Then Su Bai took back those emotional powers, and Blowing Snow was also surprised.

"It worked! Terrible! Dear, you wait for me. "

She began to close her eyes, sensing the soaring power, containing and absorbing it, and the gem began to transform into a true lawyer core, so that she could be considered a complete lawyer.

Fuyuki still remembers the beginning of his past life, in the early Moon Shadow Chapter's Honkai classroom and in the official setting set.

There is information about gemstones as one of the fragments that split out.

That is, a fragment of the core of the lawyer, which means to conquer gemstones.

The same goes for other gemstones.

It's just that gradually, I directly began to equate the gem and the core.

There is such a taste.

Don't ask.

Ask if you eat a book or what, anyway, I don't know if the snow blows.

And now look at it.

After the qualification of the Gem+ candidate, the true core of the lawyer began to emerge.

Ultra-high density collapse energy has been converging.

The wind, blowing up.

That is the ability to create the ideal fluid.


With the help of this force, the original wind element soared rapidly, and the original power [wind] was directly formed!

Blowing snow, he became the god of the wind.

Then, in turn, she used the Origin Power [Wind] to begin absorbing the power of the core of the Lawyer.

Combine it into one.

This is Su Bai's own path, the most critical ability.

Being able to continuously contain and absorb the corresponding attribute power, strengthen its own origin power, and achieve continuous enhancement is a very amazing and potential path.

Achieve unification.

In this way, the effect of 1+1 is greater than 2 can be formed.

The same goes for the decision to blow snow. 24

It is not centered on the core of the lawyer, but mainly on the origin power!

Under the exercise of her power, the Origin Power grew rapidly, and this speed was very fast, and in the end, it was even as if it was fused, absorbing the power of the core of the lawyer.

So that you get all the original abilities.

This makes Blowing Snow marvel.

Su Bai is really a genius.

First, use the lawyer core to strengthen the origin power, and then in turn let the origin power absorb the lawyer core, so as to achieve perfect control of this power that belongs to you.

And because she is the law of the wind.

There is also no will to collapse.

Therefore, the core of this lawyer is completely her power, and she will not resist anything at all.

After all.

Her own power is completely manipulated by her will.

How could there be any other movement?

Of course, you can use it as you want, just like other human lawyers.

In this way, this wonderful cycle is formed!

Blowing snow, the official strength skyrocketed!

Fengshen + Law, the power in the body has also been updated, becoming the imaginary energy of (elemental force + collapse energy).

Now that her sister is here, it is not easy to make it.

And after perfectly dominating this power, Blowing Snow's body also lit up, and his hair also lit up with a cyan glow that represented the wind, and some strands of hair had been impregnated by the power and directly turned cyan.

Now, it looks like the hair of her sister after the tornado power is activated.

It can only be said.

Worthy of being sisters.

Not only that, the clothes on her body have also changed, becoming a skirt dominated by cyan and white, with a majestic decoration like light armor on her shoulders, and a black dress at the waist of Xiaoman.

It looks sacred and full of the light spirit and freedom of the wind.

And there's a cyan windmill underneath.

There is a white band floating around the neck, scattered on the sides and windy, it is two straps that float with it, and the edges are decorated with gold patterns.

This is different from the original Wind Lawyer decoration, as if the god costume belonging to the blowing snow and the lawyer costume are merged into one.

The white skirt is also long, extending all the way to the lower side of the thighs.

However, this did not hide the beauty of those white long legs, just like Lisa, so two smooth and slender beautiful legs leaked out on the side, which looked very attractive.

This made Chuixue originally want to show himself to Su Bai, share his joy and thank him.

As a result, she let out an exclamation.

Because Su Baiguan smiled.

"It's so beautiful, your legs are also amazing, I'm going to play with my legs for years."

"Huh? Wait a minute. "

So here you can only hear the exclamation and shyness of the blowing snow.

One Punch Man World.

At this time, Chuixue's face was red and walking hand in hand with Su Bai, she had changed back to her original appearance, but she did not expect that after turning into the appearance of wind law, the black silk on her legs was gone.

The result is large white legs.

So it was played with by Su Bai.

Shame died.

She is also biting her lip, well, it seems that the next time the wind changes, the leg still has to be kept, the lawyer is convenient for this, the ability to construct clothes is max, and you can change it as you want.

But here's it.

It's also a big enhancement myself.

"Su Bai, if you do this, you are going to be angry and break your will, is there such a white."

"After all, it is this mechanism, especially if the individual who has fallen into despair and resentment, plus the adaptability to the collapse can be very good, he will be selected as the lawyer."

