the three guys of the future.

And of course Su Bai also knows.

"Wendy, she remembers like that she is trying to create a lawyer, she didn't have time to grow at all, or the Wendy who collapsed was more fierce, cutting the mountain is the same as playing, unhappy is the lawyer level that destroys the world."

"If you throw the dead spots out, you can destroy the world, and that is even more heavyweight."

Not to mention the full nucleus, the law of emptiness, and the one who directly stabilizes the heavenly principle.

Kiana gave him a blank look.

You don't talk nonsense.

So much power + movement.

Not to mention the rock law of making black holes, this performance is also better than heavenly reason.

The world is different, that's it.

As soon as the version is updated, Tianli becomes a soldier.

Like Kiana, their side is mainly a lawyer, it is easy to be found, there is no opportunity for development, after all, they still need to continue to grow.

This is the same as the demon god.

The words of the demon god, decades and a hundred years are nothing, and the little auspicious grass king of five hundred years can give you a very weak feeling.


And what about the five hundred years of lawyers?

The continent of Tivat has flown for you.

After all, the upper limit is different, there are fluctuations in the strength of the lawyers, and the difference in magnitude is also very large.

Some are ordinary lawyers, some are supermodel lawyers.

"I remember that for your world, or the former civilized lawyer behaved better, there are a lot of evil?"

Hearing this, Kiana also thought for a while.

Then shake your head.

"I don't remember exactly, after all, after so many years, probably the black hole of Yanliu, the Yanli burning the continent, and the eroders controlled the nuclear bomb to wash the human city?" Who knows, it can only be said that it is indeed a lot of disasters. "

"Well, in that case, you accept this Eye of the Rock God."


Seeing Su Bai hand over a god's eye, it really killed her.

Why does she want the Eye of God?

It's useless.

"~ This is the Eye of God that I created, allowing you to master the rock element, the rock of Tivat is related to space, just like your attributes, you can fuse the collapse energy with the rock element to become imaginary energy."

The new power fused in this way will make Kiana's strength increase again.

After all, the empty law of a single core.

There are so many that can hit her.

"Then if you can get other powers from the group, or the world of god killers, or somewhere else, you can become stronger and get rid of the restrictions of the regular lawyers."

After all, join a chat group.

It is possible to obtain power from other worlds, which is a veritable power to deny the world from outside the world.



A series of stacked ones is considerable.

Integrate elemental power first to enhance the essence of power.

Power can also be stronger.

"Okay, thank you."

Kiana smiled sweetly, after all, every point of her strength increased, she would be safer and more able to control her destiny in the future.

In the end, it is still the strong who survive.

Then she studied her own strength.

"In the future, you can convert the imaginary internal energy into this new energy, which is really convenient, so if you look at it, the essence of your power is not very high?" Envy. "

"It's okay, my side still has a long way to go, your side is better than mine, all kinds of superposition, stigmata, potions, mecha, Valkyrie armor, God Key, fusion Collapse Beast Factor."

"The names one is made more unique than the other, Brahma, Canisha, Garula, Vishnu."

"What remembers Fu Hua is the Carolus factor."

"Oh, don't blow each other about business, your Li (good, good) month is also developing so rapidly, maybe it depends on you." Let's go, go, go. "

The two laughed as they walked.

Regarding the battle here, it did not cause any damage and tremor in Liyue at all, nor did it let the Qianyan Army lead the team over, nor did it even alarm others.

Because Su Bai shrouded and covered this space.


There was no movement at all, and not a single point was noticed.

And after getting a few of Su Bai's alchemy equipment, Kiana hid her collapse energy, and she can usually use only a part of her strength, such as only one eye turning golden.

Ranger Kiana appears!

After all, for Liyue's style, hidden strength is also a characteristic skill.

Especially the immortal culture.

Old silver coins are a must-have.

What turtle breath, apnea, concealment and so on.

But anyway, go back and talk about it first.

At this moment, Kiana can be described as full of confidence.


It's good to meet many Su Bai from other worlds.

The next moment.

Kiana leaves the world of Tivat.

Honkai III.

St. Freya College Pregnancy.

"Nha Yi, I'm back!"

The weak-hearted Kiana returned to the dormitory, she should not have been away for too long, that is, wandering and playing around, so as not to disappear for too long.

As a result, when she came back, she saw Bud Yi also looking at her dumbfounded.

"Kiana, you appeared out of thin air?"

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