Sometimes she chuckles too.

My mentality is also getting younger and younger, staying with everyone for a long time, there is a feeling of being assimilated, and a good atmosphere is very important.

But the king of trees does like this environment.

The people who live here are very knowledgeable.

Talking with Lisa, talking with Su Bai, discussing with Rosalyn and Muroto Pansy, you can get very valuable ideas, which make her eyes open, her views new, and very interested.


And she had noticed long ago that Muroto Pansy was also from other worlds.

Style and life are different from Tivat and Liyue.

Well, and Tendo Mu is more one ~ world.

But that's not surprising either.

So big a yellow-haired traveler outside, - isn't it also from outside?

Not unusual.

But talking to them, it's really fun.

Who would have thought that Su Bai and his home was such a special place, and the Great Cishu King was also a member of this place, enjoying it, but just peeked at Su Bai and Estes going to the room.

And after a while, the Great Cishu King's face did not change much, but the tips of his ears began to turn a little red.

She first focused on the book, then bit her lip and glanced helplessly in that direction, no way, she left here with the book and went to the upper floor.

It's like running away.


Obviously I used to take it for granted, why do I feel a strange feeling in my heart now?

She came up with the answer.

Although a goddess.

But she is also a woman.

And is the goddess really rare, not necessarily, there is more than one in this room, not to mention that Esders in the past just now is not also a goddess?

After coming to the second floor, Lisa, who was elegantly tasting coffee, was sitting here dignified.

A beauty as peaceful as a rose.

Nice and lazy.

Especially after she stretched a lazy waist, the beautiful curves are at a glance, and the intellectual and sexy witch is the most in line with her.

And after the tree king came, Lisa smiled gracefully.

"Buyer is cute, sit down and sit down, let's read a book together, this is a tea party between ladies."


The Great Cishu King also flew over, and then came to Lisa's side.

But Lisa looked at her so small.

"How about changing back to normal size? You can now switch between the two poses of normal size. "

"Yes, but the larger ones need to consume more energy, and then I have to find Su Bai to charge them, after all, I am actually his power elf."

The Great Compassion Tree King smiled lightly.

There was nothing unhappy about this situation, after all, if it weren't for Su Bai, he would have been gone.

Resurrected by him.

Nor as a slave.

It's a relationship of best friends, so what's not satisfying?

At Lisa's request, King Dacishu also regained his slender and beautiful figure, sat here, and became two beauties reading here.

Anyway, the energy or something, no longer look for Su Bai to charge.

At this time, Lisa also handed her a book.

To the surprise of the Great Cishu King.

"Isn't this one of those books I didn't read?"

"Well, yes, you can take a look now, anyway, it won't affect the relationship between you and him."

"Then let me see if Su Bai is saying that I can only plant trees, and there should be no description such as village aunts and so on."


Lisa couldn't bend down with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, how can the little cutie say this about you."

And the Great Cishu King also looked at this book, called "About the Desert Civilization, Red King Ruins Exploration and Golden Dreamland Research and Records", well, this kind of name is placed in the paper of the Decree Academy, which is a normal length.

It's just that why didn't you see this one in the void?

Didn't Su Bai upload it?

Or is this the equivalent of his diary, so keep it at home?

Then she looked down with doubts.

【Sunny Today】

[I have drilled 16 caves underground and explored many ruins, I Su Bai can't help but wonder, what did the flower god teach the Tree King and the Red King, do you make holes, Meru underground is all caves, extending in all directions, all mines! ] Another day that almost got lost and collapsed. 】

This beginning almost made the tree king Buyel not strained.

Blame me?

I didn't dig much of a hole.

But thinking about it this way, the flower god and the red king really like to dig a series of mines and passages underground, and various mausoleums are also built everywhere, plus so many buildings need to be smelted and ore.

Then you have to dig more.

Well, so that's right.

Looking at the words and complaining below, the Great Cishu King seemed to see Su Bai's gray face and almost buried alive.

Because the cave has fallen into disrepair.

It is normal to collapse after thousands of years of time at every turn.

In addition, later there may be gilded brigades and regiments of theft, robbery holes and the like.

The original structure was destroyed.

So more dangerous.

However, the Great Cishu King looked at it with relish, and from the tone in the book, it seemed that this was Su Bai's feeling when he was very young.


After all, in the past, he was a man, a young man, but now he is very divine, a feeling of a big man and a leader.

So it's also nice to see him like this occasionally.

It's not right either.

Even today's Su Bai likes to bully and tease people, and can only be said to be a little more mature.

Thinking of Su Bai and those women of him, the Great Compassion Tree King quickly shook his head, no, he couldn't think about this!

I'm going to have my ears red again.

Lisa will laugh!

So when he saw Su Bai describe in the book that he was almost buried in a cave, and fiercely complained that Meru could only dig a hole, the Great Mercy Tree King couldn't help but smile happily.

After all, he knew that he was fine now, and it was rare to see him like this.

It's fun.

I want to know a little more. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then she saw Su Bai explore many ruins and finally found the place where the golden dream land.