At the end of the day, it's emotion.

Su Bai on the side of Ketiwat has been dealing with the power of emotions.

Isn't this what professionals meet this profession?

Do you also play with emotions?

Isn't that a coincidence?

"Moreover, it is easier for the lawyer of this era to maintain humanity and restore himself than the lawyer of the previous civilization, unlike the previous one, the pure destruction machine, the true messenger of collapse."

After becoming a lawyer, his personality changed greatly, cold and cruel.

Fulfilling its responsibility to destroy the world, constantly bringing disasters and destruction!

It's like a changed person.

Then once you become a lawyer, you can only kill as soon as possible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is especially evident in the pre-civilization dominated by [reason].

also created Fu Hua, no, she was a fusion warrior [Hua] at that time, which created that sorrow in her heart.

Because there is a one named [Humiyahu], who looks a bit like Himeko.

Rescued her and taught her a series of combat techniques as the leader of the fifth squad of the Fire Moth.

At that time, Fu Hua also joined the squad, designated MSA-209.

The other party serves as her captain.

The woman who was like a rose.

So to speak.

This gave meaning to Fu Hua's life.

But later she became a lawyer, a lawyer of flame, so the first judgment of the fire moth was to destroy her, even if this lawyer did show some normal emotions.

So Fu Hua's mentality collapsed for a while.

That's it, O lawyer.

As for the lawyer of this era, thanks to the original lawyer [Alicia], her sacrifice gave the lawyer of the new age the opportunity to return to humanity and not be controlled by the broken will.

So there's a wonderful picture.

Broken Will: Why, why are all my subordinates a few two-fives!

I can't manage it if I want to.

It was hard to find an opportunity to let the Law of Knowledge appear on Fu Hua's body after Fu Hua was killed, so that the Honkai personality + Hua's body, this combination exploded.

They all beat Lauderdale again.

But what.

The Collapsed Personality was directly rushed by Fu Hua's more than 50,000 years of life and energy.

She felt like Fu Hua.

So as a "Fuhua", what is the task?

Destroy Honkai!

Destroy Honkai fiercely!

Hit me, hit me to death!

Broken Will: ???

Well, that's right.

So there is a funny scene where the lawyer of knowledge uses the power of the lawyer to destroy the collapse all the way.

"Poof, that's right."

Blowing snow also covered her mouth and smiled, and then she also had questions.

"In other words, what is the will of Collapse, anyway, I didn't feel anything, I was knocked off by you, remember the words in the original book, Bud Yi even only needs to use electromagnetic fields, you can avoid being intervened and affected by the will of Collapse."

"This is really faceless."

It's like the group owner being kicked out of the group by the administrator.

Reversed! Reversed!

The group owner directly broke the defense.

Nima, what dog management, does not listen at all!

Is there still heavenly reason for this, 057 Is there still a royal law here?

The most hateful thing is that it kicked me!

Make no mistake!

Classic under grams, right?

Su Bai thought for a moment.

"Collapse will, this thing is different in Honkai II and III, then let's say three, that is, the world where Kiana is now, in the era of the former civilization chasing the fire moth."

"It's a general, non-existent, conceptual thing that people think."

Like a continuous outbreak of disaster, everyone will think that behind this disaster, there is a will to control all this, constantly inflicting disasters on the world.

Intent to destroy the world.

But in fact, it is just a conjecture, in fact, it has not appeared.

It is also impossible to confirm.

In this era, the will to collapse is more obvious, and the lawyer can still truly feel that there is indeed such a thing.

From a floating existence, it became an entity.

"Then it comes to Prometheus, you know the specific image, another similar to a duck duck, in order to make the current generation of lawyers, in order to be the same."

"She threw herself over to Honkai."

It's not an inner ghost, and in fact, it's really doing things for Honkai, as if you've become part of someone's family, and it's really Honkai.

But the order in which the law is affected appears is consistent.

Easy to deal with and handle.

It's like adding a mechanism to the will of Honkai, but Honkai itself still wants to destroy this civilization, and there is destruction everywhere.

Because civilization cannot withstand this embrace.

Well, the enemy is still the enemy.

It is the card playing routine, which has been figured out.

For example, if the second law is the law of emptiness, then the third law must be the law of thunder.

Further on.

The fourth is definitely the wind law!

Therefore, Blowing Snow is able to become the law of the wind so smoothly, but you can't change the gem, because the order has come, and it's time for you to appear in the wind law.

Blowing snow is so suitable for the wind.

The phase is also full.

Like what ice and rock, all in the back.

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