From the Mausoleum of the Red King, to the Hall of the Epiphany.

Here, King Dacishu found an interesting description.

[I studied the murals and civilization records of the Red King, and in the past there was indeed a fairly large and prosperous civilization, palm and coconut trees everywhere, many rivers, people rafting in boats on the sapphire river, and animals resting on the grass. 】

[It is undeniable that in the early stage, the Red King still brought happiness to the people and was loved by the people, but this record and a series of studies will not be uploaded to the void of the Holy Academy. ] 】


The Great Mercy Tree King was puzzled.


She quickly saw the answer.

Because the knowledge described in the void is different from the mural, the Imperial Council believes that the Red King Mausoleum is a place where the tyrant is buried, even if it is a huge building, just to show that the people below feel small and in awe.

In this way, the means of domesticating desert people.

The king of tyranny, the king of tyranny.

Even a series of praise texts were considered by some mainstream members of the Decree House to be a manifestation of the Red King's penchant for these songs and virtues.

A whitewash of domination.

And Su Bai said that he had just entered school at that time, and there was no need to work against those old pedants, which meant overturning most of the previous historical conclusions, thanklessly, and without any benefit at all.

Influence the time and effort of the study.

And that's a matter of the causal school, he is a primitive school, an academy based on elemental force reaction and alchemy, and earth veinology, there is no need to wade into this muddy water.

After all, the views of the old school involve up and down.

After the debate, the small one will come back to the old one.

Uninteresting, uninteresting very.

He was not a hot-blooded young man for a long time, and he thought he had mastered the truth, so he muttered that he would quarrel with others to a thick neck.

King Daci Tree: ...

At that time, weren't you just this kind of young age?

And Su Bai later went to the [Holy Manifestation Hall], which is where the golden dream land is, and ordinary people can't find the building where it is located at all, because it takes three refining to show its shape.

Inside, there is the throne of Ahmar.

Only those who are chosen are entitled to kneel before the throne.

It's a legend.

Su Bai didn't hang him, what age, still play this.

He directly cracked the three refining practices, entered it, and looked at the golden dreamland, shook his head and left.

The so-called golden dreamland is a journey with no return.

Essentially, the Red King built a server to upload people's consciousness into it, so that there is no hatred and struggle inside, and it can usher in an eternal peaceful habitat.

There will be no more bitter salt water, this is the norm for desert people.

Some will only be delicious sweet springs.

At first, Su Bai felt that this was abandoning the body and ascending mechanically, and then found that this kind of integration of consciousness into dreams was spiritual energy ascension.

And it's scary that inside is the unity of consciousness.

For example, after a person's consciousness enters it, he will merge with the whole inside, and he is no longer him, but a whole, a civilizational integration consciousness.

Collective consciousness.

If you go in, you will be assimilated.

Here, Su Bai said that the Red King may have thought quite well at first, and gradually took a crooked path.

This is not the path that humanity should take.

The unity of consciousness recalls the spherical life Sfia, fearing finite life, thus fusing organic, inorganic and planetary beings into one.

Turned into a monster that constantly merges with other civilizations.

Or Megahex, a mechanical life form that crossed the trials of the underworld of Heim and integrated the planet, is also to expand and forcibly assimilate the planet of other civilizations.

Beautiful name, everyone is one in this way.

Join the glorious evolution.

Human beings are individuals, and the civilization formed by the convergence, although small, can also burst into dazzling brilliance, forcibly united, but it has lost the possibility.

Note, both of the above civilizations were rejected by mankind, assimilation is not advisable, and the scene of the two worlds observed by Su Bai is adopted.

However, this book should only be visible to those close to you, so it doesn't hurt. (Su Bai smiled .jpg)

This frightened the Great Cishu King.

What are Sfia and the mechanical lifeform Megahex, and since then, has Subai been able to observe other worlds?

No way?

He is just a freshman in the Decree Academy.

And the Great Compassion Tree King saw Su Bai's next manuscript, which said that the Golden Dream Land should originally be, a virtual world in which people put their consciousness into it, so that there would be no pain and suffering forever.

Immerse yourself in it.

It's like paradise or paradise.

But it changed its taste, and then it directly overturned and failed, and this vigorous failure was characteristic of the Red King, more than once.

And in the end, this virtual space is essentially an escape.

In other worlds, some scientists of human civilization will only call for the best not to be too addicted to the virtual world, and the future of mankind should be the sea of stars.

Playing this too much will only allow civilization to drown in it.

Not desirable.

In particular, the character of the Red King comes with a rollover buff, and the probability of turning over is extremely high.

So the Great Compassion Tree King saw Su Bai writing here, he still likes the Great Compassion Tree King, doing business down-to-earth, and teaching Meru people to face reality without escaping.

Maybe the world is not beautiful, but you can use your own hands to make the world a better place.

One is to dream, and the other is to face bravely.

Hi, like?!!

The Great Compassion Tree King was startled again.

Oh, I hope it's the normal like I understand.

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